Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, January 2008

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Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network

Volume 33, Number 1, January 2008



Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network

Volume 33, Number 1, January 2008

Huila (Colombia) Eruptions in February, April, and May 2007; lahars
take out bridges

Turrialba (Costa Rica) Fumarolic increases during August 2007-January 2008

Ubinas (Peru) Continuing ashfall during 2006-2007

Llaima (Chile) Ash plumes observed in May and August 2007; new
eruption beginning 1 January 2008

Krakatau (Indonesia) Repeated minor eruptions during October-November 2007

Etna (Italy) Tall sustained lava fountains, lava flows, and tephra
blanket on 22-24 November 2007

Shiveluch (Kamchatka) Lava-dome growth and block-and-ash flows
continue April-December 2007

Heard (Kerguelen Plateau) Rare thermal anomalies through March 2008
suggest eruptions

Editors: Rick Wunderman, Edward Venzke, and Sally Kuhn Sennert

Volunteer Staff: Robert Andrews, Hugh Replogle, Michael Young, Paul
Berger, Jacquelyn Gluck, Margo Morell, Stephen Bentley, Antonia
Bookbinder, Jeremy Bookbinder, Veronica Bemis, and Ludmila

Nevado del Huila


2.93°N, 76.03°W; summit elev. 5,364 m

All times are local (= UTC - 5 hours)

Nevado del Huila was the scene of elevated seismicity during February
and May 2000 (BGVN 25:05). In 1994, the M 6.4 Paez earthquake
triggered avalanches and lahars along the Paez river, which took many
lives (BGVN 19:05, 19:07). A more recent abstract summarized the
losses from the Paez earthquake as 271 reported deaths, 1,700 people
missing, and more than 32,000 people evacuated during the crisis
(Schuster, 1996). Correa and Pulgarin (2002a, b) wrote reviews of the
volcano's geology, hazards, and related topics.

This report discusses the onset of eruptions during February 2007 and
repeated eruptions during April and May 2007. During the most active
intervals during February and April there were substantial ash plumes,
lahars, earthquake swarms (and some individual earthquakes up to M ~
3), and the growth of fissures, crevasses, and new fumaroles on the
volcano's upper, glacier-covered slopes. During the April eruption
thousands of residents evacuated. This report draws heavily on
material issued by the Instituto Colombiano de Geologia y Mineria
(INGEOMINAS), Observatory Vulcanologico and Sismologico de Popayan.

The andesitic-dacitic edifice (figure 1) is large and elongate (with a
footprint of ~ 170 km^2 ). Located in the Central Cordillera (figure
2), it forms Colombia's highest peak. This area only 3 degrees from
the equator experiences periods of high precipitation. In 1995 its
alpine glaciers covered ~ 13.4 km^2 with an approximate volume of 800
x 10^6 m^3 (Pulgarin and others, 2005).

Figure 1. An aerial photo showing the upper slopes of Nevado del Huila
from the W. The photo was taken at unknown date prior to 2002 when the
volcano was in a non-eruptive state. From N to S the four main peaks
consist of Pico Norte ("N"), Pico la Cresta ("LC"), Pico Central
("C"), and Pico Sur ("S"). Heavy cloud banks such as those in the
foreground are common, adding to the difficulty of monitoring this
remote, high stratovolcano. Taken from Correa and Pulgarin (2002a).

Figure 2. A sketch map showing the three distinct ranges (cordillera)
of the Andes in Colombia, with Nevado del Huila indicated. Between the
Western and Central cordillera, the valley contains the Cauca river
(not shown). It flows N and ultimately joins the Magdalena river (not
shown), traveling ~ 1,350 km beyond its starting point to reach
Northern Colombia. Between the Central and Eastern cordillera, the
valley contains the Magdalena river (not shown). It flows N and
travels  ~ 1,500 km before entering the Caribbean sea at Barranquilla.
After a digital elevation map prepared by the USGS; courtesy of the
International Charter "Space and Major Disasters."

The April 2007 activity impacted not only the immediate vicinity of
the volcano, but also ten's of kilometers to the S, where rivers
carried debris. In order to assess the impact of the lahars,
INGEOMINAS compared calibrated Landsat images from before and after
the 19 February eruption. They found clear visual evidence that the
lahars had discolored the Betania Reservoir, ~ 150 km downstream.

The Simbola joins the Paez river ~ 28 km (straight-line distance) S of
Pico Central (figure 3). Adjacent that intersection sits the town of
Belacazar (figure 4). Another ~ 15 km downstream, the Paez merges into
the Magdalena river, the 6th largest river the world in terms of
sediment yield (~ 690 t / (km^2 ⋅ yr); Restrepo and others, 2005). A
straight-line distance of ~ 50 km downslope from the intersection of
the Paez and Magdalena rivers, the Magdalena enters the Betania

Figure 3. A false-color Landsat TM5 mosaic image showing the Magdalena
river and some of its headwaters (eg. the Paez and Simbola rivers)
that feed from Nevado del Huila (upper left corner). Images are
Landsat-5, 30-m resolution. Left image acquired 7 August 1989. Right
image acquired 2 January 1988.  The annotations include the epicenter
for the Paez earthquake (star) and the Betania Reservoir. On the
colored version, snow is shown by the elongate magenta region around
Huila.Created March 2007 by INGEOMINAS; courtesy of the International
Charter "Space and Major Disasters."

Figure 4. Map indicating the topography and naming conventions on the
Huila edifice and some surrounding regions. The inset shows the
volcano's location at the triangle labeled CVNH. Note epicenter for
the Paez earthquake. This was modified from a larger map in Correa and
Pulgarin (2002a).

Beyond the reservoir, the Magdalena flows NNE; it ultimately reaches
the Carribean Sea at a large delta in N Colombia by the large city of
Barranquilla (figure 2). According to Restrepo and Kjerfve (2000),
"the Magdalena is the largest river discharging directly into the
Caribbean sea [228 km^3 water annually], and it has the highest
sediment yield of any medium-sized or large river along the entire E
coast of South America."

Unrest and 19 February eruption. Since 1994 the volcano has been
monitored by multiple telemetered seismometers with data sent to the
city of Popayan (~ 100 km SSW). Mumucue (2007) pointed out that people
living around the volcano saw the appearance of fumaroles in October

>From 22 November 2006, INGEOMINAS assigned an elevated hazard of Level
II ('Eruption probable in the coming days or weeks'). Some
fracture-related earthquakes took place at depths of 2 km below the
summit. Some of these earthquakes reached MR 1.6-1.9.

A 13 February flight mainly found steam escaping both secondary
craters and fumarole fields on the main crater's margin. The previous
day, observers W of the volcano in Consaca saw steam emissions outside
the crater.

A seismometer recorded an earthquake swarm during 1030-1259 on 18
February. The seismometer, located 2 km S of Pico Central (at station
'Cerro Negro') measured 108 earthquakes interpreted as rock fracture
events in the upper part of the volcano. An M 3 earthquake followed,
and at 0137 on 19 February a new swarm of 53 earthquakes occurred. In
this swarm fracture earthquakes were accompanied by those of longer
period; the amplitude and number of events increased into the next

Seismic records also contained some long-period earthquakes called
tornillos (events with long, gradually decreasing codas or tails, so
that their seismic trace resembles the tapering profile of a wood
screw; tornillo is Spanish for screw). During March 2006-February
2007, instruments had recorded 105 tornillos (an average of 9 per
month). In contrast, during 1-19 February 2007, instruments recorded
20 tornillos, more than double the number usually seen during a full

INGEOMINAS reported two earthquakes on 19 February 2007, at 0830 and
0853, with probable explosive character. Aviation authorities reported
ash-bearing columns over the edifice reaching ~ 0.6-0.7 km above the

A later INGEOMINAS summary of events stated that the eruption began at
0856 on 19 February, manifested as a ~ 1.5 km tall eruption column
blowing mainly W. Ashfall was noted by inhabitants of Toribio, Silvia,
and Paez (in the Department of Cauca). Small mudflows came down the
Bellavista and Azufrada rivers feeding into the Paez river, but
airborne observers found significant fresh deposits at higher
elevations. Authorities advised inhabitants to move to higher ground.
Inhabitants noticed the rise of the Paez river at 1150 on 19 February.

