Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, February 2008

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Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network

Volume 33, Number 2, February 2008



Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania) Explosive eruptions of December 2007-March
2008; hazard warnings

Barren Island (India) Satellite imagery of ash plume, 23 December 2007

Talang (Indonesia) Ash emissions in March, June, and November 2007

Batu Tara (Indonesia) Satellite thermal anomalies indicate that
near-daily eruptions continue

Lokon-Empung (Indonesia) June 2007-March 2008, variable seismicity and
minor white plumes

Langila (Papua New Guinea) Intermittent ash emissions in May and August 2007

Garbuna Group (Papua New Guinea) Ash emissions during March 2008

Bulusan (Philippines) Ash ejections continued to at least late 2007

NW Rota-1 (Mariana Islands) Visit on 24 February 2008 found eruption
plume and acoustic signals

Suwanose-jima (Japan) Small (~ 1 km) plumes noted during late 2007-early 2008

Cleveland (USA) Thermal anomalies and minor explosions continue
through February 2008

Editors: Rick Wunderman, Edward Venzke, and Sally Kuhn Sennert

Volunteer Staff: Phumtham Limwattananon, Robert Andrews, Hugh
Replogle, Michael Young, Paul Berger, Jacquelyn Gluck, Margo Morell,
Stephen Bentley, Antonia Bookbinder, Jeremy Bookbinder, and Ludmila

Ol Doinyo Lengai

Tanzania, Eastern Africa

2.764°S, 35.914°E; summit elev. 2,962 m

All times are local (= UTC + 3 hours)

The previous report on Ol Doinyo Lengai (BGVN 32:11), often simply
called Lengai, summarized seismicity and energetic ash emissions
during 2007. The development of a single large cone with a prominent
venting crater significantly changed the crater morphology.

This report discusses field observations by various individuals during
December 2007 through March 2008. The reports and photos from visitors
provided by Frederick Belton on his website form the source for much
of which follows. Table 1 summarizes the observations from December
2007 through March 2008.

Table 1. Summary of selected observers of Ol Doinyo Lengai from
December 2007 through 26 March 2008. Observations for 2007 were
reported in BGVN 32:11. Most of list is courtesy of Frederick Belton.

   Date(s)              Observer(s)            Brief observation(s)
(Key: CV= climbed volcano;

observations/photos from crater

                                               overflight; F = flank

   07 Dec 2007          Joerg Keller,          (CV) Geological samples
collected; ash eruption

                        Jurgis Klaudius          with plumes rising to
several thousand meters

                                                 above volcano (see text)

   25 Dec 2007          Jens Fissenebert,      (A/CV) Observations of
crater from helicopter and

                        Paul Johns               ground (see text)

   31 Dec 2007          Raphael Wolf           (CV) Volcano "shook 3
times as my guide and I

                                                 were climbing"; vent
of new cinder cone


   06 Jan 2008          Paul Johns             (A/CV) Helicopter
landed in S crater, group

                                                 walked to summit;
eruption during flight to

                                                 crater and 15 minutes
after they left; large

                                                 rocks (bombs?) had
been thrown into the S


   14 Jan 2008          Vegard Laukhammer      (CV) Experienced
eruption (see text)

   17 Jan-21 Jan 2008   Tom Pfeiffer,          (CV) (See text)

                        group from

                        Volcano Discovery

   18 Jan 2008          Thomas Holden          (CV) New climbing route
on the SE described

   19 Jan 2008          Bernhard Donth,        (CV) Occasional rain of
fine gray ash and small

                        Thomas Schulmeister,     white pebbles during
ascent; small ash jets

                        William (Maasai)         from the active crater

   04 Feb 2008          Michael Dalton-Smith   (F) (See text)

   12 Feb 2008          Michel Picard          (A) Photographed a dark ash cloud

   13 Feb 2008          Walt Bilofsky          (A) Ash rising from summit crater

   15 Feb 2008          Gerrit Jan Plaisier,   (A) Plume over Lengai
to altitude of 11 km

                        Rob Alakaposa

   15 Feb 2008          Benoit Wangermez       (A) Summit crater
heavily cloaked in fresh ash;

                         (pilot)                 ash cloud rising from
crater; movie of eruption

                                                 on Celia Nyamweru's website

   20 Feb 2008          Nigel D'Aubrey         (A) Plume over Lengai

   21 Feb 2008          KLM pilot              (A) Eruption

   24 Feb 2008          Claude Humbert         (CV) Party of 11 people
attempted to climb the S

                                                 side, but terminated
the climb about half-way

                                                 up due to eruption

   27 Feb 2008          reported to            (F) Eruptions getting
stronger; observed from

                        Michael Dalton-Smith     Gol, massive cloud

   27-28 Feb 2008       Flight crew            (A) Ash emissions at
1030 and 1200 on 27 Feb and

                                                 0530 on 28 Feb; ash
cloud moved SW and


   27-28 Feb 2008       Dave Rhys              (F) Eruptions observed
from the Serengeti Plain

                                                 and Ngorongoro Crater
3; single ash plumes rose

                                                 rapidly following
each eruption (none

                                                 continuous) and
dispersed S (thin ash coating

                                                 on leaves around the
rim of  Ngorongoro crater)

   01 Mar 2008          Max Voight             (A) Photo of ash plume rising

   late Feb 2008,       Benoit Wilhelmi        (A) Photos of ash plumes

   1-2 Mar 2008          (pilot)

   03 Mar-05 Mar 2008   Tony Drummond-Murray   (F) Massive eruptions (see text)

   05 Mar 2008          Benoit Wilhelmi        (A) Plume to altitude
of ~ 15.2 km


   11 Mar-12 Mar 2008   Benoit Wilhelmi        (A) Strong ash eruption
(see text)


   18 Mar 2008          Benoit Wilhelmi        (A) Photos of crater (see text)


   22 Mar 2008          Benoit Wilhelmi        (A) Photos of new
crater (see text)


   25 Mar 2008          Paul Westerman,        (CV) Walked to the top
of the ash cone and heard

                        friend,                  the tremendous roar;
no sulfur smell but some

                        and Maasai guide         heat

   26 Mar 2008          Paul Westerman         (F) From shore of Lake
Natron observed some smoke

                                                 and ash fall (on the
downwind side) starting

                                                 around 0930

An accident last August highlights the hazards of summit access. On
his 21 August 2007 ascent, Chris Weber's group evacuated a local
Maasai porter who had fallen into an active lava flow (around 500°C)
in the crater. The porter had managed to get out of the lava, but with
both legs and one arm seriously burned. Initial treatment at an Arusha
hospital was financed by Weber's tour company. As of January 2008 he
was bedridden in his home near Engare Sero, experiencing pain and
muscle wasting. Celia Nyamweru (see web address below) has appealed
for financial support to assist the young man during his recovery.

Keller and Klaudius fieldwork, December 2007. Subsequent to
publication of BGVN 32:11, we received an unpublished report by Joerg
Keller and Jurgis Klaudius on their fieldwork during 5-11 December
2007. According to them, the 4 September eruption ended a period of
about 25 years of activity dominated by the effusion of highly fluid
natrocarbonatite lavas within the summit crater. The deep pit crater
from the 1966/67 eruption period had gradually filled by about
1999/2000. According to the report, the last days of August 2007 were
characterized by Weber as displaying seemingly increased lava output.
A natrocarbonatite lava, collected by Weber during his ascent on 23
August, was analyzed by Keller at Freiburg University and was close to
the average or standard composition for natrocarbonatite from the last
20 years.

