Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, October 2008

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Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
Volume 33, Number 10, October 2008

Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
Volume 33, Number 10, October 2008

Dalaffilla (Ethiopia) Satellite data reveals rift axis lavas erupted
in November 2008
Soufriere Hills (Monserrat) Dome collapse and eruption on 28 July,
followed by renewed dome growth
Colima (Mexico) New dome growth during 2007 to November 2008
Garbuna Group (Papua New Guinea) Occasional ash and steam emissions
July to October 2008
Merapi (Indonesia) Lava dome growth with intermittent ash plumes and
rock avalanches
Gamalama (Indonesia) Emissions increase in May 2008
Akan (Japan) Small eruptions on 18 and 28 November cause ashfall on
the snow surface
Long Valley (USA) Comparative calm continues during 2006 into early 2008

Editors: Rick Wunderman, Edward Venzke, Sally Kuhn Sennert, and Yukio Hayakawa
Volunteer Staff: Robert Andrews, Hugh Replogle, Michael Young, Paul
Berger, Jacquelyn Gluck, Stephen Bentley, and Ludmila Eichelberger

13.792°N, 40.55°E; summit elev. 613 m
All times are local (= UTC + 3 hours)

During November 2008, lava extruded from fissures and by 8 November
covered a heavily faulted zone spreading over about 15 km^2 in the
Afar (or Danakil) depression. This eruption is ~ 25 km NW of Erta Ale
volcano, in the Erta Ale volcanic range (figure 1). The range lies
along the axis of the the NW-trending Danakil depression, a hot, arid,
and desolate rift basin with a floor in places ~ 100 m below sea
level. Going NW along the rift from Erta Ale, the named volcanic
centers include Bora Le Ale, Dalaffilla, Alu, and Gada Ale. The
tectonically active area (figure 2) has extremely low population
density and scientists' field reports have yet to emerge. Prior to
this event, there were five eruptive episodes in the region since
1967, three of those since September 2005 (table 1).

Figure 1. Sketch map of the Afar triangle region with highly
simplified tectonics and some of the region's volcanoes indicated as
triangles. The Afar region (shaded) contains the Afar (rift-rift-rift)
triple junction. Continental rifting takes place along the East
African rift (EAR), with the Nubian plate on the W, and the Somalian
plate on the E. The Arabian plate resides on the N. Note Erta Ale
volcano in the N Afar (along the Danakil depression). The volcano
Jebel et Tair (location approximate) is indicated with "JT." Revised
from a map prepared by the USGS.

Figure 2. A schematic map of the Afar indicating key volcanic and
tectonic features including the Erta Ale volcanic range and Jebel at
Tair volcano in the Red Sea. Key patterns: 1) Outcropping continental
basement, 2) Continental rift material, and 3) Oceanic crust formed
during the last 3-4 million years.  Modified from Barberi and Varet

Table 1. A synopsis of known Afar region eruptions since 1967,
including the case at hand, Dalaffilla. Taken from GVP records (CSLP
and SEAN are Smithsonian BGVN predecessors; reports are all on the GVP

   Volcano                    Location         Eruption date      Comment
                              (with respect    or date range
                               to Erta Ale)

   Erta Ale(Ethiopia)         --                1967-present
Active lava lake(s) ongoing

through present [eg. CSLP

22-71, BGVN 33:06]
   Ardoukôba(Djbouti)         300 km SE        07-14 Nov 1978
Ardoukôba (Asal rift) produced

small cinder cone and lava

flows on rift floor [SEAN

03:11, 03:12]
   Dabbahu(Ethiopia)          113 km SE        Sep 2005
Short-lived explosive eruption

with apparent dome in the

deep portion of the elongate

crater (Also see Wright and

others, 2006) [BGVN 30:09]
   Manda Hararo (Ethiopia)    160 km S         12 Aug-Sep 2007    Lava
flows, numerous small

spatter and scoria cones;

occasional flames. Recent

fault movement. Located in

the Karbahi graben between

the settlements of Semera

and Teru [BGVN 32:07]
   Jebel at Tair(Yemen)       250 km NNE       30 Sep 2007-       An
explosive and effusive
                                               01 Jan 2008
eruption of lava on

inhabited island in the

S-central Red Sea

(evacuation and fatalities)

[BGVN 32:10, 32:04]

   Dalaffilla(Ethiopia)       25 km NW         03 Nov 2008        This
is the first BGVN report
either Dalaffilla or

adjacent Alu volcanoes

(mainly satellite data

available thus far in late

November 2008).

The conical summit of Dalafilla (which means "cut neck" in the Afar
language) lies about 6 km SE of the center of the elongated summit
horst of Alu (figure 3). The current eruption took place from vents
between these two rift-axis centers, both of which have extensive
vents, fissures, and faults trending along the rift axis.
Determination of the provenance of flank vents can be problematical in
a rift setting such as this that displays adjacent, but slightly
offset elongated, rift-parallel volcanism. Preliminary analysis of
satellite imagery suggests that the lava flows originated from
fissures or vents extending downslope from the sides of the Dalafilla
volcanic center.

Figure 3. Geological map (1972) of a portion of the Erta Ale Volcanic
Range (Danakil Depression - Ethopia) showing the relative locations of
volcanoes Alu, Dalaffilla, and Bora Le Ale. The new deposits are most
extensive in an area E to SE of Alu, along the axial trend that
corresponds with Dalaffilla. N is to the top; the original map was at
a scale of 1 to approximately 100,000. In the colored version of this
map, orange and brighter purple colors represent silicic rocks and
darker purple and blue colors represent basaltic rocks. From Barbari
and Varet (1972).

Thermal radiance remained significant into at least early December.
Available news reports claimed the area of new lavas as 20-fold larger
than they turned out to be, casting doubt on their other descriptions
of the eruption. Still, the plume reached 13-16 km altitude and
delivered ~ 10,000-20,000 metric tons of SO2 into the atmosphere.

Geolocation errors. During the early phases of this eruption, while
attempting to determine the source volcano, it became apparent that
the GVP coordinates for Alu were displaced towards the E in the area
with the new flows. Inaccurate volcano locations can result from
older, imprecise, base maps, especially in remote areas. They may also
be caused by the lack of a global datum, even when precise maps are
available. More recent satellite imagery and mapping techniques are
gradually improving the situation, and the location for Alu has been
corrected (see figure 7 below).