A 20 February flight detected significant fresh ash, abundant
crevasses in the ice, and a steaming fissure near the summit (figure
5). The fissure extended ~ 2 km between Pico Central and Pico la
Cresta to the N. Observers noted that the fissure continually emitted
gases along its entire length. The flight was a collaboration between
INGEOMINAS and IGEFA (Inspeccion General de la Fuerza Aerea).

Figure 5. (a-f) Six aerial photos of Nevado del Huila taken from
multiple angles and distances on 20 February 2007. A) A view with the
Paez river basin in the foreground and with Nevado del Huila steaming
in the background. B) A close up of the SE flank looking NW, showing
dark snow on the W side of the volcano and a thinner coating on the E
side. C) Contrasting ash-free and thickly ash-covered ice at the
N-central side of the summit (Pico Central to the right), with the
elongate fissure emitting steam near the ridgeline. D) Pico Central
seen at comparatively close range from the E side of the mountain,
where a thin coating of ash is apparent over many of the upper slopes.
E) A view looking S across Pico la Cresta slightly off the trend of
the ridge axis, highlighting steam emissions from the fissure, areas
of ash-covered snow, and abundant fresh crevasses in the upslope ice.
F) A photo looking NW at the gray ash deposits on glacial ice of Pico
Central and again illustrating venting steam. Courtesy of the
Colombian Air Force and INGEOMINAS.

A VAAC report noted an eruption at about 1400 UTC on the 19th to
approximately FL 200 (~ 6.1 km altitude) moving W and dissipating
quickly. No ash was seen in satellite imagery the next day at either
0045 or 1100 UTC, however, around this latter time, a pilot observed
an ash cloud. In addition, a local aircraft reported ash to ~ 6.1 km
at 0500 UTC on the 21st.

During 30 March-16 April 2007 INGEOMINAS observers reported the
initiation of noteworthy seismicity indicating rock fractures and
movement of fluids. The fracture events were located at depths of 4-8
km E and SW from the central peak and at magnitudes of less than 1.0.
Low gas columns were again seen on 11 April, moving W.

Seismicity further increased on 17 April, leading up to an eruption on
the 18th. Early on 18 April, a cluster of 25 rock-fracture earthquakes
occurred, M 0.5 to 1.5. These were located at a depth less than 2 km.
Seismicity again increased later that morning.

April 2007 eruption. A brief summary of the 18 April eruption appeared
on the website hosted by the International Charter "Space and Major
Disasters" on 20 April). It stated, "The Nevado del Huila volcano
erupted at 02:57 local time 18 April, causing avalanches and floods
[lahars] which affected the villages of La Plata, Paicol, Tesalia,
Nataga, [and] Belalcazar. About 5,000 people were evacuated." (That
same website hosted more than 10 (Landsat, Radarsat, and Envisat)
images shedding light on this remote volcano's behavior, hazards, and

According to an 18 April 2007 report from the Washington Volcanic Ash
Advisory Center (VAAC), a pilot in Colombia saw an ash cloud. Two ash
plumes were evident on GOES-10 (split window) satellite imagery for an
eruption starting at 0815 UTC on 18 April. They rose to poorly
constrained altitudes of ~ 9 and 11 km and drifted E at 9 km/hour. The
lower ash cloud was ~ 37 km across and moved SW at 9-18 km/hour. The
higher ash cloud was ~ 19 km across and moved E at 0-9 km/hour. These
clouds had dissipated by 1034 UTC.

The 18 April eruption sent an a torrent of brown water and rocks down
the volcano's sides and into the Paez and Simbola rivers (figures 6
and 7), causing them to flood, destroying several kilometers of
highway and endangering or sweeping away what some government reports
stated were 15 bridges (although it is uncertain how many of those
were footbridges, and new reports tended to indicate a slightly higher
numbers). In an evaluation the lahars of 18 April, INGEOMINAS staff
found them quite similar, though smaller, than those of the earthquake
and disaster of 1994.

Figure 6. Photo from hillside overlooking the confluence of the Paez
and Simbola rivers, viewed upstream towards Nevado del Huila. One of
the battered and partly lahar-covered bridges lies in the
left-foreground. Photo was taken 25 April 2007 and came from Mumucue

Figure 7. An aerial photo of part of the Huila lahar shot in
sub-vertical orientation on 22 April 2007. Name and location of this
settlement is uncertain. Lahars were apparently insufficiently thick
to overrun established settlements. Courtesy of INGEOMINAS.

Videos. At least three videos taken chiefly from Colombian military or
national guard helicopters were posted on the web during April-May
2007 (see Videos, under References). They featured either the volcano
or the powerful lahars or both, as follows.

Video 1("Avalancha . . ."; posted 18 April 2007) contains lahar
footage from a television newscast, much of it taken from a
helicopter. The shots include several bridges destroyed or impacted by
lahars and the dialog mentioned nineteen bridges affected. Segments
also show closeups of sediments and considerable flooding. Few if any
flooded or damaged buildings were shown. Footage shows segments of the
river with various gradients; the dark water carrying considerable
debris. In one scene of a threatened bridge taken from shore, the
turbulent river races by and among the passing logs seemingly floats a
large farm animal.

Video 2 ("Sobrevuelo . . ." [Overflight . . .]) was taken by
INGEOMINAS on 3 March 2007. It shows the volcano in modest eruption. A
dense, dark plume emerges from the complex ice-bound summit area.
Somewhat surprisingly, the plume immediately descends one flank of the

Video 3 (Erupcion . . . 18 Abril) shows vigorous white plumes escaping
from multiple vents and forming a dense white plume. The text says
that the footage was taken hours after the eruption on 18 April 2007.
The base of the volcano is shrouded in weather clouds. The footage
credits "Ejercito Nacional-INGEOMINAS-FAC."

Further observations and assessments. Seismicity escalated during
19-20 April but decreased on the 21st. Two larger earthquakes soon
took place, on the 22nd and 27th. Their respective seismic signals
appeared to come from rock fracturing at shallow depths; they had
epicenters at Pico Central, and they were M 3.0 and M 3.2. On 23 April
instruments detected continuous low-frequency tremor, interpreted as
continuing instability and possible eruptions.

On 22 April, the Colombian Air Force flew INGEOMINAS staff past the
volcano. They observed the N-trending fissure seen in February and
found it had extended to reach a length of 2.3 km and a width of ~ 200
m. It emitted a white, sulfurous smelling gas column to 5 km altitude.
The 22 April observers also saw a second new fissure ~ 2 km long
across the same region. Strong fumaroles also discharged. Some lahars
remained active down both E and W flank drainages.

Associated with the eruptions and as recent as 28 April 2007, there
had been a total of 5,708 seismic events. Of those, 2,861 had signals
suggesting rock fracture and 2,847 had signals suggesting movement of

During late April and early May 2007 the seismicity generally
decreased (except for a 6 May, M 3.2 earthquake). On 5 May, INGEOMINAS
staff, using a land-based correlation spectrometer, measured an SO2
flux from the volcano at 3,000 tons per day.

Early on 14 May, INGEOMINAS recorded a cluster of 54 low magnitude
earthquake events, possibly triggering or associated with an ash
emission. Based on satellite imagery of 14 May, the Washington VAAC
reported an ash plume 8 km wide in an area 45 km W; it drifted SW and

Based on seismic interpretation, INGEOMINAS inferred ash emissions
during 27 May. Aerial observations later that day confirmed the
emissions. Tremor recorded on 28 May possibly indicated another pulse
of ash emissions. The SO2 flux measured on 1 June continued at 3,000
metric tons per day and on 2 June increased to ~ 6,900 metric tons per
day. Flights on 3, 6, and 10 June indicated no changes in the existing
fissures nor changes in the fumarolic field. Seismicity was relatively
quiet during June 2007.