During their field work on 5-11 December 2007, Keller and Klaudius
observed intermittent but impressive explosions with ash plumes rising
to several thousand meters above the volcano. This activity alternated
with periods dominated by either minor puffing or degassing, or with
seemingly dormant phases up to several days long. This pattern seemed
to be representative of the period following the 4 September 2007
paroxysm, which Keller and Klaudius had also studied.

Keller and Klaudius reported that an impressive bomb field with
impacted blocks of up to 1 m in diameter extended along the crater
rim, on the E ridge to the summit, and on the flank down into the S
crater. They noted that, given the observed sudden onset of explosions
from the intra-crater vent, the summit area was potentially dangerous.
They found that fumarolic activity in the N crater was strong,
especially along the N rim. It was also observed within the upper part
of the N flank.

According to Keller and Klaudius, the 4 September paroxysm complicated
access to the summit. With the help of Maasai guides, they used a
newly opened route on 7 December that follows a prominent steep ridge
and ends at the SE edge of the S crater. They reported that the track
was quite strenuous and, while being rather direct, took much longer
(7 hours) than the old trail from the W. They found that, with ongoing
explosive activity, the S crater was the only safe arrival place. An
attempt to use the old W route during their descent was unsuccessful
because the very cemented surface of the lapilli beds provided no grip
on the steep entrance from above to the ascent chasm.

While at the crater, Keller and Klaudius collected fresh samples of
black lapilli, ash, and bombs from the active cone. The large
intra-crater cinder-and-ash cone (figure 1) occupied more than half of
the former crater platform, with a crater diameter of ~ 200 m. Its
location coincided with the large collapse structure formed during the
March/April 2006 natrocarbonatite effusive activity (BGVN 32:02)
(Kervyn and others, 2008), which has also been the area of strong lava
emission before the explosive eruption of 4 September 2007. It had a
slightly N-S elongation, oval shape and, despite the heavy fumes
filling the crater, it appeared that two vents, a more northerly one
and a more southerly one, were erupting.

Figure 1. The ash-and-cinder cone that dominated the N crater of Ol
Doinyo Lengai. Taken 7 December 2008 from the summit looking N.
Courtesy of Joerg Keller.

The cone was formed by and covered by ash, black-to-brown lapilli,
cinders, angular blocks, and cored oval bombs. The magmatic lapilli
contained macroscopic phenocrysts of nepheline, garnet, and
wollastonite. With time, the black lapilli and bombs on the slopes of
the cone and in the ring plain around it turned white by weathering of
their components. Products of the active cone have covered almost all
the old natrocarbonatite structures. Only the spiny remnant of the
T49B hornito still stands out at the northern crater rim of the cone.
The surface of a blocky flow was also still recognizable at the foot
of the N wall.

Analyses of the magmatic material were in harmony with the recent
observations of Roger Mitchell and Barry Dawson (reported in BGVN
32:11), who analyzed the mineralogy after the 24 September 2007
eruption, and their suggestion that at the onset of the explosive
eruptive period on 4 September 2007 a silicate component became
involved in the eruptive activity. Mitchell and Dawson concluded that
"in lacking clinopyroxene, the mantling ash is not nephelinite or
melilitite and is unlike any other magma type previously recorded from
the volcano."

During the December fieldwork, Keller and Klaudius collected samples
and examined cross-sections of the 4 September 2007 ash. Proximal
(near-source) accumulations of tephra in the S crater occurred to a
thickness of ~  20 cm in the depression and on the upper slopes of the
S flank, decreasing to a thickness of 1 cm at the E starting point of
the new trail. This compared with a thickness of ~  5 cm at the upper
parking site of the old W trail and the abandoned Maasai home closest
to the volcano, 4.2 km away (figure 2). Towards Engare Sero village,
relics of the ashfall were still locally preserved and indicated an
original thickness of ~  1 cm, consistent with eyewitness reports of
ashfall over the village during 4 September.

Figure 2. The abandoned settlement of the Lesele family, located in
the major ash fallout area W of the volcano. Note the ash on the roofs
of the huts. Courtesy of J. Keller and J. Klaudius.

Other observations. Jens Fissenebert's visit on 25 December 2007 to
the summit by helicopter again confirmed that the ash cone had grown.
He estimated that it covered nearly the northern two-thirds of the
crater floor. The N and W parts of the crater rim were indistinct,
having been mostly covered by the growing flank of the new cone. Newly
erupted ash and lapilli had filled in the flank area below the former
crater rim and down through the "Pearly Gates" through which the
former W climbing route passed.

Several eruptions were noted by Paul Johns when landing by helicopter
on 6 January 2008. During early 2008, there were also occasional
thermal anomalies measured by MODIS (table 2).

Table 2. MODIS/MODVOLC thermal anomalies measured at Ol Doinyo Lengai
during January through early April 2008. Anomalies measured during
2007 were reported in BGVN 32:11. Courtesy of the Hawai'i Institute of
Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System.

   Date           Time (UTC)    Pixels    Satellite

   08 Jan 2008      2030          2        Terra

   17 Jan 2008      2025          2        Terra

   17 Feb 2008      2240          3        Aqua

   22 Feb 2008      2300          1        Aqua

   28 Feb 2008      1135          1        Aqua

   29 Feb 2008      2305          1        Aqua

   07 Mar 2008      2310          1        Aqua

   10 Mar 2008      2045          4        Terra

   03 Apr 2008      1955          1        Terra

Vegard Laukhammer climbed the volcano with several others on 14
January 2008. Laukhammer reported arriving at the summit at 0652
(local time). "The visibility was so poor and there was so much smoke
that we decided to try to climb down again after 10 minutes. . . .
About 10 minutes later (0715), when we had been able to climb about 50
meters down from the summit, a thundering, ear-breaking sound came
from the volcano. A large shower of rocks (many the size of a
football) were thrown out from the volcano directly towards us 4 on
the top" (translation from Norwegian by Sven Dahlgren, found on
Belton's website). The climbers managed to descend without serious

Tom Pfeiffer and a VolcanoDiscovery group stayed near and on Ol Doinyo
Lengai during 17-21 January 2008. During this period episodic ash
eruptions lasted several hours. These phases alternated with quiet
intervals when there was only a weak plume of very fine gray ash and
gas. After sunset on 17 January, strong ash eruptions started with
plumes reaching about 500-1,000 m high, accompanied by strong
lightning. After around 2130, Randle Robertson observed a fountain
that appeared as a bright red-orange "blow-torch" rising from the
summit crater to an estimated height of 500 m above the crater. The
light was steady in appearance and lasted for at least 5 minutes. When
the fountain died, a dark ash cloud emerged from the crater, which did
not reach a great height. The volcano was more or less quiet during
most of 18 January (figure 3).

Figure 3. View looking N from the summit of Ol Doinyo Lengai, taken 18
January 2008. The large cone in the crater was quiet at this time.
Courtesy of Volcano Discovery.

At around 1600 on 19 January, weak explosions set in, increasing in
intensity until the ash plumes reached about 500 m above the crater at
around 1730 (figure 4). Blocks were ejected 300-400 m above the
crater, and all explosions were near-vertical jets from two vents in
the crater's W and central portions. Activity decreased after sunset.
No incandescence was observed during the night. Activity intensified
during the night, with loud-explosion sounds, and the hissing sound of
gas-and-ash jets. During their descent on 20 January, ash eruptions
continued until early afternoon.

Figure 4. View looking N over the active crater from the summit of Ol
Doinyo Lengai, taken 18 January 2008, showing the onset of ash
eruption. Courtesy of Volcano Discovery.

