At 2004-10-30, 23:47:26 Bob Talbot (BobTalbot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: >> Personally, I didn't mind the building (not that I could have done >much about it). >Check out another very minor edit ... > > >Actually, I agree, I don't think the building *should* matter per se - >the problem for me is that it's original dead centre position enhances >it's dominance to the eye. >Had it been down more to the left it would not have troubled me so >much ... the centre spot of a photo can be very poweful. >Oh darn it, I'll move the building to show what I mean ... link as >above ;o) I like the placement of the bulding now... In this location it's brightness actually helps the eye... It leads the eye from the bush to the intersection of the light and dark areas of earth, and draws attention to the triangles in the different textures/colours... Of course, I would have fallen off the top (only about 10sqft) and we wouldn't have this debate... There are wayyyy tooo many bob's on this list.... :'( Thanks Bobs (good & evil, bobs & unbobs)... It's been a VERY productive critique. Dween