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- Re: Enlarger Kaiser VP 6005, (continued)
- comments..., Robert G. Earnest
- Yikes, BB
- Re: Bircham Mill, digest 3530,
- Re: Bircham Mill, digest 3530, Learning Photography
- Re: Bircham Mill, digest 3530, unBob Rosen
- Re: Bircham Mill, digest 3530, karl shah-jenner
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Bircham Mill, digest 3530, Deen Hameed
- Re: Bircham Mill, digest 3530, Qkano
- Re: Bircham Mill, digest 3530, John Mason
- PhotoForum main exhibit updated 11 09 04,
- That time lag...., Howard
- Old Camera Info: Zeiss Ikon, kpp@xxxxxxxxxx
- Padstow, Cornwall, UK - Image Locations,
Gary Lawton
- old nikon lens info anyone?,
- Univ. of Tennessee at Martin looking for a photographer,
Bruce Harrison
- Muybridge Re-enactment; October 2, 2PM Ham Polo Ground., TERRYAKING
- Low Res Rools, John Mason
- remove me,
Ray Folse
- Gallery Review 4 sept 04,
- Rob Rosen & his throw-away-images, John Palcewski
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar,
Bob Talbot
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, Jeff Spirer
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, kpp@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, Qkano
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, John Palcewski
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, John Mason
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, Cap'n Jimmy
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, Qkano
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, Qkano
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, John Palcewski
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, Qkano
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, kpp@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, Cap'n Jimmy
- RE: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, lookaround360
- RE: Simultaneously combining the novel with the familiar, lookaround360
- UnBob Re: PF exhibits updated 04 SEP 04, Deen Hameed
- PF exhibits updated 04 SEP 04,
- spots available in PF main exhibit,
- Buy Ilford, Cheap,
John Mason
- Re: John's Drag Racing Documentary, John Mason
- Re: newby/oldie, JAMES F LUKENS
- Scanners - which one??,
Obscura Machina
- John's Drag Racing Documentary Project,
John Mason
- Re: shop san francisco,
Sally Mack
- commission advice/experience? (another new member),
Sally Mack
- Re: file size? why?, WRGill
- OT: Desktops, backups and memory WAS: sign off (long),
Deen Hameed
- Freelance advice,
Crazy Cat
- New Member,
Learning Photography
- Re: sign off,
Deen Hameed
- PF exhibit updated Aug 28 FYI,
- Gallery Opinions,
- Tech Pan-Was: Be careful what you wish for!, P. David Van Verst
- Velvia slide exposure,
- Re: Happy Birthday to me! (belated),
Jan Foul
- Re: Some of us don't compromise,
Jan Foul
- RE: Digital Photography - Chris,
- RE: Be careful what you wish for!,
- Re: San Francisco,
- New Gallery,
Rui Noronha
- Get Spammed in Minnesota - MCN 2004, MCN 2004
- RE: How do you address this?,
- Gallery Review: Yumi and the Dogs,
Mr Grump
- Re:, Qkano
- Re: file size? why?, Jan Foul
- Digital Lenses - the definitve answer, Qkano
- [no subject], Bill Ellis
- Digital Lenses,
- While we are mentioning "Old Timers"......................., Russell Baker
- Re: Nice HOAX Re: Digital lens question (even more Hoaxier :-), Deen Hameed
- Re: Nice HOAX Re: Digital lens question,
Deen Hameed
- Re: Digital lens question - original Question, kpp@xxxxxxxxxx
Rui Noronha
- RE: A matter of Motion - ooops,
- A matter of motion - FYI, ADavidhazy
- PF exhibits 21-AUG-04,
- I'm finally back...(PFers NC area),
- Digital lens question,
- Trial balloon,
Don Roberts
- Mail to Pablo Colonel,
Charles Dias
- galery review August 17th, 2004,
James B. Davis
- Re: beetle necklace, Rand Flory
- Acros 100 diafine,
Bruce Weitzman
- PF exhibits 14-AUG-04,
- model release question, slightly different question,
- Apologies - Perspective exercise does not say ...,
- A few openings remain for PF Exhibit wall this weekend, ADavidhazy
- In case you ever need 20 square per inch graphpaper for plotting,
- Call for Registration - Museum Computer Network 2004, MCN 2004
- A photo exercise for students at RIT - FYI,
- Request For Insight,
Cap'n Jimmy
- Re: Canon 10D back focus,
- Comment on "The Interrogation",
- Re: Canon 10D back focus (was: Digital Photography), Qkano
- Re: Report on strip mall (artspace) gallery,
Cap'n Jimmy
- Re: Digital Photography (question),
- PF exhibits 07-AUG-04,
- Re: Location for PFr's get-to-gether,
Cap'n Jimmy
- Digital Photography,
Wenner, Mark
- Re: Digital Photography, Bob
- RE: Digital Photography, Chris
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Digital Photography, lookaround360
- Re: Digital Photography, TERRYAKING
- Re: Digital Photography, TERRYAKING
- RE: Digital Photography, lookaround360
- Re: Digital Photography, Deen Hameed
- RE: Digital Photography, lookaround360
- Re: Digital Photography, Photogonow
- Re: Digital Photography, Photogonow
- Re: Digital Photography, Photogonow
- Re: Digital Photography, WRGill
- Re: H-CB gone, John Palcewski
- Re: PFers Get Together,
John Mason
- Re: Just Wondering What You Think,
- Re: PhotoForum membership - get together,
- HC-B,
John Mason
- Suggestions for shooting around Metz?,
Brian van den Broek
- VA PF'er, Kris Buquet
- Re: PFers/Get together,
- Angling for images,
- RE: PFers in the Mid-Atlantic/Upper South, John Mason
- Re: Metz Mecablitz CT-4 battery setting,
- RE: Meta Photography? The image within a picture...,
- Brief comments on this week's photographs,
- Re:PhotoForum membership / Get-together, shy_mel_photo
- PF exhibits 31-JUL-04, ADavidhazy
- PhotoForum membership: Apologies and question, Guy Glorieux
- gallery this week,
James B. Davis
- Re: Physical handshaking,
Peeter Vissak
- Re: PHOTOFORUM digest 3488,
Guy Glorieux
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