Michael Dalton-Smith observed a fairly large eruption at 1200 on 3
February 2008 from the Gol mountains just E of Sanjan gorge. He saw a
cloud that rose about ~ 1 km above the summit. Activity was present
all day, ceasing around 1600, followed by renewed activity with ash
rising 0.3-0.5 km above the crater.

At about 0600 on 4 February there was a larger eruption with the ash
rising about 1.4 km. It was a fairly dense cloud that flattened out at
the top. The camp manger of Asilia (where Dalton-Smith was staying)
also said that there had been several large explosive eruptions three
days before (on 1 February). Two explosions were heard, one in the
morning and one in the evening.

On 6 February, Dalton-Smith opted to not climb because of strong
eruptions. When he drove past the volcano he reported that "it was
having some of the biggest eruptions in a long time" with continuous
activity from sunrise to about 1400.

During 3-5 March 2008, Tony Drummond-Murray and his wife observed very
strong eruptions (figure 5). Figure 6 shows pyroclastic flows from
what appeared to be a collapsing ash column. The valley between Lengai
and the escarpment itself was covered with a highly visible layer of
light ash after the eruption on 4 March. On 5 March the plume appeared
even larger than the one seen on 4 March.

Figure 5. Large eruption of Ol Doinyo Lengai taken around 4 March 2008
from the Lake Natron area. Courtesy of Tony Drummond-Murray.

Figure 6. During an energetic eruption, small pyroclastic or debris
flows propagated down the flanks of Ol Doinyo Lengai. This photo was
taken around 4 March 2008 from the Lake Natron area. Courtesy of Tony

At 1010 on 5 March 2008, pilot Benoit Wilhelmi observed a plume rising
to ~ 15 km altitude.  On 12 March, he also saw a strong ash eruption;
weaker activity was also seen that day (figure 7).  That photo
indicates that the powerful eruptions of 3-5 March did not
significantly alter the ash cone or crater rim. Large amounts of ash
and cinders had piled up against the northward facing ridge below the
summit. The S crater was covered in ash and cinder layers so deep that
previously prominent erosion gullies were becoming indistinct. It
appeared that all vegetation had either died or been buried.

Figure 7. Ash eruption from Ol Doinyo Lengai seen 12 March 2008 from
the NNE. This image shows that the E, N, and W flanks of the ash cone
had buried the original crater rim. Oversteepening of the cone flank
in places resulted in small landslides which can be seen  just below
the cone as dark material covering the lighter areas of older
weathered carbonatite. The peak beyond the ash plume is the summit.
Photo courtesy Benoit Wilhelmi.

Wilhelmi photographed the summit cone on 18 March at 1530 (figure 8).
On 22 March, Wilhelmi photographed directly into the crater (figure
9). At that time there had been no reports of activity for three days,
but the smell of hydrogen sulfide returned after being gone for days.

Figure 8. Aerial photo highlighting the summit profile of Ol Doinyo
Lengai, as seen looking W at ~ 1530 (local time) on 18 March by Benoit
Wilhelmi (pilot). Courtesy of Frederick Belton.

Table 3 lists a number of volcanic ash advisories (VAAs) issued in
March 2008 by the Toulouse Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC).

Table 3. March 2008 Volcanic Ash Advisories (VAAs) relating to Ol
Doinyo Lengai issued by Toulouse Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC).

   Date           Time     Information            Observed details

                  (UTC)    Source

   04 Mar 2008    0900     Satellite              Eruption occurred at
0630 (UTC), cloud rising

                                                    to 12.2 km may
contain some ash; stopped by


   05 Mar 2008    0854     Meterological watch    Eruption of very
short duration; "simple

                             office (MWO)           puff", ash cloud
to 10.7 km altitude.


   06 Mar 2008    1730     MWO Dar-Es-Salaam      Eruption occurred at
0830 (UTC); cloud top at

                                                    9.1 km altitude,
ash not identified from


   09 Mar 2008    0845     MartinAir              Current eruption;
ash plume to 8.8 km

                                                    altitude, ash not
identified from satellite.

   10 Mar 2008    0711     Satellite              Cloud to 7.3 km altitude.

   11 Mar 2008    1800     Infrared               Possible brief
eruption at about 1700 (UTC);

                             satellite            cloud up to 12.2 km
altitude, moving S.

   13 Mar 2008    1800     KLM pilot,             Volcanism with ash
cloud rising to 12.2 km                                    MartinAir

   16 Mar 2008    0450     Satellite              Short eruption at ~
0330 (UTC); plume reached

                                                    13.7 km altitude.

   16 Mar 2008    2148     Satellite              Ash cloud to 12.2 km altitude.

Thomas Holden reported that as of 29 March 2008 there had been no
activity at Lengai for 10 days. Chris Daborn (Tropical Veterinary
Services Ltd.) reported on 2 April 2008 the following: "Lengai has of
late quieted down significantly-first in changing ash colour from a
'salty' white to a more inert black and now with much smaller
eruptions that barely extend above the mountain. We have heavy rains
on at present which makes movement in the area difficult-but are also
washing ash residue away." Jurgis Klaudius reported that he checked
MODIS data and found a thermal anomaly in the N crater on 3 April
2008, indicating on-going eruptions then (table 2).

Warnings of hazards. Celia Nyamweru posted the following warning on
her web site: "A team of Tanzanian, US, and French scientists visited
the region around the volcano in January 2008, and interviewed local
porters who routinely climb Ol Doinyo Lengai with tourists. Our
observations and photos indicate continuing eruptive activity, and a
growing threat to the region, as outlined below.

"Almost daily eruptions from the central caldera have filled the
crater, and produced a steep lapilli-ash cone around the crater rim. A
film clip of the crater made by a Medecins Sans Frontieres pilot
confirms that the loose lapilli is near collapse. These conditions
mean that there are very high risks of one or more of the following:
1) a debris flow or lahar (mix of hot ash, water/mud) down the
existing channels around the volcano; 2) burns from hot lapilli and
ash; and 3) catastrophic collapse of the steep lapilli cones around
the crater. The risks increase with increasing rainfall during the
March-May rains.

"We also urge extreme caution to anyone driving in the river channels
on the eastern and northern slopes of Lengai between Engaruka and
Ngare Sero. There are scars of immense debris flows on the flanks of
Kerimasi, and smaller scars on Ol Doinyo Lengai. These scars attest to
catastrophic flows in the past, some of which carried rock fragments
up to 50 cm in diameter for distances extending up to 10 km from Ol
Doinyo Lengai. Even smaller debris flows could do great damage to
vehicles and people moving along the eastern and northern slopes of
the volcano."

Reference. Kervyn, M., Ernst, G.G.J., Klaudius, J., Keller, J.,
Kervyn, F., Mattsson, H.B., Belton, F., Mbede, E., and Jacobs, P.,
2008, Voluminous lava flows at Ol Doinyo Lengai in 2006: chronology of
events and insights into the shallow magmatic system: Bulletin of
Volcanology, DOI 10.1007/s00445-007-0190-x.

Geologic Summary. The symmetrical Ol Doinyo Lengai stratovolcano is
the only volcano known to have erupted carbonatite tephras and lavas
in historical time. The prominent volcano, known to the Maasai as "The
Mountain of God," rises abruptly above the broad plain south of Lake
Natron in the Gregory Rift Valley. The cone-building stage of the
volcano ended about 15,000 years ago and was followed by periodic
ejection of natrocarbonatitic and nephelinite tephra during the
Holocene. Historical eruptions have consisted of smaller tephra
eruptions and emission of numerous natrocarbonatitic lava flows on the
floor of the summit crater and occasionally down the upper flanks. The
depth and morphology of the northern crater have changed dramatically
during the course of historical eruptions, ranging from steep crater
walls about 200 m deep in the mid-20th century to shallow platforms
mostly filling the crater. Long-term lava effusion in the summit
crater beginning in 1983 had by the turn of the century mostly filled
the northern crater; by late 1998 lava had begun overflowing the
crater rim.

