In Windows at least, stuff on the desktop gets loaded into memory... also it doesn't get backed so obviously (a pain given that it's sitting right there in front of you) so my desktop is empty, except for maybe temporary shortcuts. OTOH, I find the QuickLaunch thingie, and Recent Documents folder fantastic. I use a slew of different programs and I'm hardly more than a couple of click away from them. Best regards, Deen 2004-08-31 06:55:04 -- Deen Hameed 0405 649 101 deenhameed@xxxxxxxxxxxx At 2004-08-31, 05:13:47 TERRYAKING (TERRYAKING@xxxxxxx) wrote: > >In a message dated 30/08/2004 14:47:47 GMT Standard Time, jeff@xxxxxxxxxx >writes: > >However, I find cluttered desktops almost impossible to use, and I notice >that most people who have them find things slower than with a logical >hierarchical system. > > > >That is undoubtdly the most efficient way of finding things. The pity is that >software designers bioh at Microsoft and Mac seem to be doing their best to >make life more difficult by putting obstacles in the way of retaining the >efficient systems established under earlier versions of rhe operating systems. > >Terry >Terry King FRPS > >RPS Historical Group (Chairman) > > ( > >Moderated Discussion Group > >Post message: artaltphot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > >Subscribe: artaltphot-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Unsubscribe: artaltphot-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > >1. An excellent thing is as rare as it is difficult.(Spinoza) >2. A man's reach should be beyond his grasp or what's a heaven >for.(Browning) >3. Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora.(Occam's razor or >'Keep it simple!'). >4. Nullius in Verba (Horace), 'Take no man's word for it' (motto of the >Royal Society). >5. If ignorance is bliss, why are not more people happy ? (anon) > ___ END OF QUOTED TEXT ___