Humanitarian concerns. Luz Amanda Pulido, director of the national
disaster office said that there were no reports of deaths or injuries.
According to a 22 May report of the UN Office for the Coordination of
Human Affairs (OHCA), by 26 April authorities resolved to evacuate
2,307 families affected by the crisis.

A government document issued May 2007 discussed the displaced
residents. According to that report (Mumucue, 2007) the number of
indigenous inhabitants living around the volcano and affected by
lahars or emissions or both totaled 26,949 people. The affected
territory he discussed (the Municipio de Paez, which has Belacazar as
the main urban center) had an area of ~ 161,000 hectares. The
inhabitants losses included cultivated areas and farm animals,
including horses and smaller livestock. Photos showed displaced
families living in temporary camps with outdoor cooking facilities.
Another photo showed workers installing a footbridge where a vehicle
bridge was lost to the torrent. That photo, taken ~5 days after the 18
April lahars began showed that by this time the river had greatly
receded. The report was also a plea for supplies, including children's
clothing and two-way radios with solar panels. Total days of community
work devoted to reconstruction after the disaster and as late as May
2007 amounted to 4,264 (Mumucue, 2007).

References: Correa, A.M., and Pulgarin, B.A, 2002a, Revision historica
de los estudios geologicos y otros aspectos, sobre el volcan Nevado
del Huila y su area de influenza, Instituto Colombiano de Geologia y
Mineria, INGEOMINAS; Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico,
Popayan; Junio de 2002, 51 p.

Correa, A., and Pulgarin, B., 2002b, Morfologia, estratigrafia y
petrografia general del Complejo Volcanico Nevado del Huila (enfasis
en el flanco occidental): INGEOMINAS, Centro Operativo, Popayan,
Informe Interno, 104 p.

Mumucue, J.A., May 2007, Analisis de los diversos eventos de erupcion
volcanica en la region de Tierradentro Paez Cauca hasta el momento:
Republica de Colombia, Departamento del Cauca – Region de
Tierradentro, Asociacion de Cabildos Nasa Cxhâcxha.

Pulagarin, B.A., Jordan, E., and Linder, W., 2005, Aspectos geologicos
y cambio glaciar del volcan Nevado del Huila entre 1961 y 1995:
Proceedings I Conferencia Cambio Climatico, Bogota 2005, 17 p.

Restrepoa, J.D., Kjerfveb, B., Hermelina, M., and Restrepoa, J.C.,
2005, Factors controlling sediment yield in a major South American
drainage basin: the Magdalena River, Colombia: Journal of Hydrology,
v. 316, nos. 1-4, 10 January 2006, p. 213-232.

Restrepoa, J.D., and Kjerfve, B., 2000, Magdalena river: interannual
variability (1975–1995) and revised water discharge and sediment load
estimates: Journal of Hydrology, v. 235, nos. 1-2, 22 August 2000, p.
137-149, Elsevier.

Schuster, R. L., 1996, Recent earthquake-induced catastrophic
landslides in the Andes of Ecuador and Colombia; Abstract, Colorado
Scientific Society (URL: http://www.coloscisoc.org/abstracts).

Video references: (1) "Avalancha del Volcan Nevado del Huila" [A
newscast from a Colombian television station,

(2) INGEOMINAS, 3 March 2007, Sobrevuelo Ingeominas Nevado Huila pocos
dias despues de la erupcion" (posted 8 May 2007) [Overflight of summit
area] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPP0vzBzZ38 (00:39)

(3) INGEOMINAS, 2007, Erupcion Nevado del Huila Colombia 18 Abril;
Video stamped with "Ejercito Nacional-INGEOMINAS-FAC";
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUnYOALOCWg; (00:56) (Posted 8 May

Geologic Summary. Nevado del Huila, the highest active volcano in
Colombia, is an elongated N-S-trending volcanic chain mantled by a
glacier icecap. The 5,364-m-high andesitic-dacitic volcano was
constructed within a 10-km-wide caldera. Volcanism at Nevado del Huila
has produced six volcanic cones whose ages in general migrated from S
to N. The high point of the complex is Pico Central. Two glacier-free
lava domes lie at the southern end of the Huila volcanic complex. The
first historical eruption from this little known volcano was an
explosive eruption in the mid-16th century. Long-term, persistent
steam columns had risen from Pico Central prior to the next eruption
in 2007, when explosive activity was accompanied by damaging mudflows.

Information Contacts: Instituto Colombiano de Geologia y Mineria
(INGEOMINAS), Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico de Popayan,
Popayan, Colombia (Email: uop@xxxxxxxxxxxx); Washington Volcanic Ash
Advisory Center (VAAC), Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB), NOAA/NESDIS
E/SP23, NOAA Science Center Room 401, 5200 Auth road, Camp Springs, MD
20746, USA (URL:http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC); Jorge Castilla
Echenique, Salud para desplazados, Programa de Emergencias y Desastres
OPS/OMS, PWR Colombia, (URL:
www.disaster-info.net/desplazados/informes/pah2/ ); Jorge E. Victoria
R., Salud en Desastres y Emergencias Complejas, Organizacion
Panamericana De La Salud, Oficina de Neiva, Carrera 10 No. 4-72,
Huila, Colombia; International Charter–Space and Major Disasters (URL:


Costa Rica

10.025°N, 83.767°W; summit elev. 3,340 m

Enhanced fumarolic activity accompanied by new fractures at the summit
was noted during June-September 2007 (BGVN 32:08). The earlier report
noted that the fumaroles had spread over a larger area and contained
molten sulfur, a condensate previously not seen here in more than 25
years of continuous monitoring by the Observatorio Vulcanologico y
Sismologico de Costa Rica-Universidad Nacional (OVSICORI-UNA). By
mid-August 2007, acute chemical burning of important patches of
natural forest had occurred. This report covers the period from
October 2007 through January 2008.

During October, new sites of gas discharge, small landslides, and
accelerated vegetation die-off were noted from various locations
within and around the crater. Fumaroles were active and widespread
across the central crater. Many exhibited sulfur deposits and those in
the S, SE, and SW reached a temperature of 91°C.

Areas burned by acute acidification extended during November.
Fieldwork conducted by OVSICORI-UNA confirmed an unusual output of gas
from several fumaroles along the S outer wall of the volcano. Pastures
turned yellowish near the upper areas, and native and exotic tree
species were impacted as well as birch tree patches along most
drainage basins.

During December, within the W crater, fumarole temperatures reached
280°C and significant sulfur deposits were noted. Local residents
confirmed an unusual output of gas from several fumaroles along the S
outer wall of the volcano. Areas burned by acute acidification
extended during the month. On 5 December, members of the media and
local communities observed a gas-and-steam plume from Turrialba that
rose to an altitude greater than 5.3 km (figure 8).

Figure 8. Column from Turrialba observed and photographed from Heredia
City, located 40 km W of the volcano taken at 0540 on 5 December 2007.

On a team visit between 30 and 31 January 2008, OVSICORI staff
documented the progression of fumarolic activity in the W crater, the
external W crater walls, and distant areas towards the W, NW, and SW.
Some of the fumaroles correspond with two fractures. One to the SW of
the W crater, trending SW, was 100 m in length and 2 to 3 cm wide, and
deposited sulfur. The second crack to the NW of the W crater, also
trending SW , had temperatures of 72ºC and discharged steam and gas
affecting the adjacent vegetation. To the NW of the W crater, the team
studied an area of about 20 x 50 m with constant gas emission and a
temperature of 88°C.

