*************************************************************** From: Ray Cas <Ray.Cas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> *************************************************************** Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Geochemistry and Petrology, School of Geosciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia The School of Geosciences, one of the leading geology and geophysics schools in Australia, is seeking to appoint a Lecturer (Level B) or Senior Lecturer (Level C) in the field of Igneous Geochemistry and Petrology, which could include applications in Volcanology. The appointee will already have a strong track record in winning significant competitive research grants and of publications in major international journals. He/she is expected to develop a very strong research program, including winning national competitive grants, and attracting and supervising postgraduate students and postdoctoral research fellows. The appointee will also be required to teach parts of several undergraduate classes in geochemistry, petrology and mineralogy, as a member of a teaching team for each class, and to participate in and lead undergraduate geology field trips and courses. Although research experience with a range of analytical facilities will be considered, experience in the application of synchrotron analytical and imaging facilities will be an advantage. Appointment will be in the salary range of $Australian 72,717 to 83,362 (Lecturer) and 89,078 to 102,712 (Senior Lecturer), commensurate with experience and achievement. The major areas of research in the School of Geosciences are geodynamics, 3-D numerical and analogue modeling of geological and geophysical data sets, potential field and instrumentation geophysics, physical volcanology, applied palaeontology and basin analysis, hydrogeology, ore deposit geology, and palaeobiology. We seek a geochemist to undertake collaborative research and teaching with other staff. Apart from the First Year Co-ordinator, whose principal role is teaching, all staff are research active, hold current research grants and supervise research students. The School therefore has a vibrant academic environment for research and teaching. The School of Geosciences has a state of the art stable isotope facility, an ICP-MS suite with high resolution, laser ablation quadrupole, and flight of time instruments, mineral separation and thin section preparation laboratories, including technicians to service these facilities, a fluid inclusion facility and a high pressure experimental laboratory. We have access to a state of the art electron microsopy imaging facility located next to our school, and the new and only synchrotron in Australia, is located on the Monash University campus. The School of Geosciences is a member of the Victorian Institute of Earth and Planetary Sciences, a collaboration between Monash and Melbourne University geoscience departments through which analytical facilities are shared. Facilities at Melbourne University include a multi-collector ICP-MS, Ar-Ar and fission track dating facilities and a microprobe. All applications should address the selection criteria. Please refer to 'How to Apply for Monash jobs' below. More details about the position description, selection criteria and application process can be downloaded from: http://sssd.adm.monash.edu.au/employ/job.asp?refnumber=A089541&work=full%20time%20(continuing) &staff=academic&faculty=&keyword=&whichpage=1&pagesize=7 Information about the School of Geosciences can also be viewed at: http://www.geosci.monash.edu.au. Enquiries should be made to Professor Ray Cas, Head of School, by email at ray.cas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or telephone: +61 (0)3 9905 4897. Be at the Melbourne IUGG General Assembly Conference in 2011 ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================