Information Contacts: Joerg Keller and Jurgis Klaudius,
Mineralogisch-geochemisches Institut, Albertstr. 23B D-79104 Freiburg,
Germany (Email: joerg.keller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
jurgis.klaudius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Jens Fissenebert,
Molvaro-Lake Natron Tented Camp and Campsite
Vegard Laukhammer (URL: http://www.vgb.no/perma/280695); Frederick
Belton, Developmental Studies Department, PO Box 16, Middle Tennessee
State University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132, USA (URL:
http://www.mtsu.edu/~ fbelton/; http://www.oldoinyolengai.org; Email:
oldoinyolengai@xxxxxxxxxxx); J. Barry Dawson, Grant Institute of Earth
Science, University of Edinburgh, King's Building, Edinburgh EH9 3JW,
U.K. (URL: jbdawson@xxxxxxxxxxxx); Roger Mitchell, Lakehead
University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada P7B 5EI
(Email: rmitchell@xxxxxxxxxxx); Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and
Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and Earth
Science and Technology (SOEST), Univ. of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road,
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL: http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu/); Celia
Nyamweru, Department of Anthropology, St. Lawrence University, Canton,
NY 13617 USA (Email: cnyamweru@xxxxxxxxx; URL: http://it.stlawu.edu/~
cnya/); Toulouse Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC)
(http://www.metro.fr/aeroweb/info/vaac/homepage/eindex.html and
http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC/OTH/FR/message.html); Michael
Dalton-Smith (Email: michaelds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Lake Natron Camp
(URL: http://www.ngare-sero-lodge.com/Natropn_camp.htm); Chris Weber,
Volcano Expeditions International (VEI) (Email: mail@xxxxxxxx; URL:

Barren Island

Andaman Islands, Indian Ocean

12.278°N, 93.858°E; summit elev. 354 m

Thermal anomalies associated with the eruption that began in May 2005
were noted at Barren Island through 1 September 2007 (BGVN 32:07).
Anomalies detected on 4 and 5 October 2007 again generated MODIS
thermal alerts. On 23 December 2007 the Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory
Centre reported that an ash plume seen on satellite imagery rose to an
altitude of 1.5 km and drifted S.

Geologic Summary. Barren Island, a possession of India in the Andaman
Sea about 135 km NE of Port Blair in the Andaman Islands, is the only
historically active volcano along the N-S-trending volcanic arc
extending between Sumatra and Burma (Myanmar). The 354-m-high island
is the emergent summit of a volcano that rises from a depth of about
2,250 m. The small, uninhabited 3-km-wide island contains a roughly
2-km-wide caldera with walls 250-350 m high. The caldera, which is
open to the sea on the W, was created during a major explosive
eruption in the late Pleistocene that produced pyroclastic-flow and
-surge deposits. The morphology of a fresh pyroclastic cone that was
constructed in the center of the caldera has varied during the course
of historical eruptions. Lava flows fill much of the caldera floor and
have reached the sea along the western coast during historical

Information Contacts: HIGP MODIS Thermal Alert System, Hawai'i
Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP), University of Hawaii
and Manoa, 168 East-West Road, Post 602, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL:
http://modis.higp.hawaii.edu/); Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre,
Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional Office, PO Box
40050, Casuarina, Northern Territory 0811, Australia (URL:


Sumatra, Indonesia

0.978°S, 100.679°E; summit elev. 2,597 m

The Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM)
lowered the Alert Level of Talang to 2 (on a scale of 1-4) on 27
January 2007 due to a reduced seismicity between 23 November 2006 and
24 January 2007, although gas plumes originated from South and Main
craters. There had been eruptive episodes in April 2005 and elevated
activity during late 2006 (BGVN 32:01).

On 17 March 2007, CVGHM raised the Alert Level based on increased
"smoke" and tremors to 3 (on a scale of 1-4). The Darwin Volcanic Ash
Advisory Centre (VAAC) reported that, based on information from CVGHM,
ash plumes rose to altitudes of 3.4-3.9 km on 19-20 March. Local
authorities and residents were advised to prepare for a possible
evacuation. On 23 April 2007 the Alert Level was reduced to 2. During
18-25 June, thick brown ash plumes rose from Main crater to an
altitude of 3.1 km. Diffuse "white ash" plumes rose from South crater
to an altitude of 3 km.

On 29 November CVGHM raised the Alert Level to 3 (on a scale of 1-4)
based on visual observations and seismicity. During 27-29 November,
ash and steam plumes from multiple craters rose to altitudes of
3.1-4.1 km. A strong smell of sulfur dioxide gas was reported.
Visitors were advised not to go within 3 km of the summit.

During 7-10 December, observations were limited by inclement weather.
On 11 December, "smoke" rose from the Main crater to a maximum
altitude of 3.3 km. Plumes were also observed from the South crater
and Gabuo Atas solfatara field. On 14 December visual observations and
a decrease in the number of earthquakes prompted a lowering of the
Alert Level back to 2.

Geologic Summary. Talang, which forms a twin volcano with the extinct
Pasar Arbaa volcano, lies ESE of the major city of Padang and rises NW
of Dibawah Lake. Talang has two crater lakes on its flanks; the
largest of these is 1 x 2 km wide Danau Talang. Most historical
eruptions have not occurred from the summit of the volcano, which
lacks a crater. Historical eruptions from Gunung Talang volcano have
mostly involved small-to-moderate explosive activity first documented
in the 19th century that originated from a series of small craters in
a valley on the upper NE flank.

Information Contacts: Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre, Bureau of
Meteorology, Commonwealth of Australia (URL:
http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac); Center of Volcanology and Geological
Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122,
Indonesia (Email: dali@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; URL:

Batu Tara

Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia

7.792°S, 123.579°E; summit elev. 748 m

Our last report (the first ever for this volcano) covered eruptive
activity through 13 October 2007 (BGVN 32:12). This report continues
coverage through early April 2008.

On 8 January 2007, gray plumes rose to 1.5 km altitude and drifted E.
On 26 January, white plumes rose to altitudes of 1.7 km and drifted E.
On 30 January, white plumes rose to altitudes of 1.5 km. and drifted
E. The Darwin VAAC reported that eruption plumes were observed from a
ship on 31 January, but ash was not seen in satellite imagery. The
Alert level remained at 1 (on a scale of 1-4).

Thermal anomalies were first measured by the MODIS satellites on 17
January 2007 (1420 UTC). According to the Hawai'i Institute of
Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, through the
end of 2007 anomalies were measured every 1 to 7 days. This trend of
nearly daily anomalies continued up to 9 April 2008, with the
following exceptions: a 10-day gap beginning 21 December 2007, a
10-day gap beginning 8 January 2008, and a 21-day gap beginning 2
February 2008.

The regularity and repeating character of the thermal anomalies
suggest ongoing venting of hot fragmental material or lava flows,
similar to March and April 2007 (BGVN 32:12). However, the late 2007
and early 2008 behavior and deposits have not been observed.

On 4 February 2008, the Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard
Mitigation (CVGHM) reported that since 9 October 2007, white plumes
were a daily occurrence. On 11 March the Darwin VAAC reported that
satellite imagery that day revealed an ash-and-steam plume from Batu
Tara that rose to an altitude of 3 km and drifted SW. On 12 March
satellite imagery revealed an ash-and-steam plume at an altitude of
2.1 km moving SE.

Geologic Summary. The small isolated island of Batu Tara in the Flores
Sea about 50 km N of Lembata (fomerly Lomblen) Island contains a scarp
on the eastern side similar to the Sciara del Fuoco of Italy's
Stromboli volcano. Vegetation covers the flanks of Batu Tara to within
50 m of the 748-m-high summit. Batu Tara lies N of the main volcanic
arc and is noted for its potassic leucite-bearing basanitic and
tephritic rocks. The first historical eruption from Batu Tara, during
1847-52, produced explosions and a lava flow.

Information Contacts: Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre, Bureau of
Meteorology, Commonwealth of Australia (URL:
http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac); Center of Volcanology and Geological
Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122,
Indonesia (Email: dali@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; URL:
http://www.vsi.esdm.go.id/); Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and
Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and Earth
Science and Technology (SOEST), Univ. of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road,
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL: http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu/).


Sulawesi, Indonesia

1.358°N, 124.792°E; summit elev. 1,580 m

All times are local (= UTC + 8 hours)

Our most recent report on Lokon-Empung discussed low seismicity and
plume emissions between January-October 2005 (BGVN 31:03). Since then,
available reports from the Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard
Mitigation (CVGHM) discussed seismic events in June and December 2007,
and January 2008. Plumes mentioned in these reports were small, white
in color, and only rose 15-40 m, occasionally up to125 m, above the
rim of the active vent area (Tompaluan crater), in the saddle between
the peaks of Lokon and Empung.

During 11-24 June 2007 CVGHM reported 52 A-type and 156 B-type
earthquakes, but no tremor. Only one earthquake was felt by residents.
The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4).

On 9 December 2007, CVGHM raised the Alert Level from 2 to 3 based on
visual observations, inflation detected by deformation instruments,
and an increase in seismicity. The water in the Tompaluan crater
changed color from green to gray and noises from degassing became
stronger. Visitors were advised not to go within 2 km of the crater.

After a short period of decline, seismicity began to increase again on
22 January 2008, peaking on 3 February. Visitors were prohibited from
going within 1 km of the crater.

Geologic Summary. The twin volcanoes Lokon and Empung, rising about
800 m above the plain of Tondano, are among the most active volcanoes
of Sulawesi. Lokon, the higher of the two peaks ( whose summits are
only 2.2 km apart), has a flat, craterless top. The morphologically
younger Empung volcano has a 400-m-wide, 150-m-deep crater that
erupted last in the 18th century, but all subsequent eruptions have
originated from Tompaluan, a 150 x 250 m wide double crater situated
in the saddle between the two peaks. Historical eruptions have
primarily produced small-to-moderate ash plumes that have occasionally
damaged croplands and houses, but lava-dome growth and pyroclastic
flows have also occurred.

Information Contacts: Dali Ahmad, Hetty Triastuty, Nia Haerani and
Suswati, Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation
(CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (Email:
dali@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; URL: http://www.vsi.esdm.go.id/).


New Britain, Papua New Guinea

5.525°S, 148.42°E; summit elev. 1,330 m

All times are local (= UTC +10 hours)

Satellite thermal anomalies occurred at or near Langila on three
different days in early 2007 (BGVN 32:02). Although erupting
regularly, only one other anomaly (on 2 April 2007) was detected after
that time through 6 March 2008. Langila is noted for its ongoing
fluctuating eruptions and occasional ash clouds that rise to more than
5 km altitude and pose a threat to aviation. Throughout this reporting
period, April 2007 to January 2008, ash emissions were usually
accompanied by weak to moderately loud roaring.

During May 2007, the Rabaul Volcanic Observatory (RVO) reported the
emission of ash clouds from Langila's Crater 2. Ash plumes rose to an
altitude of 3.3-4.3 km and drifted NW. Weak roaring noises were heard
on 11-12 May and a weak glow was visible on 7-8, 11-12, and 15 May.
Weak roaring noises were again heard on 20 May, and an increased phase
of eruptive activity that began on 22 May continued until end of the
month. The increased activity was characterized by forceful emission
of thick pale-gray to dark gray-brown ash clouds from 22-27 May. The
emission changed to subcontinuous thick dark gray-brown ash clouds on
28-29 May before changing back to occasional thick, pale-gray clouds
on 30-31 May. Two large explosions on 30 May accompanied the ash
emission. The ash clouds from these two explosions rose 4 km above the
summit before being blown NW. On the other days, the ash clouds rose
2-3 km above the summit before drifting NW of the volcano. Continuous
fine ashfall occurred at Kilenge Catholic Mission (~ 10 km NW) and
surrounding areas during 22-31 May. The ash emissions were accompanied
by occasional weak to loud roaring noises from the 22 to 28 May before
turning subcontinuous during 29-31 May. On 30 May two large explosions
produced ash plumes that rose to ~ 5.3 km and drifted NW. A weak glow
was visible on 7-8, 11-12, 15, and 20 May and again on 29 and 31 May.
Incandescence was visible on 29 May. On 26 May, the seismograph
deployed at Kilenge became operational.

During June RVO reported a slight decrease in eruptive activity that
began on 22 May, however, the emissions of ash plumes from Crater 2
were occasionally forceful. The emissions were continuous on 6, 7, and
10 June and accompanied by roaring noises; booming noises were heard
on 1 and 10 June. Ash plumes rose to ~  2.3-4.3 km and drifted NNW.
Based on observations of satellite imagery and information from RVO,
the Darwin VAAC reported that on 3 June, an ash plume rose to an
altitude of 3 km and drifted W. Ashfall was again reported at Kilenge
Catholic Mission and surrounding areas. Seismic activity in June was
at a high level, dominated by continuous tremor and occasional
explosion signals. During the latter part of the month, seismic
activity decreased to a low-moderate level. It was dominated by
continuous irregular tremors and occasional harmonic tremors.
Low-frequency earthquakes ranged from 1 to 7 events per day.

During July 2007, eruptive activity continued at a low level but
included thin-to-thick, pale-gray ash clouds. Weak roaring noises were
heard on 1 July, but glow was absent at night. On 2 July ash clouds
were ejected forcefully and rose ~ 2 km, drifted NW, and resulted in a
fine ashfall downwind. On 6-7, and 9-13 July, ash clouds rose less
than 1 km above the summit before drifting NNW. Except for 1 July when
weak roaring noises were heard, the volcano was quiet and without
appreciable night glow. Seismicity registered at low-moderate levels,
dominated by non-harmonic and harmonic tremor of continuous,
irregular, or banded character. During July, the daily number of
low-frequency earthquakes ranged between 1 and 12 events per day. The
one high-frequency earthquake occurred on 27 July.

RVO reports noted mild but continuous ash and white vapor plumes from
Crater 2 during 1 August-30 September. Ash plumes generally rose to
altitudes of ~ 1.8-3.3 km and drifted WNW. On 8 August, a large
explosion produced an ash plume that rose to an altitude of 5.3 km and
drifted SW. Ashfall was reported downwind. Incandescent fragments were
ejected from the summit on 21-22 September.

During 1-7 October 2007, RVO reported low-to-moderate eruptive
activity consisting of continuous emission of pale gray ash clouds
which rose to ~ 1.8-3.3 km and were blown W to NW. During the second
week, the white vapor accompanied by pale gray ash clouds continued;
these rose less than 1 km before being blown to the NW of the volcano.
On 19, 16, and 27 October, the ash clouds rose less than 2 km before
being blown WNW. Consistently, the ash emissions were accompanied by
occasional weak-to-loud roaring or booming noises.

On most occasions, there was no glow observed at night, however, a
weak-to-bright glow accompanied by projection of incandescent lava
fragments was visible on 12 and 22 October. Crater 3 remained quiet.
Seismic activity was at low-to- moderate level dominated by low
frequency earthquakes and bands of harmonic and non-harmonic tremors.
The daily number of low-frequency earthquakes ranged from 2-15. Less
than 10 high-frequency events were recorded during October.

In January 2008, activity generally remained low. Some ash fell on
6-7, and 9 January with fluctuating glow visible. On 10, 13, and 25
January the incandescent glow was bright. More direct observations
through late February 2008 by RVO staff and affiliates confirmed
ongoing eruptions. During February, Crater 2 continued to erupt. Most
days, these eruptions generated ash plumes typically rising a few
hundred meters. Observers noted incandescent glow or noises on 7, 9,
11, and 21-23 February.

Geologic Summary. Langila, one of the most active volcanoes of New
Britain, consists of a group of four small overlapping composite
basaltic-andesitic cones on the lower eastern flank of the extinct
Talawe volcano. Talawe is the highest volcano in the Cape Gloucester
area of NW New Britain. A rectangular, 2.5-km-long crater is breached
widely to the SE; Langila volcano was constructed NE of the breached
crater of Talawe. An extensive lava field reaches the coast on the
north and NE sides of Langila. Frequent mild-to-moderate explosive
eruptions, sometimes accompanied by lava flows, have been recorded
since the 19th century from three active craters at the summit of
Langila. The youngest and smallest crater (Crater 3) was formed in
1960 and has a diameter of 150 m.

Information Contacts: Herman Patia, Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO),
PO Box 386, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea; Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory
Centre (VAAC), Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional
Office, PO Box 40050, Casuarina, Northern Territory 0811, Australia
(URL: http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac/); Hawai'i Institute of
Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, School of
Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), Univ. of Hawai'i, 2525
Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL:

Garbuna Group

New Britain, SW Pacific

5.45°S, 150.03°E; summit elev. 564 m

Garbuna again began to erupt in March 2008. Prior to that, during late
June 2007, the summit continued to release variable volumes of white
vapor. Occasional increases in volume caused concern in local
communities, although noises and night-time glow were absent. An
investigation by the West New Britain Disaster Office indicated no
other increased activity or emission of solid material. Vapor
emissions from the active vent continued through October 2007. Through
the end of 2007 and into January and February 2008 activity was
characteristically uneventful, with no indication of an eruption.

A new eruption began on 11 March 2008. Gray ash clouds rose less than
a kilometer above the summit before being blown SW, causing fine
ashfall. Occasional booming noises were heard accompanying the ash
emissions. Ash emissions continued on 12-13 March, and reports
indicated most of the ash fell in the summit area. On 14-15 March the
odor of sulfur was reported downwind. No glow was visible at night.
Around this time, observations from the Kulingai Volcano Observatory
(15 km SE) noted white vapor emissions from numerous vents at the
summit area. During 17-18 March activity increased slightly with
forceful and continuous emission of white vapor. Emissions rose
vertically less than a kilometer before dissipating. There were no
noises heard and no glow visible at night. A strong smell of sulfur
was again noted to the E.

All of the monitoring equipment installed during 2005 and 2006 was
destroyed. The two GPS stations at the summit and at the base remained
out of service, and for most of the reporting interval there was no
functioning seismometer. Seismicity began to be monitored using a KD1
recorder, along with a portable seismometer to the E, at SiSi village.
Seismicity fluctuated between low and moderate levels. On 17 March,
seismicity increased to a moderate level characterized by
non-overlapping tremor. Only three high-frequency volcano-tectonic
earthquakes were noted during the first day of recording; no
low-frequency events were recorded. Seismicity declined on 18 March
but rose to a moderate level on 19 March.

Geologic Summary. The basaltic-to-dacitic Garbuna volcano group
consists of three volcanic peaks, Krummel, Garbuna, and Welcker. They
are located along a 7-km N-S line above a shield-like foundation at
the southern end of the Willaumez Peninsula. The central and lower
peaks of the centrally located 564-m-high Garbuna volcano contain a
large vegetation-free area that is probably the most extensive thermal
field in Papua New Guinea. A prominent lava dome and blocky lava flow
in the center of thermal area have resisted destruction by thermal
activity, and may be of Holocene age. The 854-m-high Krummel volcano
at the S end of the group contains a summit crater, breached to the
NW. The highest peak of the Garbuna group is 1,005-m-high Welcker
volcano, which has fed blocky lava flows that extend to the eastern
coast of the peninsula. The last major eruption from both it and
Garbuna volcanoes took place about 1800 years ago. The first
historical eruption of the complex took place at Garbuna in October

Information Contacts: Herman Patia, Steve Saunders, and Felix Taranu,
Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO), PO Box 3386, Rabaul, E.N.B.P, Papua
New Guinea.


Luzon, Philippines

12.770 N, 124.05 E; summit elev. 1,565 m

All times are local (= UTC + 8 hours)

Our last report on Bulusan described explosive eruptions and ashfall
during 10 October 2006 to 12 May 2007 (BGVN 32:04). This current
report will cover the events from late May 2007 to January 2008. There
were ash-bearing eruptions on 31 July and 4 October 2007. Hazard
concerns also included steam-driven explosions, lahars, and related

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
reported on 20 May 2007 that seismicity remained high following an
explosion on 12 May (BGVN 32:04). The seismic network detected 673
volcanic earthquakes during five days. The epicenters were located
along a NW-SE trend. Ground deformation measurements conducted on 17
May on the NE flank revealed 4 mm of inflation since 7 April,
measurements in a series which have shown continued inflation since
June 2006. Sulfur dioxide flux measurements were 165-315 tons per day
(t/d), below a baseline level of 500 t/d. The Alert Level was raised
in mid-May from 1 to 2 (out of 5) due to the increased seismicity and
inflation. On 22 May, heavy rain triggered lahars, but they were
confined and did not affect populated areas. On 25 May 2007 sulfur
emission reached 500 t/d.

During mid-2007, scientists from PHIVOLCS conducting an aerial
investigation discovered lahar deposits and three steaming fissures.
Scientists also observed steam plumes that rose to altitudes of
1.6-1.7 km and drifted NW and NE. The S flank had inflated by 3 mm.
Residents near the base of the volcano noted the odor of sulfur

No significant activity was reported during June 2007. Steaming from
the active vents and fissures generally consisted of weak to moderate
emissions of steam. On 13 July 2007, PHIVOLCS lowered the Alert Level
to 1 due to a decline in activity including decreased seismicity, and
lower than baseline sulfur dioxide emissions. On 19-21 June the NE and
SE flanks were deflated when compared to previous surveys. Sulfur
dioxide emission rates were 50-400 t/d.

On the morning of 31 July 2007 an explosion produced an ash plume that
rose to an altitude of 6.6 km and drifted WSW and WNW. Initial field
reports indicated that light ashfalls were experienced in Cogon,
Gulang-gulang, Puting Sapa, Bolos, Monbon and Gabao in Irosin, and
Sangkayon and Buraburan in Juban. Small to moderate sized earthquakes
and ash explosions continued. On 2 August, white steam plumes rose
from active craters and fissures.

On 28 September 2007 the number of volcanic earthquakes increased and
PHIVOLCS noted a possible eruption. Explosions at 0134 and 0139 on 4
October 2007 caused a blanket of thick ashfall in sixteen villages
that resulted in minor injuries and damage. Instruments recorded 40
volcanic earthquakes and eight short harmonic tremors during a 24 hour
interval ending at 0526 that day. Moderate steaming from fissures were
found on the SW flank.

