OK# I don't review much now due to popular request. Bored! Rain. So here goes a brief offering ... work now on display at http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/gallery.html includes: > Les Baldwin - Bent Head I do like this: compositionally at least. It has suffered from PS treatment, or maybe it should have been saved as a raw file - assuming it was saved initially as a jpeg - pray tell ;o) The lightening in PS has given it an airy-fairy-ness but it also has lost some detail. Unless the detail was never there. The lack of squareness in a shape so square cries out for conformity to the equilateral recatangle ... The eye cries out to be sharper. What ISO? Too high? Still, a nice composition. > Laurenz Bobke - Angling Nice picture Beautifully captured and seen. Imagine how much better it would have been with a digital camera though: you could have produced 80 by 60 prints ... > Veli Cigirgan - Different, but I feel photographers should not look down on thier subjects: without them we are aimless. The photo lacks an artist's statement: surprised unRosen didn't jump on that, after a swift tinny ... > Jim Davis - Meijiros Doin' It Good Some crop from the bottom would present it better: say to where the top of the twig intersects the right edge. As it stands that bright area below the birds is blinding. > Deen Hameed - I have a Dream Weird. Are you sure they are not in-E-briants? Booze is so old hat ... Why is that oik giving you the finger? Nice though. > Dan Mitchell - Etienne Why Etienne not Stephen? Name of cafe or an attempt to achieve pomposity through the use of French words? French: cough. The old enemy. Without then the US would still be part of the Empire ;o) Flemishbond: so nice in brickwork. The image appears to have suffered badly from excessively stretched levels: huge pile up at both ends of the levels histograms. Curves may have been abetter way to stretch the contrast? > Charles Siegel - France, June 2004 People who like this sort of shot will like this photo. I see only the trainers and digital grain. I know others will like it: it leaves me cold. > Christopher Strevens - Native Briton on Reigate Hill Nice tits. Do you have the loincothless version at home or did your 3D program have the nanny filter on? > Bob Talbot - 33 rpm OK, no real interest. The challenge then: 1) where is the axis of rotation (assuming that the upper left pixel is 0,0)? 2) which direction is the turntable turning?