****************************************************************** From: Michael P Poland <mpoland@xxxxxxxx> ****************************************************************** Dear Volcano-L colleagues, The last two months at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, have been an extraordinary time. On June 17, 2007, the ongoing Pu`u `O`o-Kupaianaha eruption paused as a dike intruded the East Rift Zone uprift of Pu`u `O`o, causing about 1 meter of surface extension, a flurry of seismicity, and a small eruption. Lava returned to Pu`u `O`o on July 2, but drained again when a fissure eruption occurred on the east flank of the eruptive cone on the morning of July 21. That fissure continues to erupt to the present day. To explore the causes and consequences of this activity, we encourage submissions to AGU session V39: Mechanisms and consequences of the Father's Day intrusion at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii (session description is below). Presentations need not be restricted to Kilauea, but can also describe the causal mechanisms, emplacement processes, and aftereffects of intrusions at other basaltic volcanoes, which may be helpful for inferring the future course of activity at Kilauea. If you have any questions about the session please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your participation and interest. Aloha, Mike Poland (mpoland@xxxxxxxx) Tim Orr (torr@xxxxxxxx) USGS - Hawaiian Volcano Observatory ------------------------------------------------ V39: Mechanisms and consequences of the Father?s Day intrusion ay Kilauea volcano, Hawaii On the morning of June 17, 2007, seismicity and deformation monitoring indicated that a dike had begun to intrude the upper East Rift Zone of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. Over the following days, the dike propagated in distinct pulses, culminating in a small eruption on June 18/19. The intrusion disrupted the ongoing Pu`u `O`o-Kupaianaha eruption, caused about a meter of widening of the East Rift Zone, and was associated with both deflation of the summit region and collapse at Pu`u `O`o. Numerous different types of geophysical and geological observations characterized the event, making it one of the best imaged examples of dike intrusion. This session will explore the causes, processes, and consequences of the Father's Day intrusion at Kilauea, including propagation of the dike, Kilauea's magma plumbing system, and the impact of the intrusion on Kilauea's mobile south flank. Presentations that focus on intrusive activity at other basaltic volcanoes, especially those that address the mechanics of dike emplacement and post-intrusion effects, are also encouraged. ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================