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- phones again and Re: Medium format cameras discontinued by Fujifilm & Bronica, (continued)
- disc recovery,
- Framed Fine Art Prints from Volrat Photos,
Elisa Locci
- New on-line magazine, mario_f_pires
- Re: PF Exhibits on 24 OCT 04 -- Better late than never(wellthat'sdebatable), Deen Hameed
- Canon Power Shot Pro 1 sensor specs,
Walter Preiss
- Re: PF Exhibits on 24 OCT 04 -- Better late than never (wellthat'sdebatable),
Deen Hameed
- Re: PF Exhibits on 24 OCT 04 -- Better late than never (well that'sdebatable),
Deen Hameed
- Digital fakery ... easy to do well, easier to do badly.,
Bob Talbot
- re Sigma Lenses,
- Question on Minolta camera and lens.,
Ed/Amanda Juarbe
- Drop lens field (do-it-yourself) test,
- OFF TOPIC: beware when a foreigner or when on trip (translations),
Peeter Vissak
- Lost Trails - Herodotus Project - Photography,
- Compact flash,
Steve Ross
- Need some advice,
- Faking it: Was truth and public ...,
- Wildflower? Another day at the beach??,
Tim Mulholland
- re truth and public sentiment,
- Re: truth and public sentiment,
- PF Exhibits on 24 OCT 04,
- Are your photos CRAP?,
Bob Talbot
- Re: the end is nayy...and gallery review, Deen Hameed
- RE: Approaching business owners,
- Practicing Safe Photography..., Tim Mulholland
- Gallery Crap Oct 21, 2004,
Greg Fraser
- Re: the end is nayy...,
Deen Hameed
- text help in Photoshop CS, lea
- Colour Moire, Learning Photography
- NGS Photography Workshops,
Roger Eichhorn
- dust on the sensor,
- RE: Gallery sitters,
- Copyright vs Creativity, wildimages
- Homecomming Photos - Flash Meter,
Tim Holmes
- Re: Suggestions and Recomendations needed,
- Re: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, James B. Davis
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Qkano
- Re: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Deen Hameed
- Fw: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Deen Hameed
- Re: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Qkano
- Re: Fw: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Qkano
- Re: Fw: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Deen Hameed
- Re: Fw: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, freddig@xxxxxxxx
- Re: Fw: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Qkano
- Re: Fw: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Deen Hameed
- Re: Fw: Suggestions and Recomendations needed, Deen Hameed
- Recommendatons: Gossen Lunasix F, Howard
- Photoshop CS action help,
- PF Exhibits on 16 OCT 04,
- Myanmar ( Burma ),
Pini Vollach
- Re: PHOTOFORUM digest 3562,
John Mason
- FOR SALE: Darkroom Equipment,
American News Women's Club
- Detecting flammable liquid residue using UV,
Steven Staggs
- Query: photo labs / photo stores in South Africa, targi
- Flash Compensation,
John Mason
- Who was Russell Kraus?,
- Re: D70 funny sound, Qkano
- Re: After dodging bombs in the Sinai, I'm ready to review!, Deen Hameed
- D70 funny sound, the website, Elson T. Elizaga
- Help with java script - note from list HQ,
- PF Exhibits on Oct 9 04,
- ((U+C+I) x (10-S))/20 x A x 1/(1-sin(F/10)) Was: Just a comment on Bob's turntable photo, Deen Hameed
- Just a comment on Bob's turntable photo,
Andrew Davidhazy
- Exposure latitude, D-max and digital cameras,
Greg Fraser
- Rare & miniscule substance needed in HIE-production?, Willem-Jan Markerink
- new call for reply, henk thijs
- Four Year Old Photographers?, Roger Eichhorn
- Re: Get another opinion!, shy_mel_photo
- Was Photo/image Databases - now Robot Photgrapher, Qkano
- Giant 'pinhole camera' for exoplanet studies, Photogonow
- Kodak won't go the same way as Ilford, unBob Rosen
- London Photographic Awards, henk thijs
- Lartigue,
- PF Exhibits on 10-02-04,
- [no subject], Warner . Ragsdale
- PF exhibit update delayed a few hours FYI, ADavidhazy
- Painters and Artists,
- Re: Richard Avedon,
Emily L. Ferguson
- Fwd: Richard Avedon, 81, Dies In Texas, Emily L. Ferguson
- Richard Avedon Died, Jeff Spirer
- Re: The great debate,
- Photo/image Databases,
Julius Miller
- Re: film users: what kind/brand/format of film do you use? why?, kpp@xxxxxxxxxx
- Greg's Car,
- Re: film users: what kind/brand/format of film do you use? why?,
- Re: PHOTOFORUM digest 3547, Don Lintner
- studo lighting,
- Guess the Car, Deen Hameed
- PF Exhibits on 09-25-04,
- Exprressionist Photography,
- Re: Mature eyes. Bob,
- Re: Mature eyes-- Thanks!,
- RE: Suggestions for hanging an exhibit,
- get together,
- Mature eyes.,
- Can I publish?,
- =?unknown?q?Ol=E1?= Greg Fraser!!, Rui Noronha
- Re: Online print services,
- digital printing & print resolution,
Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, James B. Davis
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, David Dyer-Bennet
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, howard . leigh
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Qkano
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, howard . leigh
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Qkano
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Qkano
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Qkano
- Fw: Re: digital printing & print resolution, Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Deen Hameed
- Re: digital printing & print resolution, Qkano
- Eddie Adams, Journalist Who Showed Violence of Vietnam, Dies at 71, Brian van den Broek
- - revised, Jeff McSweeney
- Re: Ordering Film online; note on 'Professional Film', PhotoRoy6
- PF exhibits on 09-18-04,
- In search of a FAST image browser,
- Vuescan film profile,
Greg Fraser
- Ordering Film online,
Learning Photography
- Re: That old jpg - Now just opening a jpeg can be dangerous ..., Qkano
- Re: wide histograms was: That old jpg v. RAW argument again...,
Deen Hameed
- MCN2004 - Last Chance for Early Bird Registration, MCN 2004
- Re: Enlarger Kaiser VP 6005, Qkano
- Assult on my Battery, Russell Baker
- Does Digital Rebel make for a good educational camera in your opinion?,
- partial diaptors,
- Looking for partial diopter lenses,
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