**************************************************************** From: Ed Llewellin <ed.llewellin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> **************************************************************** Dear All, The digest of articles submitted to PubVolc in August 2008 is below. You may prefer to view this digest online, where you can also request reprints of most of the articles: http://www.pubvolc.net/current.php5 You can submit new volcanology articles - yours or other people's - to PubVolc at any time of the month using the online form: http://www.pubvolc.net/input_form.php5 Alternatively, you can save time by importing article references straight from your citation management software using this form: http://www.pubvolc.net/input_data.php5 Best wishes, The PubVolc Team. ****** PubVolc: latest volcanology articles, August 2008 ****** Learn more about PubVolc at: http://www.pubvolc.net/about.php5 Comments and queries to moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx Categories (number of entries): 1. Calderas (1) 2. Effusive volcanism (1) 3. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement (6) 4. Experimental volcanism (1) 5. Explosive volcanism (4) 6. Hydrothermal systems (3) 7. Igneous geochemistry (2) 8. Igneous petrology (3) 9. Instruments and techniques (1) 10. Intra-plate processes (1) 11. Kimberlites (1) 12. Magma migration and fragmentation (2) 13. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies (1) 14. Planetary volcanism (1) 15. Remote sensing of volcanoes (3) 16. Subduction zone processes (1) 17. Volcanic gases (1) 18. Volcanic hazards and risks (4) 19. Volcano monitoring (1) 20. Volcano seismology (3) 21. Volcanoclastic deposits (1) *************** * 1. Calderas * *************** 1.1 Title: The new worldwide collapse caldera database (CCDB): A tool for studying and understanding caldera processes Authors: Geyer, A. and Martí, J. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 334-354, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?oxsavk ************************* * 2. Effusive volcanism * ************************* 2.1 Title: Voluminous lava flows at Oldoinyo Lengai in 2006: chronology of events and insights into the shallow magmatic system Authors: Kervyn, M., Ernst, G., Klaudius, J., Keller, J., Kervyn, F., et al. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 70(9), 1069-1086, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?j895a3 ******************************************** * 3. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement * ******************************************** 3.1 Title: Comment on: Determining magma flow in sills, dykes and laccoliths and their implications for sill emplacement mechanisms by Ken Thomson [Bulletin of Volcanology 70: 183–210] Author: Smallwood, J Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 70(9), 1139-1142, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?7w4hff 3.2 Title: Magnetic fabric, welding texture and strain fabric in the Nuraxi Tuff, Sardinia, Italy Authors: Pioli, L., Lanza, R., Ort, M. and Rosi, M. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 70(9), 1123-1137, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?a3nd34 3.3 Title: A new mode of inner volcano growth: The "flower intrusive structure" Authors: Tibaldi, A and Pasquare, FA Reference: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 271(1-4), 202-208, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?bea6wp 3.4 Title: The influence of variable topography on the depositional behaviour of pyroclastic density currents: The examples of the Upper Pollara eruption (Salina Island, southern Italy) Authors: Sulpizio, R., De Rosa, R. and Donato, P. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 367-385, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?e3ilkf 3.5 Title: Vent area and depositional mechanisms of the Upper Member of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (Campi Flegrei, Italy): new insights from directional fabric through image analysis Authors: Valentini, L., Capaccioni, B., Rossi, P., Scandone, R. and Sarocchi, D. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 70(9), 1087-1101, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?hg3yzs 3.6 Title: Deposition temperature of some PDC deposits from the 1982 eruption of El Chichón volcano (Chiapas, Mexico) inferred from rock-magnetic data Authors: Sulpizio, R., Zanella, E. and Macías, J. L. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175, 494-500, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?xz8jtx ***************************** * 4. Experimental volcanism * ***************************** 4.1 Title: Heterogeneous bubble nucleation and disequilibrium H2O exsolution in Vesuvius K-phonolite melts Author: Larsen, J. F. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 278-288, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?zculus ************************** * 5. Explosive volcanism * ************************** 5.1 Title: Explosive dynamics of violent Strombolian eruptions: The eruption of Paricutin Volcano 1943-1952 (Mexico) Authors: Pioli, L, Erlund, E, Johnson, E, Cashman, K, Wallace, R, et al. Reference: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 271(1-4), 359-368, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?6ezw2p 5.2 Title: Variational coupling of Plinian column models and data: Application to El Chichón volcano Author: Charpentier, I. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 501-508, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?md94bt 5.3 Title: Characterization of shape and terminal velocity of tephra particles erupted during the 2002 eruption of Etna volcano, Italy Authors: Coltelli, M., Miraglia, L. and Scollo, S. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 70(9), 1103-1112, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?nlrar8 5.4 Title: Simulation of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens using the ash-tracking model PUFF Authors: Fero, Julie, Carey, Steven N. and Merrill, John T. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 355-366, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?qg38do *************************** * 6. Hydrothermal systems * *************************** 6.1 Title: Gamma ray spectrometric analysis of hydrothermally altered dacite samples from the PACMANUS hydrothermal field: Implications for the interpretation of gamma ray wireline measurements Author: Bartetzko, A. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 269-277, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?a5lkk9 6.2 Title: Estimating thermal inflow to El Chichón crater lake using the energy-budget, chemical and isotope balance approaches Authors: Taran, Y. and Rouwet, D. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 472-481, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?bdw41u 6.3 Title: Variable morphologic expression of volcanic, tectonic, and hydrothermal processes at six hydrothermal vent fields in the Lau back-arc basin Authors: Ferrini, VL, Tivey, MK, Carbotte, SM, Martinez, F and Roman, C Reference: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9, Q07022, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?qt9v6j *************************** * 7. Igneous geochemistry * *************************** 7.1 Title: Pre-1991 sulfur transfer between mafic injections and dacite magma in the Mt. Pinatubo reservoir Authors: Di Muro, A., Pallister, J., Villemant, B., Newhall, C., Semet, M., et al. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 517-540, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?211o9y 7.2 Title: A 3100-year history of argon isotopic and compositional variation at El Chichón volcano Authors: Jones, D.A., Layer, P.W. and Newberry, R.J. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 427-443, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?olfgeu ************************ * 8. Igneous petrology * ************************ 8.1 Title: Anhydrite in the 1989-1990 lavas and xenoliths from Redoubt Volcano, Alaska Authors: Swanson, S.E. and Kearney, C.S. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 509-516, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?7e3f9q 8.2 Title: Primary igneous anhydrite: Progress since its recognition in the 1982 El Chichón trachyandesite Author: Luhr, J. F. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 394-407, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?81i5w6 8.3 Title: Repeated recharge, assimilation, and hybridization in magmas erupted from El Chichón as recorded by plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts Authors: Andrews, B. J., Gardner, J. E. and Housh, T. B. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175, 415-426, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?g35bnv ********************************* * 9. Instruments and techniques * ********************************* 9.1 Title: Classification of self-potential anomalies on volcanoes and possible interpretations for their subsurface structure Author: Aizawa, K. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 253-268, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?4sp1go ***************************** * 10. Intra-plate processes * ***************************** 10.1 Title: Upper mantle magma storage and transport under a Canarian shield-volcano, Teno, Tenerife (Spain) Authors: Longpré, M.-A., Troll, V. R. and Hansteen, T. H. Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B08203, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?g9l3jg ******************* * 11. Kimberlites * ******************* 11.1 Title: On the welding of pyroclasts from very low-viscosity magmas: Examples from kimberlite volcanoes Authors: Brown, RJ, Buse, B, Sparks, RSJ and Field, M Reference: Journal of Geology, 116(4), 354-374, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?rl4i9q ***************************************** * 12. Magma migration and fragmentation * ***************************************** 12.1 Title: Large vesicles record pathways of degassing at basaltic volcanoes Authors: Polacci, M., Baker, D., Bai, L. and Mancini, L. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 70(9), 1023-1029, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?f5g9ge 12.2 Title: Mechanical erosion of xenoliths by magmatic shear flow Authors: Del Gaudio, P. and Ventura, G. Reference: Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L09302, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?lrszxo ********************************************* * 13. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies * ********************************************* 13.1 Title: Modeling of gas-driven magmatic overturn: Tracking of phenocryst dispersal and gathering during magma mixing Authors: Ruprecht, P., Bergantz, G. and Dufek, J. Reference: Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 9(7), Q07017, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?j8mvet *************************** * 14. Planetary volcanism * *************************** 14.1 Title: Electrical charging of volcanic plumes Authors: James, M.R., Wilson, L., Lane, S.J., Gilbert, J.S., Mather, T.A., et al. Reference: Space Science Reviews, 137(1-4), 399-418, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?1l6d5d *********************************** * 15. Remote sensing of volcanoes * *********************************** 15.1 Title: Long term AVHRR observations of surface radiative flux from El Chichón crater lake (1996-2006) Authors: Galindo, I., Roeder, G. and López, J.P. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 488-493, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?kkx78f 15.2 Title: El Chichon: The genesis of volcanic sulfur dioxide monitoring from space Authors: Krueger, A., Krotkov, N. and Carn, S. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 408-414, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?lx1ky9 15.3 Title: Sea gravity data in the Gulf of Naples. A contribution to delineating the structural pattern of the Phlegraean Volcanic District Authors: Berrino, G., Corrado, G. and Riccardi, U. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 241-252, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?vegxkk ********************************* * 16. Subduction zone processes * ********************************* 16.1 Title: On the origin of El Chichón volcano and subduction of Tehuantepec Ridge: A geodynamical perspective Authors: Manea, M. and Manea, V. C. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 459-471, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?1g3bcy ********************** * 17. Volcanic gases * ********************** 17.1 Title: Mantle source for Oldoinyo Lengai carbonatites: Evidence from helium isotopes in fumarole gases Authors: Teague, A.J., Seward, T.M. and Harrison, D. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 386-390, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?fsavig ********************************** * 18. Volcanic hazards and risks * ********************************** 18.1 Title: Incorporating the eruptive history in a stochastic model for volcanic eruptions Author: Bebbington, M. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 325-333, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?26pm9u 18.2 Title: Hazard map of El Chichón volcano, Chiapas, México: Constraints posed by eruptive history and computer simulations Authors: Macías, J.L., Capra, L., Arce, J.L., Espíndola, J.M., García-Palomo, A., et al. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 444-458, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?advoon 18.3 Title: Tephra fallout models: The effect of different source shapes on isomass maps Authors: Lim, LL, Sweatman, WL, McKibbin, R and Connor, CB Reference: Mathematical Geosciences, 40(2), 147-157, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?nrqny5 18.4 Title: Characteristics, extent and origin of hydrothermal alteration at Mount Rainier Volcano, Cascades Arc, USA: Implications for debris-flow hazards and mineral deposits Authors: John, D. A., Sisson, T. W., Breit, G. N., Rye, R. O. and Vallance, J. W. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 289-314, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?tm4gqf ************************** * 19. Volcano monitoring * ************************** 19.1 Title: Inner structure of La Fossa di Vulcano ( Vulcano Island, southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) revealed by high-resolution electric resistivity tomography coupled with self-potential, temperature, and CO2 diffuse degassing measurements Authors: Revil, A, Finizola, A, Piscitelli, S, Rizzo, E, Ricci, T, et al. Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 113(B7), B07207, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?1e3obr ************************** * 20. Volcano seismology * ************************** 20.1 Title: Analysis of infrasonic and seismic events related to the 1998 Vulcanian eruption at Sakurajima Authors: Morrissey, M., Garces, M., Ishihara, K. and Iguchi, M. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(3), 315-324, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?blvxzc 20.2 Title: Characteristics of isolated hybrid tremor (HBT) during a calm activity period at Aso Volcano Authors: Mori, T., Sudo, Y., Tsutsui, T. and Yoshikawa, S. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 70(9), 1031-1042, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?j78mpg 20.3 Title: Some regularity in the process of re-awakening of andesite and dacite volcanoes: specific features of the 1982 El Chichón volcano, México reactivation Authors: Zobin, V. M. and Jiménez, Z. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 175(4), 482-487, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?p6dagq ******************************* * 21. Volcanoclastic deposits * ******************************* 21.1 Title: Nature and significance of small volume fall deposits at composite volcanoes: Insights from the October 14, 1974 Fuego eruption, Guatemala Authors: Rose, W., Self, S., Murrow, P., Bonadonna, C., Durant, A., et al. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 70(9), 1043-1067, 2008 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?l1vhij ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================