Digital lens question

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well since almost everything now turns around digital here is something to sparkle some conversation...

it regards the new series of lenses that ar fit for digital they differ that much from the regular "film" lenses or are they branded that way?
I can make 2 suppositions:
1. the light beam is optimized for the smaller recording media size (sensor). If so, what are the tradeoffs when this lens is used in a compatible film camera?
2. are they branded "for digital" jsut because the have been changed to a focal length that equates the "film" regular value/range (IOW 17mm being a 28mm when used with a film camera)

and more specific...
anyone has any commnets on the new Tamron SP AF28-75MM F/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) lens...i am considering a future buy and use with film cameras...

thanks beforehand, kostas

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