Volcanoes for people - Seeking assistance, data, info

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Seeking information and data on volcano-related tourism
From: Gerald Ernst <plumeman2000@xxxxxxxxxxx>

While doing field volcanology research on poorly-known potentially
hazardous volcanoes of SW Tanzania, colleagues Karen Fontijn (UGhent),
Edista Abadalla (U Daar es Salaam) and I have come across three local
NGOs (the Bongo Development Project, Rungwe Tea & Tours, Wildlife
Conservation Society 'Southern Highlands Project') that develop
relevant activities to reduce poverty at a local or regional level,
help enable sustainable community-driven development and promote
environmental conservation in this unique region.

Income to support these humanitarian activities comes in large part
from developing volcano ecotourism in this magnificent but
poverty-stricken volcanic region of the East African Rift. We have
started a modest effort where we are exploring how our volcanological
work may help with assisting these local NGOs in their efforts. It
seems that there are opportunities to make ourselves helpful, drawing
from the developing scientific work and from means available to us
(eg. access to internet, conferences, forums, publications,
poster-printing; teaching/training/writing experience, etc..).

Generally we are starting to get the impression that volcano-benefits,
on average and at most times, far outweighs the problems posed by
volcanoes, although applications of volcanology research do appear to
have focused and to continue to focus overwhelmingly on addressing
volcanoes as posing problems. We would like to assess the experienced
benefits of volcano tourism in contrasting world regions inasmuch as
possible both qualitatively and quantitatively by trying to compile
and analyse information and data on local volcano-related tourism
anywhere in the world.

I am writing to seek the assistance of VOLCANO-LIST recipients in this
effort. We would like to find out how many tourists have been visiting
volcano sites, especially in recent years (eg. Volcano National Parks,
Museums, Observatories, particular volcano field sites). Any info on
how the tourism-related operations operate, on whether they are
private or public ventures (funded by state, region, ministry of
education/tourism or via a commercial operation or an NGO), on who
benefits, on which portions of populations from where take part, would
also be invaluable. We are also curious to hear from anyone who could
tell us if National Park or UN World Heritage Site Status have made
any difference to volcano-related tourism or associated local
community development at any given sites and in what ways.

Any information or data shared will be compiled and contributions
acknowledged. The very first results/insights will be presented at the
IAVCEI Conference in Iceland, but this is anticipated to be a long
haul effort requiring data gathering and analyses over a number of
years. We are also open to anyone or any group who would like to join
in this effort. As we say in Belgium "L'Union fait la force".

We would love to hear from anyone: from National Park scientists or
officials, Museum staffs, volcanologists, school teachers who have
visited volcanic sites with their pupils or students and can comment
on features perceived as attractive, adventure travel or eco-travel
tour operators, media colleagues, anyone who feel they can provide
some insights, info, data.

This may enable to establish how much volcanoes contribute to local
development, poverty reduction, environmental conservation and
generally to see if there is a case that volcano resources far
outweigh volcano hazards or other problems and if the recovery of
volcano resources (eg. volcano tourism) may deserve to become a
research focus in its own right in the future, together with
activities to promote sustainable volcano-tourism anywhere but
especially in the developing world where reducing poverty typically
is, and often by far, the number one concern.

To my knowledge, the only paper published by volcano scientists on
volcano tourism is to be found in the "Encyclopedia of Volcanoes"
edited by Haraldur Sigurdsson and colleagues. I would also be grateful
to anyone who could inform us on any other publications relating to
presenting or analysing volcano tourism locally or generally.

I thank you in advance for considering assisting or proposing to join
this starting effort. My email for replying is:


With best wishes and kind regards to everyone,


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