Muirwoods is great!
At 12:28 PM 8/23/04, you wrote:
Hey all, I'm new to the list so I thought I'd just jump right in...
I'll be in San Francisco from Aug. 30 through Sept. 4. Are there any spots outside of the city (within driving distance) that is a must-see for me and my camera? Haven't been out there in 13 years and wanted to have a good idea before I left. Thanks.
David L.
Pablo Coronel Ph.D. Candidate Food Science Department North Carolina State University Room 39 Schaub Hall, Box 7624 Raleigh, NC, 27695
Phone (919) 515-4410 Fax (919) 515-7124 e-Fax (419) 818-7590 e-mail pcorone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx