> I'm certain the public would want Bob to SCRAP his idea, because it is > certain that the STATEMENT comes first! Bob If "the public" really object to the lack of a "statement" then I would be quite happy to use sCRAP as the judging criteria. However, the "s" remains in small type because it is for the author to provide not for the reviewer. The reviewer can independantly assess "content", or at least express what the content is in his/her own words. Reaction too, it matters not a jot about any statement: if the picture stirs something inside you, visually, it has made the reaction. Aesthetics - ditto. It's artistic appeal, the composition, the design etc etc. They are there to see or not. Practice: again, an image is sharp or not. It is upright or not. The photographer has spotted the photo or not ... these things are observations. By all means include and read a statement - but don't let the absence of one blind you to what is actually there for all (*) to see. Bob * No offence intended to the visually impaired