************************************************************ From: Eliza Calder <ecalder@xxxxxxxxxxx> ************************************************************ Reminder ! Approaching deadlines for IAVCEI 2008 Financial support application: 1 March 2008 Abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2008. In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the following session: Session: 2-m Geophysical and Remote Sensing Techniques in the Study of Plumes and Pyroclastic Currents (in the Volcanoes and Eruptions Symposia) Convenors: Eliza Calder, State University of New York at Buffalo, ecalder@xxxxxxxxxxx Josef Dufek, University of California, dufek@xxxxxxxxxxxx Haraldur Sigurdsson, Rhode Island, haraldur@xxxxxxxxxxx Franck Donnadieu, Clermont-Ferrand, F.Donnadieu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Description: This session will be dedicated to the advancement in the understanding of dynamics of volcanic plumes and pyroclastic currents. The emphasis will be on the use of geophysical and, mainly ground-based, remote sensing techniques to quantify physical parameters from the natural system. For example, several recent modeling efforts of plumes and pyroclastic currents have focused on describing the evolving grain size distributions and particle concentration fields in these heterogeneous and time-dependent flows. Real-time measurements, that can also resolve time-dependent behaviour, have the potential to elucidate some of the fundamental dynamics in these flows such as entrainment rates of ambient air, the relative proportion of suspended-load, and the thermal history of these flows. Direct measurements can then be compared directly to theoretical models and can constrain the macroscopic thermal and momentum exchange between the particle and gas phases in these flows. An important objective of this session will be to bring together communities who work on the physics of plumes and pyroclastic currents in order to exchange expertise and in particular to generate an interest amongst the plume community to apply their techniques where possible to flows where there is still a deficit of information. This session will focus on: - The identification and discussion of measurable parameters that are, or would be, useful in constraining current theoretical or computational modeling - The study of dynamical information from plumes or pyroclastic currents using presently available, new or underused technologies including thermal imaging, gas imaging, mm-wave radar, Doppler radar, photogrammetric methods, seismic and acoustic measurements - New insights on the emplacement mechanisms of deposits obtained through geophysical and remote sensing techniques such as ground penetrating radar and LIDAR measurements - Methods of integration of direct field observation and measurement with model refinement and testing ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================