Eruptive activity. Charles Holliday found Meteosat-9 infrared (IR)
satellite data to constrain the eruption's start on 3 November 2008.
He went on to estimate the plume's maximum height, which first
occurred about one hour after any cloud was first visible. He had
images every 15 minutes and found no sign of an eruption cloud as late
as 1245 UTC (0945 local time). This was followed by a small initial
cloud appearing at 1300 UTC, which then grew to larger clouds blowing
E. Looking at the Meteosat-7 IR data, Holliday found the eruption at
around 1350 UTC.

Holliday determined the sequence of coldest pixels (table 2). He found
the coldest pixel of the set in an image representing Meteosat-9 at
1350 UTC, about -73°C, and by comparing an atmospheric sounding made
over Abha, Saudi Arabia inferred a maximum plume height of 15.7 km.
The coldest pixel, -64°C, was in a Meteosat-7 IR image from 1350 UTC.
Comparison with the same OEAB sounding as above obtained a maximum
plume height 13.5 km.

Table 2. Times and coldest pixels related to the Dalaffila eruption
seen in Meteosat-9 IR satellite data on 3 November 2008. The last two
rows include ancillary data and results used to describe the coldest
pixels on the Meteosat-9 and -7 IR data. The data were used to
estimate the maximum cloud height (reached around 1400 UTC). The
Meteosat-7 IR data for other times was not available but the one entry
(at 1350 UTC) was described as the coldest. Courtesy of Charles

   Time (UTC)       Coldest pixel from IR
   on 3 Nov      image Meteosat-9 (Meteosat-7)

   1300              -66°C (-)
   1315              -73°C (-)
   1330              -71°C (-)
   1345              -71°C (@1350 UTC, -64°C)
   1400              -73°C (-)
   1415              -73°C (-)
   1430              -71°C (-)

   Atmospheric sounding at 1200 UTC from Rawinsonde station at Abha,
   Saudi Arabia, WMO 41112, OEAB; located ~ 545 km NNE (at 18.24°N,
   42.66°E). Equatorial subpoints (IR resolution):

       Meteosat-7, 57.5°E (5 km)    Meteosat-9, 0° (3 km)

   Conclusion (Plume top estimates):
       Meteosat-9, 15.7 km altitude @ 1315 UTC
       Meteosat-7, 13.5 km altitude @ 1350 UTC

Activity could also be identified in a MODIS (Moderate-resolution
Imaging Spectro-radiometer) image from 4 November (figure 4), a
composite using three of 36 available bands, from orange-red and into
the IR (bands 7-2-1). Although the areas of high thermal flux may lack
detail on this 250-m resolution image, that area lacks the SW-directed
spur seen on some later photos.

Figure 4. The Dalaffilla eruption as it appeared on a MODIS image for
0730 UTC on 4 November 2008. By this time the lava had spread
considerably NW but the spur of lava seen later to the SW was not in
evidence on this image with pixel size of 250 m. The image compiled
bands 7, 2, and 1. Courtesy of NASA.

In a 6 November message Simon Carn noted that in terms of sulfur
dioxide (SO2), the November eruption generated a large cloud. As
detected by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and the Atmospheric
Infrared Sounder (AIRS), the cloud initially drifted E over the
Arabian peninsula. The cloud was clearly linked to the eruption
because MODIS/MODVOLC data from the Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics
and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System confirmed an extensive

A total of 0.1-0.2 Tg (tetragram) of SO2 (1 Tg = 10^12 g = 10^9 kg =
10^6 Tons) was measured in the eruption cloud by OMI at ~ 1100 UTC on
4 November, by which time the SO2 cloud had reached S Iran. The cloud
had dissipated and moved east by the next day (figure 5). On 6
November, the plume appeared the same or even stronger than the one
the previous day. But on subsequent days the plumes became much

Figure 5. OMI snapshots of the Dalafilla SO2 plume stretching NE on
4-5 November 2008. During 1050-1054 UTC on 4 November there was a very
dense, broad, and unbroken plume truncated at the image's N margin.
For 5 November during 0956-1137 UTC, an often more diffuse and
segmented plume with greatest density near the Yemen-Saudi Arabian
border. The 2° N-S increments scribed on the margins represent 222
km.Courtesy of Simon Carn and the OMI website.

NASA's Earth Observatory first discussed this phase of the eruption
with reference to a MODIS image captured on 4 November. Owing to an
extensive white plume, the analysts could not make out the lava field,
but they saw widespread haze towards the N (figure 6) that they and
NOAA analysts interpreted as vog (volcanic smog, which results from
volcanic gases such as SO2 mixing with water vapor and oxygen in the
presence of sunlight).

Figure 6. A MODIS image from showing widespread haze to the N of the
Dalaffila eruption site at 0735 UTC on 4 November. At this early phase
of the eruption analysts incorrectly attributed the eruption to Erta
Ale. Courtesy of NOAA/NASA.

Matthew Patrick of the USGS processed and provided a nighttime ASTER
image, taken 8 November 2008 at 1942 UTC, showing the lava flow
between Dalaffilla and Alu volcanoes, and Simon Carn superimposed it
on Google Earth imagery (figure 7). Carn noted that the underlying
pre-eruption Google Earth imagery shows relatively youthful cinder
cones and lava flows in this region.

Figure 7. The pattern of high thermal flux in the Dalaffila area
superimposed on a Google Earth map with the corrected placemark
locations. Courtesy of Matt Patrick and Simon Carn.

Patrick made these preliminary assessments based on 90-m resolution
thermal infrared (TIR) data from 8 November, and on later visible
data. The registration between these data sets was imperfect in the
E-W direction. The lava flow comprised a multi-lobed field from a
fissure or fissure system. Flow direction was transverse to the rift
axis, to the NE. The flow field on 8 November was 9.3 km long by ~ 3.0
km wide, and its surface area was 14.9 km^2.  The flows originated
from NW-trending fissures extending over a distance of 2.7 km.

Patrick later noted that the main channel originated along a fissure
that cut the surface near a prominent older cinder cone. The cone was
visible in the pre-eruption Google Earth imagery. The geologic map by
Barberi and Varet (1970), shows similar NW-SE-trending eruptive
fissures of likely Holocene age (cutting the youngest basalts) in this
same area between Dalafilla and Alu (figure 3).

A second Earth Observatory report featured one ASTER image made before
the eruption, and another several weeks after on 16 November (figure
8). That figure presents one of the better images for inspecting the
upper lava flow field (which appears dark in the image).

Figure 8. Dalaffilla (bottom center) and Alu (ellipse, left center)
volcanoes and the new lava flow field that flowed downslope to the NE.
Courtesy of NASA Earth Observatory.

