: It would be interesting to review these figures again at the end of 2005 : and see where samsung sits cool, I found some figures on cam-phone sales.. "7 million of 72 million cell phones shipped in the U.S. have cameras" that's more than sony, kodak, nikon, HP, Olypus and Fuji point and shoot digital cameras put together! " by 2007, 51 million out of over 110 million will have them, predicts research firm IDC" oh, and in the same article I see my prediction is ALREADY coming true! "BBC Online has used cam phones to cover news events also. Professional use should grow, especially as quality rises: Carriers have 1.1-megapixel units now, and this fall a 2-megapixel Sharp will ship. " hehe, the 5Mp is already here - how many pro's here will switch I wonder? ;-) should we continue the trend of running photo courses based on 'the newest' technologies, should there be photo courses for cam-phones? eeeeek! k