2008 EGU Vienna - Accessory Minerals Session

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From: Dan Harlov <dharlov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Folks,

        An Accessory Minerals Session will be once again offered at
the 2008 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna,
Austria, April 13 - 18, 2008.

GMPV11  The Multi-Functional Roles of Accessory Minerals in
Metamorphic and Igneous Processes

Accessory minerals can be used for a variety of purposes in
metamorphic and igneous rocks such as measuring general chemical
states in the rock (e.g. fO2) or determining the composition and role
of fluids during metasomatic alteration or partial melting. In
addition, accessory minerals such as zircon, apatite, monazite,
xenotime, allanite, and titanite can be used to date a series of
chemical events in the rock starting, if possible, with the origin of
the mineral itself during the initial crystallization or metamorphic
The goal of this session will be to explore the most recent advances
in how accessory minerals may be utilized to evaluate mineral
stability and equilibria in a rock, the history of chemical or
metasomatic events in the rock, as well as the complexities and
pitfalls of using these minerals to date such events.

       As usual, the theme of the session is a broad one consisting of how
accessory minerals (e.g. magnetite, ilmenite, rutile, titanite,
monazite, xenotime, apatite, and zircon, etc) can be used to
investigate chemical states and metasomatic processes in both
metamorphic and igneous rocks in the crust and upper mantle as well
as how many of these same minerals may be used for dating - both the
original genesis of the rock as well as subsequent metasomatic
events.  In this regard the session welcomes papers on both natural
observation as well as experimental investigations.  In addition the
session is not limited to the Earth, but welcomes studies of
accessory minerals from all terrestrial worlds in the solar system
including meteorites in general and the Moon, Mars, and asteroids in

        More information concerning the 2008 EGU Meeting in Vienna
with respect to the Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and
Volcanology Program can be found on the following web site:


General information on the 2007 EGU Meeting in Vienna can be found at:


The on-line abstract submission deadline is January 14, 2008.

Information on the abstract submission process is available at:


        Should any questions arise as to the suitability of the
topic for an abstract to the session, please feel free to contact
either of us (email addresses are given below).

                         Best regards,

                         Dan Harlov and Fritz Finger

Daniel E. Harlov
Section 4.1 Experimental Geochemistry and Mineral Physics
D-14473 Potsdam   FR Germany

Fritz Finger
FB Geographie, Geologie und Mineralogie
Universität Salzburg
Hellbrunnerstraße 34
A-5020 Salzburg  Austria

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