MODVOLC thermal anomalies. In harmony with the IR data above,
satellite thermal alerts (anomalies) measured by the Hawai'i Institute
of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System swelled.
For years before 3 November 2008 they stood at zero. On 3 November
they rose to 148 pixels. On passes the next day the number of
thermal-alert pixels had dropped and continued to descend (at 0735
UTC, 31 anomalies; at 1040 UTC, 18 anomalies). Thereafter through at
least early December, many days had 1 to 10 thermal alert pixels. On
occasional days, particularly during 5-17 November, as many as 26
appeared. As of early December, the anomalies were still around
several pixels. Spatially, these anomalies typically overlay and
extended beyond the flow field.

References: Barberi, F., and Varet, J., 1970, The Erta Ale volcanic
range (Danakill depression, Northern Afar, Ethiopia): Bull Volc., v.
34, p. 848-917.

Barberi, F., and Varet, J., 1972, Geological map of the Erta Ale
volcanic range (Danakil depression, Northern Afar, Ethiopia): Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) and Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche (Italy), approximate scale, 1:100,000, includes
explanatory text, ISBN 2-222-01521-9.

Barberi, F., and Varet, J., 1975, Volcanological research in Afar
(L.R. Wager Prize Lecture): Bull. Volc., v. 39, no. 2, p. 5-13.

Wright, T.J., Ebinger, C., Biggs, J., Ayele A., Yirgu, G., Keir, D.,
and Stork, A., 2006, Magma-maintained rift segmentation at continental
rupture in the 2005 Afar dyking episode: Nature, v. 442, p. 291-294
(20 July 2006), doi:10.1038/nature04978.

Wood, J., and Guth, A., 2008, East Africa's Great Rift Valley: a
complex rift system: Geology.com (URL:

Geologic Summary. Dalaffilla, also referred to as Gabuli, is a small,
but steep-sided conical stratovolcano that rises 300 m above
surrounding lava fields SE of Alu volcano. This morphology, unusual
for the Erta Ale Range volcanoes, results from the extrusion of
viscous, silicic lava flows with primary slopes up to about 35
degrees. These silicic flows extend primarily to the E; on the W they
are blocked by walls of a horst structure along the crest of the Erta
Ale range. Other basaltic lava flows from regional fissures surround
the 613-m-high volcano. Fumarolic activity occurs in the 100-m-wide
summit crater and has weathered surrounding lava flows.

Information Contacts: Jacques Varet, Geoscience for a Sustainable
Earth, BRGM 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, 45060 Orleans cedex 02, France
(Email: j.varet@xxxxxxx); Charles Holliday, U.S. Air Force Weather
Agency (AFWA)/XOGM, Offutt Air Force Base, NE 68113, USA (Email:
Charles.Holliday@xxxxxxxxxxx); Matthew R. Patrick, Hawaiian Volcano
Observatory (HVO), U.S. Geological Survey, PO Box 51, Hawai'i National
Park, HI 96718, USA (URL: http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/; Email:
hvo-info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Simon Carn, Dept of Geological and
Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University,
1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton, MI 49931, USA (URL:
http://www.volcarno.com/, Email: scarn@xxxxxxx); Hawai'i Institute of
Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, School of
Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), Univ. of Hawai'i, 2525
Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL:
http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu/); Gezahegn Yirgu, Dept of Earth
Sciences, Addis Ababa Uni!
 versity, PO Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Email:
yirgu.g@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); NASA Earth Observatory (URL:

Soufriere Hills
16.72°N, 62.18°W; summit elev. 915 m
All times are local (= UTC - 4 hours)

Our previous report on Soufriere Hills (BGVN 33:04), characterized the
eruptive behavior and monitoring of dome growth during March 2007-May
2008. The current report describes activity from the end of May 2008
through 4 December 2008.

Through the end of May, the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO)
generally reported continued pause in dome growth and low seismicity.
An explosion on 29 May produced an ash plume that rose to an altitude
of ~ 3 km and drifted SW; a pyroclastic flow descended a few hundred
meters to the W. Aerial observation the following day suggested that
the activity originated from the Gages vent. The explosion, which had
no precursory seismicity, was heard in multiple areas to the NW.

Throughout June and the first three weeks of July, the background
activity, while low, indicated continuing unrest. The pause in dome
growth continued, but MVO emphasized that despite the lack of
substantial lava extrusion, the dome remained hot and hazardous.

Mild ash was ejected from the Gages vent on 19 June. The event lasted
for ~ 2 hours, and included several pulses. Due to strong E winds at
low altitudes, the ash plume remained below ~ 1,200 m altitude and
left Old Towne and Olveston untouched.

During mid- and late June, sporadic heavy rainfalls triggered minor
mudflows down the Belham River. Access was accordingly prohibited.
Also, a Maritime Exclusion Zone kept boats away from the island's S

On 21 July, four mild eruptions occurred, typically venting ash or
pyroclastic flows. The previous day there had been a large swarm of
shallow volcano-tectonic earthquakes beneath the volcano and
seismicity proceeded continuously throughout each of the first three
eruptions. The first three eruptions lasted for about 50, 40, and 75
minutes, respectively. The third one generated the largest seismic
signals, the fourth event was much smaller. Volcano-tectonic and
hybrid seismic activity continued for the rest of the week without
significant reduction. Small pyroclastic flows from collapses in the
eroded chute on the dome's SE and E flanks traveled down the Tar River
valley, with the largest reaching to within 500 m of the sea.

All four events generated ash columns rising more than 2 km. The first
two events also generated ash clouds above the upper Tar River valley,
probably caused by small pyroclastic flows. Ash clouds drifted W over
Plymouth and St George's Hill; the source of the ash was probably the
vent at Gages. Light ashfall occurred in parts of Old Towne. Rumbling,
continuous at times, was heard in Salem, Old Towne and Olveston during
each of the first three events. Lightning strikes could also be heard
and sometimes seen. These events were most probably caused by ash
venting from the lava dome, accompanied by small collapses on the E
flank of the dome; however, there was no apparent change in the lava
dome's shape.

After 20-25 July, seismicity increased significantly. On 26 July, a
series of hybrid earthquakes slowly increased in both numbers and
magnitude, eventually reaching about 15 events per hour. Seismicity
decreased for a few hours, then increased again. Hybrid earthquakes
with a few long-period events peaked at a rate of more than one per

On the morning of 27 July, a short series of eruptions occurred. The
first eruption generated a non-energetic ash column that rose ~ 2.5
km; the source of ash could not be seen due to cloud cover, but was
probably the Gages vent. The ash cloud was blown to the W and NW, and
there was ashfall in Plymouth and St George's Hill; pyroclastic flows
were absent. Two other eruptions during the next 45 minutes were much
smaller, with ash clouds below 1.5 km altitude. Seismicity continued
at a slightly reduced level following these eruptions.

28 July dome collapse. On 28 July the seismic signals built up
gradually over a few minutes, signals interpreted as consistent with a
dome collapse rather than an explosion. Seismicity then displayed a
series of sharp peaks consistent with explosive activity, but this
activity stopped within about an hour. Next, there was a partial
collapse on the dome's W side. A few explosions issued from the dome
during the collapse. An infrasound sensor on St Georges Hill, which
records low frequency sound waves, recorded a clear explosion signal
that coincided with the largest peak recorded in the seismic signals.

The collapse generated three pyroclastic flows that traveled down the
flanks. The largest, from the Gages area, split into two and traveled
to Lee's Yard and Plymouth. A pyroclastic flow in Plymouth also split
into two as it diverted around Round Hill, with a pyroclastic surge
traveling over the top of the hill.

The two lobes of this W-traveling pyroclastic flow traveled almost to
the sea, with one reaching the old Police headquarters and the other
reaching the Pentecostal Church and the old Government House. This
pyroclastic flow set fire to trees and vegetation on Gages Mountain,
the lower flank of St George's Hill, and some buildings in Plymouth.

Another pyroclastic flow emerged from the channel created by erosion
on the dome's SE flank. It descended E into the Tar River valley and
traveled as far as the old Montserrat coastline. A much smaller flow
followed a gully cut in volcanic material choking the upper White
River; this flow only reached ~ 2 km or less from the dome.

Post-eruption examination of the deposits found that the pyroclastic
flows at the Tar River appeared to contain significant amounts of old
dome material, which would reflect the partial dome collapse. In
contrast, the pyroclastic flows at both Plymouth and White River
contained mainly juvenile pumice, material thought to have risen some
distance in a plume.

The material collapsed from the dome on the 28th occupied a volume of
~ 200,000-300,000 cubic meters. Satellite radar images indicated that
the vent above Gages wall was enlarged by the explosion to ~ 150 x 60
m, elongated E-W. MVO interpreted the 28 July eruption as caused by
input of new magma, possibly triggered by the partial collapse of
existing dome material.

MVO stated that the 28 July eruption generated a large ash column and
the fallout of airborne pumice in nearby communities. The ash column
reached a maximum altitude of ~ 12 km and drifted primarily NW. While
almost no ash fell on inhabited areas near the volcano, there were
reports of ashfall from St Croix, Puerto Rico, and Guadeloupe.
Satellite sensors indicated the release of at least 2,000-3,000 tons
of sulfur dioxide (table 3). Two minor eruptions on 29 July generated
small ash clouds. During the period of this activity, the Washington
VAAC published numerous advisories for aviation (table 4).

Table 3. Sulfur dioxide emission were almost continuous and appear
here as weekly averages and Minimum/ Maximum values. SO2 values in
tons/day. Courtesy of MVO.

   Dates (2008)     Average SO2    Minimum    Maximum

   31 May-06 Jun       206            --          --
   07 Jun-13 Jun       228           161        294
   14 Jun-20 Jun       254           201        347
   21 Jun-27 Jun       323           256        472
   28 Jun-04 Jul       329           276        440
   05 Jul-11 Jul       339           242        564
   11 Jul-18 Jul       414           243        561
   18 Jul-24 Jul       378           216        794
   25 Jul-01 Aug        --             --          --
   28 Jul           2-3,000 tons SO2 released during the eruption
   01 Aug-08 Aug     1,121           671      2,069
   09 Aug-15 Aug     1,016           364      1,791
   16 Aug-22 Aug     1,122           274      2,033
   23 Aug-29 Aug       466           239        758
                    (3 days)
   30 Aug-05 Sep       --              --          --
   06 Sep-12 Sep     1,422           562      4,599
   13 Sep-19 Sep       989           657      1,217
   20 Sep-26 Sep     1,239            --          --
                    (2 days)
   26 Sep-03 Oct       840           463      1,523
   03 Oct-10 Oct       522           201        968
   10 Oct-17 Oct        --             --          --
   17 Oct-24 Oct       531           277        668
   25 Oct-30 Oct     1,283           689      2,540

Table 4. Washington VAAC advisories as a result of ash plumes from
Soufriere Hills during 21 July 2008-20 October 2008. All reports were
based on GOES-12 satellite source information.

   Date      Time     Altitude    Drift    Remarks

   21 Jul    1145     ~ 1.8 km      W
   21 Jul    1315     ~ 1.8 km      --      Plume to ~ 2 km; 16 km wide.
   21 Jul    1915     ~ 1.8 km    W, S
   22 Jul    0108        --          --      Ongoing emissions
   22 Jul    0708     ~ 1.8 km      W      Intermittent low level ash emissions
   22 Jul    1245     ~ 1.8 km      W      Reduced seismicity
   22 Jul    1845     ~ 1.8 km      W
   27 Jul    1345     ~ 2.4 km      W      Small bursts of venting
gases and ash; seismic
                                             signals increased
   27 Jul    1945     ~ 2.4 km      W      Dome collapse event began
   29 Jul    0415     ~ 12 km       W      Partial dome collapse on
dome's W flank, accompanied
                                             by several explosions
that generated ash plumes.
                                             Highest ash level noted
at about 0340 UTC moving
   29 Jul    0340     ~ 12 km      SE      Weak hotspot in
multi-spectral satellite data
   29 Jul    1215     ~ 7.6 km     NW      Partial dome collapse 0327 UTC
   29 Jul    1815     ~ 7.6 km     NW
   30 Jul    0615     ~ 2.7 km     SW      Low-level emissions
   30 Jul    1215     ~ 2.7 km     NW      Thin low level plume
   30 Jul    2345     ~ 7.6 km      W      Residual ash and ongoing
summit emissions
   20 Oct    1415     ~ 5.5 km     NW      Ash associated with a
pyroclastic flow

Monitoring dome shape and finding new rockfall material. The 6 August
MVO report noted that the only significant change in the past few
months occurred in the area of the Gage's Wall vent. That area was the
source of ash and mild explosive activity in the last few months.
During the first weeks of August seismicity was relatively low.

X-band radar images of the dome (figure 9) taken from different sides
allow comparisons between 9 October 2007 and 1 August 2008. Images
such as these help MVO interpret changes in topography and other
features such as the surface texture of pyroclastic flows. Radar
images provide data not available using optical techniques such as
aerial photography or satellite imagery. For example, this image
illustrates an effect called layover, where topography appears to
lean. The images are also quite sensitive to the moisture content
(affecting conductivity) and roughness of the ground surface (which
scatters the radar energy).

