Peeter Vissak wrote:
Don Roberts wrote:
Peeter Vissak - Cap on the pavement.
Neat shot but again, I would prefer a little adjustment of cap in the frame. Once more I think a slight shift of the viewpoint downward to accentuate the cap a little and tighten the dead space would be better. Just a slight movement and just my opinion.
Thanks, Don, for the opinion!
I posted the photograph "as was", i.e. I was QUICKLY walking towards the fallen cap to avoid sudden windblows and in the very last meter I realised it was a potential motive. I quickly grabbed the camera and took the picture on a flee. Never thought it could suit the gallery, but occasionally I happen to be crazy for tree shadows.
But I thought it will be compositionally imbalanced, hence irritating.
========================================================== Don Roberts * Bittersweet Productions * Iowa City, IA * * The most famous amongst us will never be as famous as Gilligan. - Luis Gottardi ==========================================================