****************************************************************** From: Alanna Simpson <Alanna.Simpson@xxxxxxxxx> ****************************************************************** Colleagues, We have proposed a session on volcanic hazard and risk in the Asia-Pacific region at the upcoming AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Cairns, Australia, 29 July to 1 August. We see this session as a great opportunity to bring together hazard scientists and volcanologists to discuss mechanisms for assessing volcanic hazard and risk in a region where fundamental data, such as volcanic eruption chronologies, may be minimal or completely absent. Session V04: Volcanic Hazard and Risk in the Asia-Pacific Region Conveners: Alanna Simpson, Geoscience Australia <alanna.simpson@xxxxxxxxx>, Wally Johnson, Australian National University, Phil Cummins <phil.cummins@xxxxxxxxx> Description: Around 200 million people in the Asia-Pacific region live within 50 kilometres of a volcano, and so live well within reach of the most life-threatening volcanic hazards. In addition, about one-third of the largest volcanic eruptions world-wide have taken place in the Asia-Pacific since 1800, meaning it is one of the most volcanically active regions on Earth. Eruptions from volcanoes having no previous historical eruptions, or infrequent ones, generally produce the worst volcanic disasters, and well over half of volcanoes in Asia-Pacific have not been active in historical times. Because so little is known about the hazard and risk associated with many volcanoes in the Asia-Pacific region, novel methods are required if volcano hazard is to be adequately addressed and appropriate mitigation measures prioritized. What are the high-risk volcanoes, and how can we assess their potential to impact vulnerable populations? Is it possible to meaningfully assess volcano hazard and risk in light of the wide gaps in our knowledge of volcano eruption chronologies? Volcanologists and hazard scientists are invited to participate in this session to answer these fundamental questions about volcano hazard in the Asia-Pacific region. Further details about the conference and abstract submission (16 April 2008 deadline) can be found at: http://www.agu.org/meetings/wp08/ ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================