Figure 9. False-color satellite images with 2-3 m resolution showing
Soufriere Hills from the E (left) and W (right) made to compare 9
October 2007 and 1 August 2008. These images used radar (TerraSAR-X, ~
3 cm wavelength) data and provided views of such features as the 28
July 2008 pyroclastic flow deposits. In colored versions of these
images, those 28 July deposits appear as magenta areas (rougher in
2007 than 2008). Similarly, the enlarged Gages Wall vent, which is
best seen in the W view, is cyan-colored (rougher in 2008 than 2007).
The image was made available to MVO thanks to the United Nations'
International Charter, Geoff Wadge, and the German TerraSAR-X
satellite. Courtesy of MVO.

In the radar images color channels represent different points or
intervals of time: red, 9 October 2007; green, 1 August 2008; and
blue, the difference between those two dates. The result is that
yellow areas depict terrain unchanged between those times. Areas of
magenta had rougher surfaces in 2007 than 2008; areas that are cyan
had rougher surfaces in 2008 than in 2007.

A new lava extrusion started from the W side of the lava dome sometime
between the 28 July dome collapse event and 8 August when a new
channel of fresh rockfall material was seen below Gages Wall.

On 14 August the dome's W side was visible and observers noted that
the explosion crater of 28 July was almost filled with new lava and
lava had spilled over the lower and W side of the crater and generated

On 8 August, the Government of Montserrat instituted a new Hazard
Level System, which replaces the Alert Level system. The system
divides the southern two-thirds of the island into six zones, and
includes two Maritime Exclusion Zones. Access into each of the zones
is restricted depending on the Hazard Level assigned (1-5); the
current level has been set at 3.

During the week of 15-22 August, MVO found evidence of increased
growth of the dome's W side. Earthquakes and rockfalls increased.
Rockfalls occurred on the dome's W side in a new channel below Gages
Wall. Ash plumes occasionally generated by the rockfalls were most
noticeable on 16 and 17 August. On 19 August a pyroclastic flow again
descended the Tar River Valley. According to news reports, on 25
August a rainfall-induced pyroclastic flow on the W flank split into
two parts and caused ashfall to the N. The event enlarged and
steepened the rockfall gully below Gages Wall. Lahars likely descended
the Tar River Valley on 29 and 31 August.

On 1 September, a lahar descended the Belham River valley to the NW;
the event lasted ~ 50 minutes. A new vent was observed on the NW part
of the lava dome, a little further N of the Gages vent. Incadescence
was also observed at a scar on the lava dome and in an area N of the
scar. Rockfalls descended the W side of the dome. MVO reported that
seismicity continued at a low level and dome growth continued
throughout September.

During October, slow growth on the W side of the dome was accompanied
by mudflows. As a result of slow and continuous erosion of the lower
part of the dome, occasional rockfalls occurred on both the W side in
the gully over Gages Wall and on the E side in the Tar River Valley.

One notable volcano-tectonic event occurred on 5 October in
coincidence with the arrival of seismic waves from a M 6.6 earthquake
in central Asia. Although the rate of lava extrusion had declined
significantly, thermal imagery captured during an overflight on 8
October revealed that a major E-W oriented fracture in the dome,
aligned with Gages valley and extending vertically over a few tens of
meters, was associated with very elevated temperatures. Several other
very hot areas on the dome were visible as points of incandescence
that night. Also on 8 October, mobile, hot lahars were observed in
Plymouth near the Pentecostal Church. This indicated that the 28 July
pumice flows were still very hot.

Toward the middle of October, activity was low and consisted mainly of
mudflows spurred by tropical storms that evolved to become hurricane
Omar. Strong headward erosion affected the dome's talus slope on the
Tar River side. A large gap developed in the talus, exposing the
dome's core and forming a large vertical cliff.

Between 10-17 October, instrumentation recorded five long-period, five
hybrid, and one volcano-tectonic earthquakes and only two rockfalls.
By the third week of October, activity had increased slightly.
Seismicity for the week consisted of 22 long-period, eight hybrid, and
eight volcano-tectonic earthquakes, and two rockfalls. Incandescence
was again observed from MVO on 17 October. On 20 October, three small
pyroclastic flows descended to the Tar River Valley, generating small
ash clouds that drifted over unpopulated areas to the W and SW. These
pyroclastic flows were probably caused by the slightly increased
seismic activity and continued interaction of the hot dome with water
from the intense rainfall following passage of hurricane Omar. As of
24 October, there was no evidence of ongoing lava extrusion. Through
the end of October, activity was at a low level. MVO recorded only
four rockfalls, two long-period rockfalls, and one volcano-tectonic
event. Several mudflow signa!
 ls were also recorded during periods of heavy rainfall. Limited
observations on 26 October confirmed that a few small pyroclastic
flows traveled ~ 1.5 km E on the Tar River side.

Headward erosion continued along several V-shaped chutes at the base
of the dome on both the dome's Tar River and SE sides. A small
pyroclastic flow descended the Tar River (runout of ~ 1 km) on 27
October; it generated small ash clouds that drifted over unpopulated
areas to the W, and to the SW. On the dome's W flanks, the talus pile
on the Galways side developed a well-incised network of gullies
leading into the White River.

On 2-5 December a series of explosions took place without clear
seismic precursors. The first was the largest; MVO reported that
incandescent blocks were ejected to 1 km from the dome's Gages vent.
Pyroclastic flows began within 15 seconds of the first explosion's
start at 0935 local time. They soon set vegetation and a few buildings
into flames at Plymouth, and some of the fires continued for hours,
one into the next day. The flows appeared devoid of pumice and were
thought to be composed mainly of hot dome material. The event was
judged smaller than the one on 28 July 2008, although the plume rose
to over 10 km. The accompanying ash columns became the path for
lightning strikes. Inhabited areas remained free of ash, which blew W.
As of early December scientists had not assessed the impact of the 2
December events to the dome.

Geologic Summary. The complex, dominantly andesitic Soufriere Hills
volcano occupies the southern half of the island of Montserrat. The
summit area consists primarily of a series of lava domes emplaced
along an ESE-trending zone. English's Crater, a 1-km-wide crater
breached widely to the E, was formed during an eruption about 4000
years ago in which the summit collapsed, producing a large submarine
debris avalanche. Block-and-ash flow and surge deposits associated
with dome growth predominate in flank deposits at Soufriere Hills.
Non-eruptive seismic swarms occurred at 30-year intervals in the 20th
century, but with the exception of a 17th-century eruption that
produced the Castle Peak lava dome, no historical eruptions were
recorded on Montserrat until 1995. Long-term small-to-moderate ash
eruptions beginning in that year were later accompanied by lava-dome
growth and pyroclastic flows that forced evacuation of the southern
half of the island and ultimately destroyed the c!
 apital city of Plymouth, causing major social and economic disruption.

Information Contacts: Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO), Fleming,
Montserrat, West Indies (URL: http://www.mvo.ms/); Washington Volcanic
Ash Advisory Center, Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB), NOAA/NESDIS
E/SP23, NOAA Science Center Room 401, 5200 Auth Rd., Camp Springs, MD
20746, USA (URL: http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/); Caribbean Net News (URL:

19.514°N, 103.62°W; summit elev. 3,850 m

A new episode of lava dome growth in the crater was first observed on
1 February 2007 (BGVN 33:04). During its initial stage
(February-September 2007), the mean effusion rate was about 0.004
m^3/s. The rate of effusion increased significantly in October 2007,
up to 0.033 m^3/s.

 New observations during overflights on 1 August and 8 November 2008
showed a significant increase in the dome volume (figure 10), reaching
~ 1,200,000 m^3. The effusion rate during August-November 2008
increased up to 0.05 m^3/s. By late November, the dome filled more
than 50% of the crater and could be easily seen above the crater rim
(figure 11). This dome growth has been accompanied by 5-10 small
explosions daily without significant variations during two years of
activity (figure 12).

Figure 10. Cumulative volume of dome material extruded at Colima
during January 2007-early November 2008. Courtesy of Colima Volcano
Figure 11. Photo of the dome taken on 21 November 2008 from the top of
Nevado de Colima (6 km N of Volcan de Colima). Courtesy of Colima
Volcano Observatory.

Figure 12. Variations in the number of small explosions (3-day sums)
recorded by a seismic station situated at 1.6 km from the crater.
Courtesy of Colima Volcano Observatory.

Geologic Summary. The Colima volcanic complex is the most prominent
volcanic center of the western Mexican Volcanic Belt. It consists of
two southward-younging volcanoes, Nevado de Colima (the 4320 m high
point of the complex) on the north and the 3850-m-high historically
active Volcan de Colima at the south. A group of cinder cones of
late-Pleistocene age is located on the floor of the Colima graben west
and east of the Colima complex. Volcan de Colima (also known as Volcan
Fuego) is a youthful stratovolcano constructed within a 5-km-wide
caldera, breached to the south, that has been the source of large
debris avalanches. Major slope failures have occurred repeatedly from
both the Nevado and Colima cones, and have produced a thick apron of
debris-avalanche deposits on three sides of the complex. Frequent
historical eruptions date back to the 16th century. Occasional major
explosive eruptions (most recently in 1913) have destroyed the summit
and left a deep, steep-sided crat!
 er that was slowly refilled and then overtopped by lava dome growth.

Information Contacts: Observatorio Vulcanologico de la Universidad de
Colima, Colima, Col., 28045, Mexico (URL: http://www.ucol.mx/volcan/;
Email: ovc@xxxxxxxxxxxx).

Garbuna Group
New Britain, SW Pacific
5.45°S, 150.03°E; summit elev. 564 m
All times are local (= UTC +10 hours)

Weak to moderate seismicity with an ash emission occurred during March
2008 (BGVN 33:02). According to the Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO),
white vapor rose from Garbuna during the first 12 days of July;
however on 13 July, moderate-to-strong emissions of pale-white to
light-gray ash clouds were observed. The ash emissions formed a column
that rose ~ 1 km above the summit area. Seismic activity was generally
very low during the period.

Additional ash emissions occurred on 5 August, accompanied by
incandescent lava ejection, and between 23 September and 1 October.
Ash plumes rose ~ 1.6 km and drifted NW. During 1-4 October, forceful
emissions of dense white plumes from Garbuna were accompanied by
intermittent ash emissions that rose to an altitude of 1.6 km. RVO
reported that occasional weak roaring and rumbling noises were heard
in Garu village, about 9 km NW.

An overflight on 3 October revealed that existing vents at the summit
had increased in size and new vents and fumaroles had appeared in the
E sector of the lava dome. The main vent, which had been located on
the cone's outside flank, had enlarged considerably (more than tripled
in size) and had merged with the November 2005 vent. The original vent
that opened on 17 October 2005 was larger and vigorously fuming. There
was little evidence of juvenile material having been ejected and
surprisingly little eruptive material around the summit; however areas
more than 1 km away from the active vents were cratered, possibly from
lithic bombs. Fumarolic activity in the summit region away from the
currently active vents had ceased.

On 6-10 October the RVO reported that white plumes from Garbuna were
emitted and deep booming noises were occasionally heard. On 7 October,
an explosion produced forceful emissions of dense white vapor.
Seismicity increased to a high level after the explosion. It was
characterized by continuous overlapping tremors that continued for a
while before declining to a low level again. RVO recorded
low-frequency earthquakes on 6 and 8 October. No volcano-tectonic
(high-frequency) earthquakes were recorded with those events.

Geologic Summary. The basaltic-to-dacitic Garbuna volcano group
consists of three volcanic peaks, Krummel, Garbuna, and Welcker. They
are located along a 7-km N-S line above a shield-like foundation at
the southern end of the Willaumez Peninsula. The central and lower
peaks of the centrally located 564-m-high Garbuna volcano contain a
large vegetation-free area that is probably the most extensive thermal
field in Papua New Guinea. A prominent lava dome and blocky lava flow
in the center of thermal area have resisted destruction by thermal
activity, and may be of Holocene age. The 854-m-high Krummel volcano
at the south end of the group contains a summit crater, breached to
the NW. The highest peak of the Garbuna group is 1005-m-high Welcker
volcano, which has fed blocky lava flows that extend to the eastern
coast of the peninsula. The last major eruption from both it and
Garbuna volcanoes took place about 1800 years ago. The first
historical eruption of the complex took plac!
 e at Garbuna in October 2005.

Information Contacts: Herman Patia, Steve Saunders, and Ima Itakarai,
Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO), PO Box 386, Rabaul, Papua New

Java, Indonesia
7.542°S, 110.442°E; summit elev. 2,968 m
All times are local (= UTC + 7 hours)

Our last report on Merapi (BGVN 32:02) described vigorous dome growth
during March-July 2006. The increasingly unstable summit was the scene
of numerous pyroclastic flows, avalanches, and volcanic earthquakes.
According to the Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard
Mitigation (CVGHM), Merapi's long-term dome growth continued at low to
modest levels during the rest of 2006 and early 2007.

Activity in May 2006 included dome growth (figures 13 and 14) and
pyroclastic flows (figure 15). According to CVGHM, as a result of
decreasing activity, the Alert Level was lowered to 3 (on a scale of
1-4) for all areas on 17 July 2006 and to Level 2 on 3 August 2006.
Nearly continuous thermal anomalies were measured by the MODIS/MODVOLC
satellite system during the period 14 May - 5 September 2006, and
small anomalies were noted on 29 November 2006 and 5 January 2006. No
thermal anomalies for Merapi have been measured by MODIS since 5
January 2007. The Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) noted a
plume to 6.1 km altitude drifting NE on 19 March 2007 (table 5).

Figure 13. Incandescent blocks stream down the growing lava dome on 15
May 2006. Courtesy of Discover Indonesia Online (Associated Press

Figure 14. Newly extruded dome lava on the summit of Merapi seen from
the N side on 21 May 2006. Courtesy of Tom Pfeiffer (Volcano

Figure 15. Merapi erupting on 23 May 2006 as seen from Cangkringan,
near Yogyakarta. The image captured a pyroclastic flow. Courtesy of
Discover Indonesia Online.

Table 5. Ash plumes and other events associated with Merapi between 5
July 2006 and 15 November 2008. Distances given under "Other events"
represent maximum distances observed. Plume altitudes through 1 August
2006 were calculated from CVGHM information; subsequent plume
altitudes were reported by the Darwin VAAC. Courtesy of CVGHM, Darwin
VAAC, and various newspaper articles.

   Date                  Plume       Other events

   05 Jul-11 Jul 2006     4 km
   12 Jul-18 Jul 2006     4 km       Lava flows, 2 km SE.
   19 Jul-25 Jul 2006     3.4 km     Daily lava flows, 1.5 km SE.
   26 Jul-01 Aug 2006     3.4 km     Incandescent rock avalanches, 2 km SE.
   02 Aug-04 Aug 2006     6.1 km     Rockfalls, 1 km SE.
   10 Oct 2006            --         Incandescent material, 1 km.
   20 Nov 2006            --         "Hot clouds," 3 km.
   19 Mar 2007            6.1 km
   23 May-29 May 2007     --         Incandescent material and "hot
clouds," 1 km SE.
                                     Ashfall 16 km W.
   09 Aug 2007            4.6 km
   19 May 2008           11.6 km

Geologic Summary. Merapi, one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes,
lies in one of the world's most densely populated areas and dominates
the landscape immediately north of the major city of Yogyakarta.
Merapi is the youngest and southernmost of a volcanic chain extending
NNW to Ungaran volcano. Growth of Old Merapi volcano beginning during
the Pleistocene ended with major edifice collapse perhaps about 2,000
years ago, leaving a large arcuate scarp cutting the eroded older
Batulawang volcano. Subsequently growth of the steep-sided Young
Merapi edifice, its upper part unvegetated due to frequent eruptive
activity, began SW of the earlier collapse scarp. Pyroclastic flows
and lahars accompanying growth and collapse of the steep-sided active
summit lava dome have devastated cultivated lands on the volcano's
western-to-southern flanks and caused many fatalities during
historical time. The volcano is the object of extensive monitoring
efforts by the Merapi Volcano Observatory.

Information Contacts: Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard
Mitigation (CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia
(URL: http://portal.vsi.esdm.go.id/joomla/); Darwin Volcanic Ash
Advisory Centre (VAAC), Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory
Regional Office, PO Box 40050, Casuarina, NT 0811, Australia (URL:
http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac/); Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and
Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and Earth
Science and Technology (SOEST), University of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa
Road, Honolulu, HI (URL: http://hotspot.higp,hawaii.edu); Discover
Indonesia Online (URL: http://www.indahnesia.com/); Tom Pfeiffer,
Volcano Discovery (URL: http://decadevolcano.net/).

Halmahera, Indonesia
0.80°N, 127.33°E; summit elev. 1,715 m

On 11 May 2008, CVGHM reported that emissions from Gamalama had risen
to higher altitudes during the previous two days. On 10 May,
white-to-gray plumes rose to an altitude of 1.8 km and drifted N. On
11 May, white plumes increased throughout the day from 1.7 to 2.2 km
altitude. Based on the visual observations and seismicity, CVGHM
raised the Alert Level and warned residents and tourists not to go
within 2 km of the summit. No thermal anomalies were measured by MODIS
during this time.

Geologic Summary. Gamalama (Peak of Ternate) is a near-conical
stratovolcano that comprises the entire island of Ternate off the
western coast of Halmahera and is one of Indonesia's most active
volcanoes. The island of Ternate was a major regional center in the
Portuguese and Dutch spice trade for several centuries, which
contributed to the thorough documentation of Gamalama's historical
activity. Three cones, progressively younger to the north, form the
summit of Gamalama, which reaches 1715 m. Several maars and vents
define a rift zone, parallel to the Halmahera island arc, that cuts
the volcano. Eruptions, recorded frequently since the 16th century,
typically originated from the summit craters, although flank eruptions
have occurred in 1763, 1770, 1775, and 1962-63.

Information Contacts: Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard
Mitigation (CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia
(URL: http://portal.vsi.esdm.go.id/joomla/).

Hokkaido, Japan
43.384°N, 144.013°E; summit elev. 1,99 m
All times are local (= UTC + 9 hours)

A minor eruption on 21 March 2006 produced minor ashfall around the
summit (BGVN 31:02). This report begins with activity seen at the Akan
volcanic complex (figure 16) on 29 September 2008, which included a
four-minute seismic tremor at Me-Akan, prompting the Japan
Meteorological Agency (JMA) to raise the Alert Level to a "near-crater
warning." The number of earthquakes had increased since 26 September.
A white plume rose less than 100 m above the Me-Akan volcano group,
which is part of the Akan volcanic complex.

Figure 16. A map of Akan with translations for some of the critical
features of interest. Courtesy of JMA.

On 17 October, JMA lowered the Alert Level to normal. Seismic tremor
was no longer detected after 30 September, and seismicity had remained
low after 3 October. On 17 November, JMA again raised the Alert Level
to "near-crater warning" after the seismic network detected tremor
that lasted 171 minutes.