Geologic Summary. Turrialba, the easternmost of Costa Rica's Holocene
volcanoes, is a large vegetated basaltic-to-dacitic stratovolcano
located across a broad saddle NE of Irazu volcano overlooking the city
of Cartago. The massive 3,340-m-high Turrialba is exceeded in height
only by Irazu, covers an area of 500 sq km, and is one of Costa Rica's
most voluminous volcanoes. Three well-defined craters occur at the
upper SW end of a broad 800 x 2200 m wide summit depression that is
breached to the NE. Most activity at Turrialba originated from the
summit vent complex, but two pyroclastic cones are located on the SW
flank. Five major explosive eruptions have occurred at Turrialba
during the past 3,500 years. Turrialba has been quiescent since a
series of explosive eruptions during the 19th century that were
sometimes accompanied by pyroclastic flows. Fumarolic activity
continues at the central and SW summit craters.

Information Contacts: Eliecer Duarte, Erick Fernandez, and Vilma
Barboza, Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico de Costa Rica,
Universidad Nacional (OVSICORI-UNA), Apdo. 2346-3000, Heredia, Costa
Rica (URL: http://www.ovsicori.una.ac.cr); Tellez and Francois
Robichaud, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2500 boul. de l'Universite,
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1K 2R1, Canada.



16.355°S, 70.903°W; summit elev. 5,672 m

All times are local (= UTC - 5 hours)

Ubinas began erupting ash on 25 March 2006 (BGVN 31:03 and 31:05). As
reported in BGVN 31:10, ash eruptions and steam emissions continued
through 31 October 2006. This report discusses ongoing eruptions
through December 2007 as drawn from Buenos Aires Volcanic Ash Advisory
Center (VAAC) reports and the Instituto Geological Minero y
Metalurgico (INGEMMET).

>From November 2006 through December 2007, emissions of volcanic ash,
rocks, and gases with water and steam were essentially continuous.
INGEMMET authorities indicated that during March 2007 the volcano
generated increased ashfall behavior that significantly affected
people and the environment. At the beginning of the month, small
explosions occurred every 6-8 days but the rate of activity increased
toward the end. On 30 March 2007, nearby residents felt a strong
explosion. A large ash plume vented from the volcano's summit and
local communities were blanketed beneath falling ash. According to
INGEMMET authorities, most of Querapi, a town ~ 4.5 km SE of the
crater's active vent, was covered in volcanic ash, and the town of
Anascapa, 6 km E, also experienced ashfall.

Volcanic ash clouds blown into the atmosphere also presented a hazard
to aviation. As summarized in table 1, ash clouds were nearly
continuously reported by the Buenos Aires VAAC and the INGEMMET. Plume
heights reached as high as 9.1 km in May and again in November 2007.
The aviation warning color code was generally Red through the period.
The reports were based on satellite imagery and pilot reports. No
thermal alerts were noted from the University of Hawaii's Institute of
Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) MODIS satellite-based thermal alert
system during 2006 or 2007.

Table 1. Compilation of Volcanic Ash Advisories for aviation from
Ubinas during November 2006 through December 2007. Courtesy of the
Buenos Aires Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) and the Instituto
Geological Minero y Metalurgico (INGEMMET).

   Date                     Altitude of    Flight Level    Direction

                            Plume (km)     (thousands      of Plume

                                            of feet)

   3-16 Nov 2006             5.5-7.3       190-260         SW, S, SW

   25 Nov 2006               5.5           180             NE

   2 Dec 2006                5.5           180             N

   27-30 Dec 2006            4.9-8.5       160-280         E

   28 Jan 2007               5.5-6.9       180-220         SE

   2-5 Feb 2007              5.5           180             S, SW

   18-21 Feb 2007            5.5-7.0       180-230         E, SW

   11, 14 Mar 2007           5.5-6.4       180-210         N, SW

   30 Mar 2007               5.5           180             E

   5, 7-9, 10-11 Apr 2007    5.5-7.8       180-270         E, SE, S, SW, W

   17-18, 22, 24 Apr 2007    5.5-7.2       180-280         NW, SW, SE

   2-5 May 2007              5.5-9.1       180/300         N, S, SE, SW

   12, 15-16 May 2007        5.5-8.2       180-270         SE, N, SW

   17, 19-22 May 2007        5.5-9.1       180-300         E, SE

   22-28 May 2007            5.5-7.3       180-240         NE, SE

   30 May - 6 Jun 2007       3.7-7.6       120-250         NE, SE

   12-17 Jun 2007            5.5-6.7       180-230         NE, E, SW, W

   27-28 Jun 2007            5.5-6.7       180-230         SW, NW, E

   4 Jul 2007                5.5-6.1       180-200         S

   23-25 Jul 2007            5.9-6.1       190-200         SE, S

   9 Aug 2007                6.1           200             SE

   11-14 Sep 2007            5.5-7.6       180-250         E, SE

   20 Sep 2007               5.5-6.4       180-210         E

   5-7 Oct 2007              5.5-6.4       180-210         N, S

   11-13, 15 Oct 2007        5.5-7.6       180-250         N, SE

   19-27 Oct 2007            5.5-8.5       180-280         NW, NE

   1, 3-6 Nov 2007           5.5-7.6       180-250         NE, SE

   11-12 Nov 2007            5.5-6.7       180-220         NE

   16, 18, 20 Nov 2007       5.5-7.9       180-260         NE

   24-27 Nov 2007            6.1-9.1       200-300         SE, E, SW

   28-29 Nov 2007            6.7-7.6       220-250         SW, NE

   4-7, 10 Dec 2007          5.5-8.5       180-280         NE

   17 Dec 2007               5.5-6.7       180-220         N

Geologic Summary. A small, 1.4-km-wide caldera cuts the top of Ubinas,
Peru's most active volcano, giving it a truncated appearance. Ubinas
is the northernmost of three young volcanoes located along a regional
structural lineament about 50 km behind the main volcanic front of
Peru. The growth and destruction of Ubinas I volcano was followed by
construction of Ubinas II volcano beginning in the mid-Pleistocene.
The upper slopes of the andesitic-to-rhyolitic Ubinas II stratovolcano
are composed primarily of andesitic and trachyandesitic lava flows and
steepen to nearly 45 degrees. The steep-walled, 150-m-deep summit
caldera contains an ash cone with a 500-m-wide funnel-shaped vent that
is 200 m deep. Debris-avalanche deposits from the collapse of the SE
flank of Ubinas about 3700 years ago extend 10 km from the volcano.
Widespread plinian pumice-fall deposits from Ubinas include one of
Holocene age about 1000 years ago. Holocene lava flows are visible on
the volcano's flanks, but historical activity, documented since the
16th century, has consisted of intermittent minor-to-moderate
explosive eruptions.

Information Contacts: Instituto Geological Minero y Metalurgico
(INGEMMET), Av. Canada 1470, San Borja, Lima 41, Peru (URL:
http://www.ingemmet.gob.pe/); Buenos Aires Volcanic Ash Advisory
Center (VAAC), Argentina (URL:


Central Chile

38.692°S, 71.729°W; summit elev. 3,125 m

All times are local (= UTC - 4 hours)

>From January 2002 through April 2003 (BGVN 29:02) there were increases
in seismicity and fumarolic activity, along with minor eruptions,
pronounced glacial melting, and substantial ash and gas plumes.
Renewed activity consisting of minor eruptions was reported in May and
possibly August 2007, but a larger eruption began on 1 January 2008.
The source for most of the following is the Observatorio Volcanologico
de los Andes del Sur (OVDAS)-SERNAGEOMIN (Volcano Observatory of the
Southern Andes-Chile National Service of Geology and Mining).

On 26 May 2007, the Buenos Aires Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC)
reported that ash plumes from Llaima rose to altitudes of 3-4.3 km and
were visible on satellite imagery drifting E. A pilot reported another
ash plume on 28 May that rose to an altitude of 5.5-6.7 km and drifted
E. On 29 May, an ash plume rose to an altitude of 3 km and drifted E.
No further activity was reported until 8 August, when pilots observed
a plume to an altitude of 5.2 km drifting E. Ash was not identified on
satellite imagery for this date.

