<<<And, one can program the tiny button to return to whatever you program for a home focus point. Usually I pick the centre but it's easy enough to tweak to another point, say you will be shooting a bunch of stuff off centre.>>> Jim I would have thought that for active subjects (birds) there would be little enough time to frame and fire let alone worry about which focus point is active. Personally I still tweak pretty much everything on manual focus as it really does work and is absolutely no effort. Heck, I want the eye sharp not the nearest wing tip ;o) For macro (or even close-up) work, focus then re-frame is not an option. Ignoring the difficulties of re-jigging the tripod to the nearest 0.1mm - the point of focus does alter slightly when a camera is turned. What I really want is a single focus sensor controlled by a little trackball thingy that I can place ANYWHERE in the frame ;o) Bob -- Whatever you Wanadoo: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/time/ This email has been checked for most known viruses - find out more at: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/help/id/7098.htm