On 18 November the summit was obscured by cloud cover, but web camera
views showed that the snow-covered S slopes had turned black. During
an overflight later that day, JMA scientists noted that the ash
covered an area up to 400 m away from Ponmachineshiri crater on
Me-Akan volcano. Ballistic lithics several tens of centimeters in
diameter were deposited around the crater.

On 28 November Me-Akan erupted again (figures 17 and 18). An ash plume
rose to an altitude of 2 km and drifted N, E, and SE. According to
JMA, ash was deposited on the E flank up to 4 km away from the crater,
and the black ash cover on snow surface appeared wider and thicker
than on 18 November.

Figure 17. Part of the Akan volcanic complex as seen from the air
looking NW at 1134 on 28 November 2008. The snow-covered slopes
contain a distinct darkened area due to the presence of fresh ashfall
(indicated with arrow). The larger plume at right originates from the
96-1 crater in the Ponmachineshiri crater. The smaller steam plume at
left is commonly seen; it comes from a vent on the NW slopes (which
were active in 1996). Courtesy of JMA.

Figure 18. A view of Me-Akan from the S taken at at 1151 on 28
November showing views of steam emissions from both the "96-1 crater"
(crater #1 of 1996) and the number 4 crater. Courtesy of JMA.

Geologic Summary. Akan is a 13 x 24 km, elongated caldera that formed
more than 31,500 years ago immediately SW of Kutcharo caldera. Growth
of four post-caldera stratovolcanoes, three at the SW end of the
caldera and the other at the NE side, has restricted the size of the
caldera lake. The 1-km-wide Nakamachineshiri crater was formed during
a major pumice-and-scoria eruption about 13,500 years ago. Of the
Holocene volcanoes of the Akan volcanic complex, only the Me-Akan
group, east of Lake Akan, has been historically active, producing mild
phreatic eruptions since the beginning of the 19th century. Me-Akan is
composed of 9 overlapping cones. The main cone of Me-Akan proper has a
triple crater at its summit. Historical eruptions at Me-Akan have
consisted of minor phreatic explosions, but four major magmatic
eruptions including pyroclastic flows have occurred during the

Information Contacts: Volcanological Division, Seismological and
Volcanological Department, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), 1-3-4
Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (URL:

Long Valley
California, USA
37.70°N, 118.87°W; summit elev. 3,390 m

The Long Valley Observatory (LVO) of the United States Geological
Survey (USGS) monitors and studies earthquakes, ground deformation,
degassing, and other types of geologic unrest in and around the Long
Valley caldera. The LVO posts hazard status as a color code in one of
four categories: green, yellow, orange, and red (the most serious
response). The Long Valley caldera (figures 19 and 20) is located
along the E side of the Sierra Nevada in east-central California. The
hazard status remained at Green throughout 2007-2008.

Figure 19. Map of Long Valley showing volcanic area just E of the
Sierra Nevada mountain range. Courtesy of the USGS/LVO.

Figure 20. Map of Long Valley caldera showing internal resurgentdome
location. Courtesy of the USGS/LVO.

The broad resurgent dome in the caldera had essentially stopped
inflating in early 1998, then slowly subsided so that by the end of
2006, the center of the resurgent dome was 75-80 cm higher than its
height before the unrest in 1980. Seismic activity during 2006 within
the caldera remained low with earthquakes less than than M < 2.0. The
largest earthquake in the region was an M 4.3 event near Grinnell Lake
in the Sierra Nevada 16 km S of the caldera.
Brief sequences of small (M < 1.7), rapid-fire earthquakes (spasmodic
bursts) beneath Mammoth Mountain occurred on 19 September and 23-24
November 2006.

During 2007, the Long Valley caldera remained comparatively quiet.
Earthquake activity within the immediate confines of the caldera
included minor swarms beneath Mammoth Mountain on 17-26 January and 13
March and a swarm beneath the SE margin of the resurgent dome (2.5 km
WSW of Hot Creek) on 13-15 March . The largest of these swarm
earthquakes was a M 2.1 event on 15 March located ~ 2.5 km WSW of Hot
Creek. Earthquake activity in the Sierra Nevada S of the caldera was
greater than activity within the caldera. The largest earthquake in
the region was a M 4.6 event on 12 June near Lake Dorothy (1.5 km SSW
of Mount Morrison 9 km SSE of the caldera's margin). Aftershocks to
this earthquake persisted through the remainder of June and included ~
27 earthquakes of M > 2. A cluster of small earthquakes occurred on 21
December 2007; the largest was recorded at M 1.7.

On 22 November 2008, three earthquakes large enough to be located by
the automatic earthquake detection system broke the quiescence at Long
Valley and the area south of the volcano. One, magnitude M 1.4, was
located beneath the resurgent dome inside the caldera. The others, M
1.7 and M 1.3, were located to the S in the Sierra Nevada.

Between 25 November and 1 December 2008, 13 minor earthquakes occurred
in the Long Valley area. All were below magnitude 2.0; one was located
N of Round Valley and the rest were S of the caldera in the Sierra

As of November 2008, the carbon dioxide (CO2) flux in the vicinity of
Mammoth Mountain remained high but showed evidence of a gradual
decline since 1995. The relatively high diffuse CO2 gas flux of 50-150
tons/day in the Horseshoe Lake tree-kill area (16.6 km SSE of Long
Valley and 2.67 km SE of Mammoth mountain) has been relatively
constant over the past several years. Sporadic episodes of geysering
in Hot Creek that began May 2006 continued through December 2007, but
at a declining rate.

Geologic Summary: The large 17 x 32 km Long Valley caldera east of the
central Sierra Nevada Range formed as a result of the voluminous
Bishop Tuff eruption about 760,000 years ago. Resurgent doming in the
central part of the caldera occurred shortly afterwards, followed by
rhyolitic eruptions from the caldera moat and the eruption of
rhyodacite from outer ring fracture vents, ending about 50,000 years
ago. During early resurgent doming the caldera was filled with a large
lake that left strandlines on the caldera walls and the resurgent dome
island; the lake eventually drained through the Owens River Gorge. The
caldera remains thermally active, with many hot springs and fumaroles,
and has had significant deformation, seismicity, and other unrest in
recent years. The late-Pleistocene to Holocene Inyo Craters cut the NW
topographic rim of the caldera, and along with Mammoth Mountain on the
SW topographic rim, are west of the structural caldera and are
chemically and tectonical!
 ly distinct from the Long Valley magmatic system.

Information Contacts: Dave Hill, Long Valley Observatory, U.S.
Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Rd., MS 977, Menlo Park, CA 94025,
USA (URL: http://lvo.wr.usgs.gov/).

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