Eruption during January 2008. Based on pilot reports and observations
of satellite imagery, the Buenos Aires VAAC reported that on 1 January
2008 an ash plume rose to an altitude of 12.5 km and drifted E and
ESE. The eruption began at 1820 hours, according to the Chile National
Emergency Office. Lava was reported to be visible on the E flank and
fumaroles at the summit were noted. The strong explosive activity
prompted authorities to raise the Alert level to Yellow. According to
news media reports, around 700 people were evacuated from local
communities following the initial eruption, including about 200
tourists and National Forest Service employees from the Conguillo
National Park. Most of the residents returned the following day when
activity declined.

SERNAGEOMIN reported that tremor coincided with the onset of the gas
and pyroclastic emissions on 1 January. Lava and incandescent material
initially emitted were confined to the crater, but within a few hours,
a Strombolian phase began. Soon, brightly glowing material covered
much of the previously ice-covered summit (figure 9). Around the time
of the eruption, an increase in volume of the Captren river on the N
flank was observed; this was likely a response to the glacial melting.

Figure 9. Llaima as seen in eruption on 1 January 2008. Photo taken
from W of the volcano between Temuco and Vilcun, Chile. Photo by
Antonio Vergara via the flikr website (Creative Commons license).

On the following day, observers on an overflight saw small emissions
of ash and gas (mainly steam) and three small lahars on the N and W
flanks. Tremor decreased, though explosions continued. Based on pilot
reports and satellite imagery, the Buenos Aires VAAC reported that an
ash plume rose to an altitude of 12.5 km and drifted E (figure 10). A
later overflight revealed that the explosion on 2 January occurred at
an area high on the E flank, outside the summit crater. A lava flow on
the E flank was also noted. On 3 January an ash plume was visible on
satellite imagery at an altitude of 3.7 km drifting NE. Airborne
observers noted small sporadic gas-and-ash emissions.

Figure 10. A GOES-12 visual image of Llaima plume, captured at 1039
UTC on 2 January 2008. North is toward the top of the image, and the
plume blew to the ESE. Courtesy of Charles Holliday, U.S. Air Force
Weather Agency.

In addition to ash, Llaima's eruption released considerable sulfur
dioxide (SO2), identified by satellite instruments in the days
following the 1 January eruption (figure 11). The initially intense
SO2 plume dispersed as it moved E. On 4 January, the plume passed over
Tristan da Cunha, a remote archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean
(figure 11). According to Charles Holliday, Simon Carn, and Michon
Scott, the SO2 dissipated after 6 January 2008.

Figure 11. An image acquired by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)
on NASA's Aura satellite showing the progress of the SO2 plume from
Llaima during 2-4 January 2008. The island of Tristan de Cunha is
shown along in the southern Atlantic Ocean. (In the colored version of
this image, red indicates the greatest concentration-pathlength of SO2
and lavender-pink indicates the lowest concentration-pathlength.) OMI
measures the total atmospheric column amount of SO2 in Dobson Units (a
common unit used in atmospheric research). NASA image courtesy Simon
Carn; text modified from that by Simon Carn and Michon Scott.

Between 1835 and 1915 on 6 January 2008 a helicopter overflight was
conducted, coordinated by Jaime Pinto, Director of the Araucania
Region Emergency Office (OREMI). Observers noted that main crater vent
was clogged with lava (figure 12), which, after the eruption, dropped
a few dozen meters inside the crater. During the eruption, lava
diverged into two areas in the main crater, draining flows to the W
and NE and melting the ice. The melted ice produced three lahars
toward the W flank, which merged into one that entered the Calbuco
River. To the NE, the melted ice generated a single channel lahar that
flowed into the Captren River, cutting the road in several locations.
A small lahar also traveled to the E. The dispersion of ash and gases
was mainly to the E, although initially they went ESE. There were
abundant cracks seen in the glaciers in the SW and SE of the main
crater, particularly in the SE.

Figure 12. Topographic map showing Llaima and features observed during
a helicopter overflight on 6 January 2008. The features include lahars
(shaded in green), the Calbuco and Captren rivers, detached areas of
lava blocks and ashes, fallen pyroclastics, fumaroles, and limit of
falling ash (highlighted dashed lines). Courtesy of SERNAGEOMIN.

SERNAGEOMIN reported that during 10-14 January 2008 seismicity
decreased in terms of energy, but increased in the number of events.
Based on seismic interpretation, weak explosions produced plumes of
gas and ash that drifted NE. On 11 January, the upper surface of lava
flows on the W flank that were observed during an overflight were
cooled and snow-covered near the crater, but snow-free, and therefore
still hot, about 500 m farther downslope. Blocks of incandescent
material rolled ~ 1.5 km downslope and caused steam emissions where
they contacted the glacier. Abundant cracks in glaciers to the SW of
the crater were noted. Based on observations of satellite imagery and
pilot reports, the Buenos Aires VAAC reported that ash plumes rose to
an altitude of 5.5-6.7 km and drifted NE on 11 January and SW on 13

Eruptive activity continued during the second half of January from the
main crater and from two craters and a fissure on the E flank. The
main crater contained three active pyroclastic cones. On 16 January
one of the craters, ~ 15 m in diameter, produced ash plumes that rose
to an altitude of ~ 3.6 km. Glaciers on the NE slope and W flank were
fractured and dislocated. Ash plumes rising from the E flank attained
an altitude of 4.1 km. Ash emissions vented from a NE-trending fissure
~ 80 m long and ~ 10 m wide. On 16-17 January glowing rocks were
emitted from the fissure's NE end; ash plumes caused by rolling rocks
rose from multiple areas.

At 0732 on 18 January, an explosion from the E flank sent an ash plume
to an altitude of 9.1 km that quickly dispersed NE. People later saw a
small lateral explosion from the same area, ash-and-gas emissions from
several points, and a new fissure.

On 19 January, an explosion produced an ash plume that rose to an
altitude of 4.1 km. An overflight revealed Strombolian activity in the
main crater from a new pyroclastic cone that was 120 m in diameter and
100 m high; the cone was absent during a 17 January overflight. A
second crater to the SW emitted gas. Sporadic ash emissions were noted
from the E sector and an explosion produced a pyroclastic flow and an
ash plume that quickly dissipated. On 20 January, another explosion
produced an ash plume that rose to an altitude of 4.1 km. Gas and ash
emissions were again noted from multiple areas. On 21 January, cloud
cover prevented visual observations, but one small ash emission was
seen at the end of the day.

On 23 January, a brown ash plume rose to an altitude of 3.5 km and
drifted W. Observers on an overflight later that day saw Strombolian
eruptions from the pyroclastic cone in the main crater accompanied by
emissions of brown ash. A small hornito emitting bluish gas and a lava
field were noted between the pyroclastic cone and the inner margins of
the crater. Explosions from the E flank were detected on 24 January,
and on 26 January steam plumes were observed. Strombolian eruptions in
the main crater accompanied by gas and ash emissions continued during
through 27 January. Ash plumes rose to altitudes of 3.3-4.1 km and
drifted NW, E, SE, and S.

MODIS thermal anomalies. Numerous MODIS thermal anomalies were
measured almost daily throughout the month of January 2008 (table 2).
As shown by the number of pixels for various observing time, the
anomalies covered a particularly large area on 2 January (24 pixels).
In contrast, anomalies were absent during the previous intervals of 1
January 2002 through 26 April 2007, and 16 June 2007 through 1 January

Table 2. Thermal anomalies measured by MODIS/MODVOLC over Llaima from
27 April 2007 through 30 January 2008. No anomalies were detected from
2002 through 26 April 2007, or 16 June 2007 through 1 January 2008.
Courtesy of HIGP Thermal Anomalies Team.