According to the news source Southen Luzon Bureau, on 15 October 2007
PHIVOLCS found an additional six points of emission around the
volcano, three each on the NW and SE slopes. Several other emission
points had stopped on the N, SSW, and SW slopes. Overall, nine
emission points were active. News reports also mentioned that
residents in the village of San Rogue noted bulging of the ground. A
deformation survey was allegedly conducted, but results were not
available in PHIVOLCS reports.

In the 24 hours from 0800 on 6 January 2008, at least seven minor
earthquakes were recorded, but no steaming was noted. Although the
Alert Level remained at 1, authorities began to enforce a no-entry
policy in a 4-km radius.

Geologic Summary. Luzon's southernmost volcano, Bulusan, was
constructed along the rim of the 11-km-diameter dacitic-to-rhyolitic
Irosin caldera, which was formed about 35,000-40,000 years ago.
Bulusan lies at the SE end of the Bicol volcanic arc occupying the
peninsula of the same name that forms the elongated SE tip of Luzon. A
broad, flat moat is located below the topographically prominent SW rim
of Irosin caldera; the NE rim is buried by the andesitic Bulusan
complex. Bulusan is flanked by several other large intracaldera lava
domes and cones, including the prominent Mount Jormajan lava dome on
the SW flank and Sharp Peak to the NE. The summit of 1,565-m-high
Bulusan volcano is unvegetated and contains a 300-m-wide, 50-m-deep
crater. Three small craters are located on the SE flank. Many moderate
explosive eruptions have been recorded at Bulusan since the mid-19th

Information Contacts: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology (PHIVOLCS), University of the Philippines Campus, Diliman,
Quezon City, Philippines (URL: http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph);
Southern Luzon Bureau, Philippine Daily Inquirer, PO Box 2353, Makati
Central Post Office, 1263 Makati City, Philippines (URL:

NW Rota-1

Mariana Islands, Central Pacific

14.601°N, 144.775°E; summit elev. -517 m

All times are local (= UTC +10 hours)

During an April 2006 expedition (BGVN 31:05), scientists from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) and Oregon State
University aboard the research vessel Melville witnessed the volcano
ejecting lava, bombs, and sulfur-rich (SO2 and H2S) plumes. This is
the first site where explosive submarine eruptions have been directly
observed from a submersible (see Videos, below).

According to William Chadwick, a brief visit to NW Rota-1 was made on
24 February 2008. With support from the NOAA Ocean Exploration Program
and the U.S. Coast Guard, the scientists deployed a hydrophone and
plume sensor. While on site, scientists found that the volcano was
still erupting. There were no instruments left after the April 2006
visit, so the observational record was discontinuous. On the other
hand, scientists visited the site four times in four years and
consistently found that it was active. Moreover, Chadwick and
colleagues had collected multibeam bathymetry in 2003 and 2006 (Walker
and others, in press). Depth changes between those surveys were up to
+40 m and extended from the eruptive vent at 550 m directly downslope
to at least 2,000 m. They were consistent with volcaniclastic deposits
from ongoing eruptions. The suggestion is that NW Rota-1 has been very
active, if not continuously active.

On 24 February 2008 the Melville crew made a vertical cast over the
eruptive vent with a light-scattering sensor and detected an eruption
plume below 500 m depth. Hydrophone data also indicated eruptions with
cyclic bursts about once a minute. These appear very similar to the
explosions observed by ROV and hydrophone in 2006 (Chadwick and
others, 2008). The explosion sounds were louder and more frequent in
2008 than in 2006. During the 2008 visit, explosion signals filled the
24-hour acoustic record. Before departure, the crew installed a
hydrophone and plume sensor to record activity over the next year.

Resing and others (2007) described two types of venting at NW Rota-1.
The first was a focused plume rich in Al, S, Si, CO2, Fe, Mn, and
^3He. The second was a plume with diffuse flow, rich in Fe, Mn, CO2,
and ^3He, but without Al, S, and Si. Data suggested that the pH of
these plumes were less than 1.0, primarily due to SO2 and possibly
HCl. The authors claimed that the volcano is producing some of the
greatest chemical anomalies ever observed in non-buoyant hydrothermal
plumes and greatly different from that observed in any other
hydrothermal setting.

Videos. Eruption videos taken from an unmanned submersible on 29 April
2006 can be found at
website. The five videos are titled as follows: (1) The extremely
dynamic Brimstone Pit, (2) Brimstone Pit erupting with glowing red
lava jetting out of the vent, (3) Brimstone Pit erupting with glowing
red lava and gas bubbles, (4) Brimstone Pit sulfur plume envelopes the
Jason ROV [remotely operated vehicle], and (5) The pulse and shake of
the Brimstone Pit during another eruption.

References: Chadwick, W.W., Jr., Cashman, K.V., Embley, R.W.,
Matsumoto, H., Dziak, R.P., de Ronde, C.E.J., Lau, T.-K., Deardorff,
N., and Merle, S.G., 2008, Direct video and hydrophone observations of
submarine explosive eruptions at NW Rota-1 volcano, Mariana Arc: J.
Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, doi:10.1029/2007JB005215 (in press).

Resing, J.A., Lebon, G., Baker, E.T., Lupton, J.E., Embley, R.W.,
Massoth, G.J., Chadwick, Jr., W.W., and de Ronde, C.E.J., 2007,
Venting of acid-sulfate fluids in a high-sulfidation setting at NW
Rota-1 submarine volcano on the Mariana Arc: Economic Geology, v. 102,
no. 6, p. 1047-1061.

Walker, S.L., Baker, E.T., Chadwick, Jr., W.W., Resing, J.A., Lebon,
G.T., Lupton, J.E., and Merle S.G., (in press), Eruption-fed particle
plumes and volcaniclastic deposits at a submarine volcano: NW-Rota-1,
Mariana Arc: J. Geophys. Res.

Geologic Summary. A submarine volcano detected during a 2003 NOAA
bathymetric survey of the Mariana Island arc was found to be
hydrothermally active and named NW Rota-1. The basaltic to
basaltic-andesite seamount rises to within 517 m of the sea surface SW
of Esmeralda Bank and lies 64 km NW of Rota Island and about 100 km
north of Guam. When Northwest Rota-1 was revisited in 2004, a minor
submarine eruption from a vent named Brimstone Pit on the upper south
flank about 40 m below the summit intermittently ejected a plume
several hundred meters high containing ash, rock particles, and molten
sulfur droplets that adhered to the surface of the remotely operated
submersible vehicle. The active vent was funnel-shaped, about 20 m
wide and 12 m deep. NW Rota-1 is large submarine volcano with
prominent structural lineaments about a kilometer apart cutting across
the summit of the edifice and down the NE and SW flanks.

Information Contacts. William Chadwick and Robert Dziak, Oregon State
University and NOAA Vents Program, Newport, Oregon; 2115 SE OSU Drive,
Newport, OR 97365 USA (URL:


Ryukyu Islands, Japan

29.635°N, 129.716°E; summit elev. 799 m

All times are local (= UTC + 9 hours)

Our last Bulletin (BGVN 3211) covered eruptive activity during July
2005 to December 2007. This issue covers eruptions recorded by the
Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) from December 2007 to March
2008. Kinoshita and others (2003) noted that Sakura-jima "has been the
most eruptive in Japan, with the eruption columns a few kilometers
above the crater occasionally."