   Date           Time    Pixels    Satellite


   27 Apr 2007    1910       3        Aqua

   14 Jun 2007    1455       5        Terra

   15 Jun 2007    0515       1        Aqua

   02 Jan 2008    0250       2        Terra

                  0430       9        Terra

                  0605      24        Aqua

                  1355       2        Terra

                  1535       3        Terra

                  1810       2        Aqua

   03 Jan 2008    0335       4        Terra

                  0510       2        Aqua

                  1440       1        Terra

                  1850       1        Aqua

   04 Jan 2008    0555       3        Aqua

   05 Jan 2008    0320       1        Terra

   06 Jan 2008    0545       1        Aqua

   11 Jan 2008    0425       1        Terra

                  0600       2        Aqua

   12 Jan 2008    0330       1        Terra

   14 Jan 2008    0630       1        Aqua

   15 Jan 2008    0400       1        Terra

                  0535       1        Aqua

   16 Jan 2008    0620       2        Aqua

   17 Jan 2008    0345       1        Terra

                  0525       3        Aqua

                  1450       2        Terra

   18 Jan 2008    0605       1        Aqua

   20 Jan 2008    0555       1        Aqua

   22 Jan 2008    0405       1        Terra

                  0545       2        Aqua

   23 Jan 2008    0625       1        Aqua

   24 Jan 2008    0530       3        Aqua

                  1455       1        Terra

   25 Jan 2008    0255       3        Terra

                  0615       4        Aqua

   26 Jan 2008    0340       2        Terra

                  0520       2        Aqua

                  1445       1        Aqua

   27 Jan 2008    0425       2        Terra

                  0600       2        Aqua

                  1525       1        Terra

   28 Jan 2008    0330       4        Terra

                  0505       4        Aqua

                  1845       1        Aqua

   29 Jan 2008    0410       4        Terra

                  0550       2        Aqua

   30 Jan 2008    0315       2        Terra

                  0630       4        Aqua

                  1420       5        Terra

   31 Jan 2008    0400       6        Terra

                  0535       3        Aqua

                  1915       3        Aqua

Geologic Summary. Llaima, one of Chile's largest and most active
volcanoes, contains two historically active craters, one at the summit
and the other, Pichillaima, to the SE. The massive 3,125-m-high,
dominantly basaltic-to-andesitic stratovolcano has a volume of 400
km^3. A Holocene edifice built primarily of accumulated lava flows was
constructed over an 8-km-wide caldera that formed about 13,200 years
ago, following the eruption of the 24 km^3 Curacautin Ignimbrite. More
than 40 scoria cones dot the volcano's flanks. Following the end of an
explosive stage about 7,200 years ago, construction of the present
edifice began, characterized by Strombolian, Hawaiian, and infrequent
subplinian eruptions. Frequent moderate explosive eruptions with
occasional lava flows have been recorded since the 17th century.

Information Contacts: Servico Nacional de Geologia y Mineria
(SERNAGEOMIN), Avda Sta Maria Nº 0104, Santiago, Chile (Email:
oirs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; URL: http://www2.sernageomin.cl/ovdas/); Buenos
Aires Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC), Servicio Meteorologico
Nacional-Fuerza Aerea Argentina, 25 de mayo 658, Buenos Aires,
Argentina (URL: http://www.meteofa.mil.ar/vaac/vaac.htm); Simon Carn,
Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET), University of
Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); Charles Holliday, U.S. Air Force
Weather Agency (AFWA)/XOGM, Offutt Air Force Base, NE 68113, USA
(Email: hollidac@xxxxxxxxxxx); Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and
Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and Earth
Science and Technology (SOEST), Univ. of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road,
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL: http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu/);
Associated Press (URL: http://www.ap.org/); United Nations Office for
the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) (URL:
http://www.reliefweb.int/); Antonio Vergara, Temuco, Chile (URL:



6.102°S, 105.423°E; summit elev. 813 m

All times are local (= UTC + 7 hours)

During 23-26 October 2007, minor eruptions occurred at Anak Krakatau
(BGVN 32:09), an island and active vent on the rim of the famous
larger caldera whose name often is misspelled as "Krakatoa." This
report continues coverage from late October through November 2007. The
Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM) raised
the Alert Level to 3 (on a scale of 1-4) for Krakatau on 26 October
because of the presence of multiple gray plumes from the volcano and
an increase in seismicity. Plumes rose to an altitude of ~ 1 km during
23-26 and 30 October. Villagers and tourists were advised not go
within 3 km of the summit.

According to an Associated Press news article, "red-hot lava flares"
from Anak Krakatau rose 500-700 m above the S crater on 6 November.
Multiple ash clouds were also observed. On 9 November, CVGHM officials
in Bandung, West Java, conducted seismic and visual monitoring.

Officials said, that on that day there were 182 eruptions coupled with
11 volcanic earthquakes, 54 shallow volcanic shocks, eight deep
volcanic tremors and 44 shallower tremors. The volcano spewed "smoke"
29 times. On 13-14 November, as reported by CVGHM, lava flows and
incandescent rocks traveled 400 m down the flanks.

As reported by VolcanoDiscovery's Tom Pfeiffer, who visited there from
21-26 November, emissions were relatively constant. He noted that all
activity occurred from the newly formed crater on the upper S flank
just below the old summit crater (figure 13). On 21 November, the new
crater had an oval shape, approximately 50 x 70 m. Dense, dark brown,
billowing ash clouds escaped in pulses from the crater at
near-constant intervals of about 2 minutes, rising typically 100-200 m
above the crater and drifting E. A few blocks were ejected along with
the ash clouds (figure 14).

Figure 13. A sudden explosion ejecting rocks and ash on the S flank of
the old Anak Krakatau crater on 22 November, 2007. Courtesy Tom
Pfeiffer of Volcano Discovery.

Figure 14. Ballistic blocks land all over the cone of Anak Krakatau
where the impacts stir up dust on 22 November 2007. A few also flew as
far as the sea. Courtesy Tom Pfeiffer of Volcano Discovery.

Pfeiffer also reported that at more irregular intervals, about 10-30
min apart, more violent, small vulcanian explosions interrupted the
weaker ash venting events. The more violent explosions consisted of a
sudden spray of mostly solid rocks and few incandescent scoria,
followed by more powerful and turbulent ash plumes that rose up to 1
km above the crater (figure 15). Generally, these vulcanian explosions
occurred after a slightly longer quiet period and, in most cases, the
length of the quiet period correlated with the force of the explosion.

Figure 15. Eruption plume at Anak Krakatau rising to ~ 1 km on 23
November 2007. Courtesy Tom Pfeiffer of Volcano Discovery.

Pfeiffer noted that several more powerful explosions occurred at
intervals of approximately 16-24 hours. The strongest, on 21-22
November, showered the whole island with incandescent blocks, ignited
bush fires, and produced a very loud cannon-shot noise that rattled
windows on the W coast of Java, 40 km away (figure 16).

Figure 16. On the evening of 21 November 2007, a powerful blast throws
bombs and blocks all over the old cone of Anak Krakatau. Courtesy Tom
Pfeiffer of Volcano Discovery.

Other, unusually large blasts occurred at around 0200 on 21 November
and at around 0900 and 1320 on 23 November (figure 17). Early on 23
November, activity became more ash-rich and the vigor of the
individual events increased slightly over the next two days. The pace
of single explosions stayed at near-constant intervals of about 2
minutes. During 24-25 November, ash plumes typically rose to over 1 km
above the crater and were easily visible from the W coast of Java.
Based on a pilot report, on 24 November, the Darwin Volcanic Ash
Advisory Center noted that an ash plume rose to an altitude of 3 km
and drifted NE.

Figure 17. Another very powerful blast occurs at around 0300 on 24
November 2007. Incandescent blocks reach the lower western flanks of
the island. Courtesy Tom Pfeiffer of Volcano Discovery.

Based on the University of Hawaii's Institute of Geophysics and
Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System MODVOLC analysis of MODIS
(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite thermal
anomaly data, occasional hot spots were identified by Terra or Aqua
satellites. The thermal alerts occurred on twelve occasions between 27
October and 9 December 2007. Seven of these took place between 16 and
26 November 2007.