Table 4 summarizes information gathered by the Tokyo VAAC from
observers between 9 December 2007 and 21 March 2008. In all cases the
VAAC could not detect plumes using satellite data. An overview of
satellite and image monitoring of Suwanose-jima appears in an article
by Kinoshita and others (2003).

Table 4. A summary of Tokyo VAAC reports on ash plumes from
Suwanose-jima during 9 December 2007 to 21 March 2008. Cases with only
dashes in the data fields were when observers detected an explosion
but they were unable to say more about a resulting plume. In many of
the examples given, there were multiple Volcanic Ash Advisories
issued, but no new data came to light. Courtesy of the Tokyo VAAC.

   Date           Time (UTC)    Ash cloud altitude    Direction

   09 Dec 2007       2340            1.5 km              W

   10 Dec 2007       0734            1.8 km              W

   14 Dec 2007       0914            --                  --

   15 Dec 2007       0016            1.8 km              E

   16 Dec 2007       0353            1.5 km              E

   16 Dec 2007       2310            1.5 km              E

   08 Feb 2008       0248            1.8 km              E

   13 Feb 2008       0208            --                  --

   21 Mar 2008       1622            --                  --

Reference: Kinoshita, K., Kanagaki, C., Minaka, A., Tsuchida, S.,
Matsui, T., Tupper, A., Yakiwara, H., and Iino, N., 2003, Ground and
Satellite Monitoring of Volcanic Aerosols in Visible and Infrared
Bands: The CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing -
Monitoring of Environmental Change in Asia, Chiba, Japan, 16-17
December 2003, 10 p.

Geologic Summary. The 8-km-long, spindle-shaped island of
Suwanose-jima in the northern Ryukyu Islands consists of an andesitic
stratovolcano with two historically active summit craters. Only about
50 persons live on the sparsely populated island. The summit of the
volcano is truncated by a large breached crater extending to the sea
on the east flank that was formed by edifice collapse. Suwanose-jima,
one of Japan's most frequently active volcanoes, was in a state of
intermittent strombolian activity from On-take (Otake), the NE summit
crater, that began in 1949 and lasted until 1996, after which periods
of inactivity lengthened. The largest historical eruption took place
in 1813-14, when thick scoria deposits blanketed residential areas,
and the SW crater produced two lava flows that reached the western
coast. At the end of the eruption the summit of On-take collapsed
forming a large debris avalanche and creating the horseshoe-shaped
Sakuchi caldera, which extends to the eastern coast. The island
remained uninhabited for about 70 years after the 1813-1814 eruption.
Lava flows reached the eastern coast of the island in 1884.

Information Contacts: Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC),
Tokyo, Japan (URL:


Aleutian Islands, USA

52.825°N, 169.944°W; summit elev. 1,730 m

All times are local (= UTC -10 hours)

Our previous reports on Cleveland discussed short duration explosions
on 6 February 2006 (BGVN 31:01), 23 May 2006 (BGVN 31:07), and on 24
August and 28 October 2006 (BGVN 31:09).

We received no further reports on Cleveland until June 2007. On 12
June, steam emissions were observed. The plume rose to an altitude of
3.7 km and drifted SE for 200 km. On 17 June, satellite imagery showed
a significant thermal anomaly. Low level eruptive activity was
suggested. No ash plume was detected. On 26 June, satellite imagery
showed another thermal anomaly. On 20 July, the Alaska Volcano
Observatory (AVO) raised the Alert Level from Advisory to Watch and
the Aviation Color Code from Yellow to Orange, based upon an intense
thermal anomaly in the crater and an associated steam-and-gas plume
observed on satellite imagery. Three small SO2 clouds produced by
small explosions on 20 July were detected in OMI satellite data. Weak
thermal activity was observed by satellite imagery throughout the

On 27 July AVO noted that low-level eruptive activity continued.
Photographs from 27 July and a pilot report from 2 August indicated
fresh volcanic ejecta on the slopes and summit. The E portion of
Chuginadak Island was dusted with ash on 3 August. AVO lacks a local
seismic system at the volcano was thus unable to track local volcanic

Thermal anomalies continued to be detected on satellite imagery,
although clouds obscured satellite and web camera views of the volcano
on most days during August through 11 September. A few clear views of
the crater during this time revealed multiple thermal anomalies at the
summit, indicating that low-level eruptive activity continued.

On 6 September, AVO lowered the Volcanic Alert Level for Cleveland
from Watch to Advisory and the Aviation Color Code from Orange to
Yellow, based on the observation that since late July, ash and gas
plumes had been absent in satellite imagery and no reports of activity
had been received. On 20 November the last weak thermal anomaly was
observed for the year.

At 1200 on 17 January 2008, minor ash emission was detected, which
drifted N. The plume height could not be determined. Thermal anomalies
were found in the satellite imagery later that day. According to the
AVO, on 8 February, during a break in the cloud cover, satellite
imagery detected a diffuse ash plume extending about 12 km SE at an
altitude below 1.5 km. Later that day AVO received pilot reports of a
diffuse ash plume that rose to an altitude of 6.1 km and, according to
satellite imagery, drifted NW. Due to the increased activity, the
Volcanic Alert Level was raised to Watch and the Aviation Color Code
was raised to Orange. During 10-11 February, a feeble thermal anomaly
was marginally visible on satellite imagery.

On 12 February, the Volcanic Alert Level was lowered back to Advisory
and the Aviation Color Code was lowered to Yellow. This occurred in
response to the observation that minor eruptive activity appeared to
have subsided and no further evidence of ash emission had been

On 15 February, a minor explosion from Cleveland produced a small,
diffuse ash plume that rose to an altitude of below 3 km and drifted
NW. On 16 February, a brief explosion occurred. On 22 February,
satellite imagery detected a low-level ash plume that drifted about
300 km SE. On 23 February, satellite imagery revealed a thermal
anomaly. On 29 February, satellite imagery detected a weak thermal
anomaly and a small ash plume that rose to an altitude of below 3 km.
On 15, 27, and 30 March, weak thermal anomalies were detected. As of 4
April 2008, Cleveland remains at Advisory and the Aviation code

Geologic Summary. Beautifully symmetrical Mount Cleveland
stratovolcano is situated at the western end of the uninhabited,
dumbbell-shaped Chuginadak Island. It lies SE across Carlisle Pass
strait from Carlisle volcano and NE across Chuginadak Pass strait from
Herbert volcano. Cleveland is joined to the rest of Chuginadak Island
by a low isthmus. The 1,730-m-high Mount Cleveland is the highest of
the Islands of the Four Mountains group and is one of the most active
of the Aleutian Islands. The native name for Mount Cleveland,
Chuginadak, refers to the Aleut goddess of fire, who was thought to
reside on the volcano. Numerous large lava flows descend the
steep-sided flanks of the volcano. It is possible that some
18th-to-19th century eruptions attributed to Carlisle should be
ascribed to Cleveland (Miller et al., 1998). In 1944 Cleveland
produced the only known fatality from an Aleutian eruption. Recent
eruptions from Mount Cleveland have been characterized by short-lived
explosive ash emissions, at times accompanied by lava fountaining and
lava flows down the flanks.

Information Contacts: Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO), a cooperative
program of the U.S. Geological Survey, 4200 University Drive,
Anchorage, AK 99508-4667, USA; Geophysical Institute, University of
Alaska, P.O. Box 757320, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320, USA; and Alaska
Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 794 University Ave.,
Suite 200, Fairbanks, AK 99709, USA (URL: http://www.avo.alaska.edu/);
Volcanic Emissions Group, Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)-Total
Ozone Monitoring Spectrometer (TOMS), Joint Center for Earth Systems
Technology, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), and NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center (URL: http://toms.unbc.edu/).

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