Geologic Summary. The renowned volcano Krakatau (frequently misstated
as Krakatoa) lies in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra.
Collapse of the ancestral Krakatau edifice, perhaps in 416 AD, formed
a 7-km-wide caldera. Remnants of this ancestral volcano are preserved
in Verlaten and Lang Islands; subsequently Rakata, Danan and
Perbuwatan volcanoes were formed, coalescing to create the pre-1883
Krakatau Island. Caldera collapse during the catastrophic 1883
eruption destroyed Danan and Perbuwatan volcanoes, and left only a
remnant of Rakata volcano. This eruption, the 2nd largest in Indonesia
during historical time, caused more than 36,000 fatalities, most as a
result of devastating tsunamis that swept the adjacent coastlines of
Sumatra and Java. Pyroclastic surges traveled 40 km across the Sunda
Strait and reached the Sumatra coast. After a quiescence of less than
a half century, the post-collapse cone of Anak Krakatau (Child of
Krakatau) was constructed within the 1883 caldera at a point between
the former cones of Danan and Perbuwatan. Anak Krakatau has been the
site of frequent eruptions since 1927.

Information Contacts: Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard
Mitigation (CVGHM), Saut Simatupang, 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia
(URL: http://portal.vsi.esdm.go.id/joomla/); Darwin Volcanic Ash
Advisory Center, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia (URL:
http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vac), Tom Pfeiffer, Volcano Discovery (URL:
Associated Press (URL: http://www.ap.org/).



37.734°N, 15.004°E; summit elev. 3,330 m

All times are local (= UTC + 2 hours)

After the 10-hour-long episode of sustained lava fountaining from the
Southeast Crater (SEC) on 4-5 September 2007 (BGVN 32:09), Etna
remained quiescent for about three weeks. Ash emissions then resumed
from the vent on the eastern flank of the SEC cone, which had been the
main focus of activity since mid-August 2007. During October, ash
emissions occurred intermittently, at times with minor incandescent
ejections. This activity persisted until mid-November, after which
there was a week-long pause until the early morning of 22 November.
That day around 0500, weak Strombolian activity and ash emission
started from the vent on the E flank of the SEC and continued with
increasing strength for the following 36 hours.

A series of explosions occurred at the Bocca Nuova between 1658 and
1705 on 23 November, ejecting dark gray ash plumes, and producing
strong seismic signals on nearby stations. During the following hours,
Strombolian explosions occurred from the SEC vent, ejecting
incandescent bombs to several tens of meters high.

After 2020, the vigor increased, with bursts of bombs rising to 100 m
high, accompanied by a sharp rise in tremor amplitude. By 2130, a
broad, pulsating lava fountain rose from the vent. Then, 15 min later,
observers saw sustained fountaining up to 600 m high. The fountains
discharged from what appeared to be two closely spaced sources within
the depression, often making a V-shape.

Lava spilled over the vent's rim in at least three locations (figure
18), feeding three narrow branches of lava that ran E and coalesced,
before spreading down the steep W slope of the Valle del Bove. A
fourth lava flow started from an area ~ 150 m NE of the active vent,
where fountain-fed spatter rapidly accumulated and ultimately began to
flow. This flow joined the main lava flow toward the Valle del Bove at
about 2,500 m elevation.

Figure 18. Preliminary map of the lava flows emitted during Etna's
lava-fountaining episodes of and 4-5 September 2007 and 23-24 November
2007. Both sets of flows discharged from the active vent on the E
flanks of Southeast Crater (SEC). Courtesy of INGV-Catania.

The November lava flowed mostly on top of, or immediately adjacent to,
the lava emitted during the eruption of early September 2007 (figure
18). At the base of the Valle del Bove slope, the November eruption's
lava fanned out to form several minor lobes, the longest of which
advanced to 1,670 m elevation, 4.2 km from the vent (figure 19; Burton
and Neri, 2007).

Figure 19. Aerial view, taken on 25 November 2007 from a helicopter of
the Italian Civil Defence, of the lava flows erupted at Etna during
23-24 November 2007. View is from SE across the Valle del Bove
(foreground). From Burton and Neri (2007), courtesy of INGV-Catania.

The explosive activity fed a dense tephra plume. It blew NE and caused
ash and lapilli falls as far as 80 km away in southern Calabria,
(Andronico and Cristaldi, 2007). At Piano Provenzana (~ 6.5 km NNE of
the summit), the deposit was about 3 cm thick. Coarse scoriae, up to 5
cm across, fell ~ 10 km NNE from the SEC (in Linguaglossa) during the
first hour of the eruption. During the following hours, finer ash fell
in areas adjacent Etna and to the W.

Shortly after 0300 on 24 November, the eruptive activity and volcanic
tremor amplitude began to diminish gradually, and during the next 20
min the fountain height dropped from ~ 600 m to under 200 m.
Subsequently, the fountaining gave way to a series of powerful
explosions, which showered the entire SEC cone with meter-sized bombs.
The last of these explosions occurred at 0338, and for another 45 min
after this, only minor explosive ejections occurred from the vent.

During the following hours, material continued to crumble and collapse
on the steep slopes around the vent, exposing incandescent rock in
countless spots. By 0600, the tremor amplitude had dropped to
background levels, and no further eruptive activity was noted at the

For several days after the eruption, gravitational instability of the
new pyroclastic deposit, which had accumulated to thicknesses of
several tens of meters, especially on the N side of the vent, caused
occasional slides of material, exposing the still-incandescent
interior of the deposit. A particularly large collapse from the
overhanging W rim of the vent at 1713 on 27 November may have been
accompanied by minor explosive activity, with incandescent material
rolling to the base of the SEC cone (Calvari, 2007).

Ash emissions from the same vent occurred on 10 January 2008 and again
on 1-3 February (figure 20). In mid-February such emissions became
more frequent; some produced plumes several hundreds of meters high.

Figure 20. Ash plume rising about 1 km high above the active vent on
the eastern slope of Etna's Southeast Crater cone, on the morning of
10 January 2008. View is from Trecastagni, ~ 16 km SSE of the active
vent. Courtesy of INGV-Catania.

References: Andronico, D. and Cristaldi, A., 2007, Il parossismo del
23-24 novembre 2007 al Cratere di SE: caratteristiche del deposito di
caduta. Report published on-line at:

Burton, M. and Neri, M., 2007, Stato attuale e osservazione dell'Etna
25 novembre 2007. Report published on-line at:

Calvari, S., 2007, Rapporto sull'attivita dell'Etna del 27 novembre
2007. Report published on-line at:

Geologic Summary. Mount Etna, towering above Catania, Sicily's second
largest city, has one of the world's longest documented records of
historical volcanism, dating back to 1500 BC. Historical lava flows of
basaltic composition cover much of the surface of this massive
volcano, whose edifice is the highest and most voluminous in Italy.
The Mongibello stratovolcano, truncated by several small calderas, was
constructed during the late Pleistocene and Holocene over an older
shield volcano. The most prominent morphological feature of Etna is
the Valle del Bove, a 5 x 10 km horseshoe-shaped caldera open to the
E. Two styles of eruptive activity typically occur at Etna. Persistent
explosive eruptions, sometimes with minor lava emissions, take place
from one or more of the three prominent summit craters, the Central
Crater, NE Crater, and SE Crater (the latter formed in 1978). Flank
vents, typically with higher effusion rates, are less frequently
active and originate from fissures that open progressively downward
from near the summit (usually accompanied by Strombolian eruptions at
the upper end). Cinder cones are commonly constructed over the vents
of lower-flank lava flows. Lava flows extend to the foot of the
volcano on all sides and have reached the sea over a broad area on the
SE flank.

Information Contacts: Boris Behncke, Sonia Calvari, and Marco Neri,
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sezione di
Catania, Piazza Roma 2, 95123 Catania, Italy.


Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

56.653°N, 161.360°E; summit elev. 3,283 m

All times are local (= UTC +12 hours)

Shiveluch (also spelled Sheveluch), the scene of lava-dome growth, is
one of the most active volcanoes on Kamchatka. It was last reported
here discussing events through early April 2007 (BGVN 32:03). The
following report covering the interval early April-December 2007 came
from multiple sources.

Shiveluch's eruptions are of an explosive nature and the volcano has
been in a state of heightened activity since 5 December 2006. Vigorous
activity continued to the time of this report (March 2008). Small
lava-dome collapse events produced ash plumes and short block-and-ash
flows, which in turn generated mudflows when snow was present. This
activity was recorded in shallow volcanic earthquakes and tremor and a
large, ever-present thermal anomaly on satellite imagery.

The Level of Concern Color Code remained at Orange throughout this
report period (early April through December 2007). The Kamchatka
Branch of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(KB GS RAS) is monitoring the volcano and believes that it poses
little danger for nearby populated localities.

During April 2007 growth of the lava dome continued, and hot lava
extruded at the top of the dome. Hot avalanches from the top of the
dome occurred daily. Ash and ash-and-steam plumes rose to altitudes of
~ 4.6-6.5 km. Some plumes were seen on satellite imagery drifting E,
SE, and S. According to satellite data, ash plumes extended ~ 60 km on
28-29 April, mainly to the S and SW, and ~ 50 km to the E on 5 and 7
May. During 27-28 May, plumes were seen on satellite imagery drifting

A large thermal anomaly was conspicious during the last week of April
2007, and hot avalanches originating from the dome were noted on 30
April, 4 May, and 6-7 May. Gas-steam emissions occurred repeatedly. On
7 May a mudflow traveled down Shiveluch's slope, reaching ~ 20 km
beyond the lava dome and blocking ~ 30 m of a road, isolating the
district center Ust-Kamchatsk on the E of the peninsula. There were no
vehicles on this portion of the road when the mudflow descended, and
no casualties occurred. Figure 21 contrasts the dome in 2006 and 2007.

Figure 21. The dome at Shiveluch as seen from the SW at two points in
time, July 2006 and July 2007. The dome grew to substantially fill the
active crater. The most active lava dome growth took place along in
the dome's E sector. Photo by Natasha Gorbach (from Gorbach, 2007).

During July, gas-steam plumes frequently reached 4.0-6.1 km altitude.
Ash was not always identified on satellite imagery because clouds
obscured visibility; however, on 16 July satellite imagery detected
gas-steam and ash plumes that extended for about 7-40 km to the S and
SW of the volcano. Seismic data suggested that gas-and-ash emissions
were concurrent with hot avalanches (figure 22).

Figure 22. The lava dome of Shiveluch volcano as seen from the SW on
11 July 2007. The dark dome contrasts with glowing zones where hot
avalanches descended. Photo by Y. Demyanchuk.

On 25 September 2007, video observations indicated ash plumes rising
to 6 km altitude and drifting E. According to video for 27 September
and 2 October 2007, gas-steam plumes rose up to 4.5 and 3.5 km
altitude, respectively. Weak fumarolic activity was noted on both 1
and 8 October. KB GS RAS noted that there was no significant variation
in the previous ongoing activity through December 2007 that might
indicate any impending activity of greater significance. Frequent
MODIS thermal alerts continued throughout 2007 into 2008.

Reference: Gorbach, N., 31 July 2007, Bulletin of activity at
Sheveluch volcano, issued 31 July 2007 [title approximate (translated
from Russian); available in Russian at URL:

Geologic Summary. The high, isolated massif of Shiveluch volcano (also
spelled Sheveluch) rises above the lowlands NNE of the Kliuchevskaya
volcano group. The 1,300 cu km Shiveluch is one of Kamchatka's largest
and most active volcanic structures. The summit of roughly
65,000-year-old Stary (Old) Shiveluch is truncated by a broad
9-km-wide late-Pleistocene caldera collapse scar open to the south.
Many lava domes dot its outer flanks. The Molodoy (Young) Shiveluch
lava dome complex was constructed during the Holocene within the large
horseshoe-shaped caldera; Holocene lava dome extrusion also took place
on the flanks of Stary (Old) Shiveluch. At least 60 large eruptions of
Shiveluch have occurred during the Holocene, making it the most
vigorous andesitic volcano of the Kuril-Kamchatka arc. Widespread
tephra layers from these eruptions have provided valuable time markers
for dating volcanic events in Kamchatka. Frequent collapses of dome
complexes, most recently in 1964, have produced debris avalanches
whose deposits cover much of the floor of the breached caldera.

Information Contacts: Yuri Demyanchuk, Natasha Gorbsch, and the
Kamchatka Volcanic Eruptions Response Team (KVERT), Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Division, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Piip Ave. 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006, Russia
(Email: kvert@xxxxxxxxx, URL: http://www.kscnet.ru/ivs/); Kamchatka
Branch of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(KB GS RAS), Russia (Email: ssl@xxxxxxxxxxx; URL:
http://wwwsat.emsd.ru/alarm.html#VOLCANIC); Alaska Volcano Observatory
(AVO), a cooperative program of the U.S. Geological Survey, 4200
University Drive, Anchorage, 99508-4667, USA (Email:
tlmurray@xxxxxxxx; URL: http://www.avo.alaska.edu/), Geophysical
Institute, University of Alaska, P.O. Box 757320, Fairbanks,
99775-7320, USA (Email: eisch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), and the Alaska
Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, 794 University Ave.,
Suite 200, Fairbanks 99709, USA (Email: cnye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).


Southern Indian Ocean

53.106°S, 73.513°E; summit elev. 2,745 m

All times are local (= UTC + 5 hours)

Due to its isolated location in the S Indian Ocean on the Kerguelen
Plateau, Heard Island is rarely visited, and satellite imagery
provides the only regular information on eruptive activity. The
Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts
System MODVOLC provides an analysis of MODIS (Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite thermal anomaly data, with 1-2
daily observations. That system remains the best source of evidence at
isolated, glacier-covered volcanoes like Heard, though it is difficult
to determine how often meteorological clouds may obscure thermal

The last report summarized activity beginning in March 2000 (BGVN
32:06), describing three eruptive episodes (based on thermal
anomalies).  The last thermal anomaly mentioned was on 6 April 2007.

As seen on table 3, the MODVOLC system recorded the next thermal
anomaly on 24 July 2007.  For the rest of 2007, there were anomalies
recorded on two days in August and two days in November.  During 2008
as late as 2 March, anomalies occurred in February and March.

Table 3. Thermal anomalies measured by MODIS/MODVOLC over Heard Island
during 7 April 2007 through 2 March 2008. Courtesy of HIGP Thermal
Anomalies Team.

   Date           Time    Pixels    Satellite


   24 Jul 2007    1750       1        Aqua

   12 Aug 2007    1820       1        Terra

   30 Aug 2007    1955       1        Aqua

   11 Nov 2007    1800       1        Terra

   11 Nov 2007    1945       2        Aqua

   22 Feb 2008    1955       3        Aqua

   02 Mar 2008    1950       1        Aqua

Geologic Summary. Heard Island on the Kerguelen Plateau in the
southern Indian Ocean consists primarily of the emergent portion of
two volcanic structures. The large glacier-covered composite
basaltic-to-trachytic cone of Big Ben comprises most of the island,
and the smaller Mt. Dixon volcano lies at the NW tip of the island
across a narrow isthmus. Little is known about the structure of Big
Ben volcano because of its extensive ice cover. The historically
active Mawson Peak forms the island's 2,745-m high point and lies
within a 5-6 km wide caldera breached to the SW side of Big Ben. Small
satellitic scoria cones are mostly located on the northern coast.
Several subglacial eruptions have been reported in historical time at
this isolated volcano, but observations are infrequent and additional
activity may have occurred.

Information Contacts: Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
(HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and Earth Science and
Technology (SOEST), Univ. of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI
96822, USA (URL: http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu/).

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