in addition, I'm in ageement with those who think there has been more than enough film vs. digital and way more than enough faux Bob Rosen.....both of those got old after the second about we all go back to having some respect for each other and perhaps change the subject....
At 9:30 +0200 9/8/04, Qkano wrote:
So please: if you "think there has been more than enough film vs. digital " then just leave the threads where it crops up alone. Ask yourself instead what it is that drives you to jump into such threads at all since they don't interest you.
Is it to act the Troll?
this probably isn't worth responding to but since Qkano has seen fit to respond to my plea for respect with a dig, I feel compelled....what drives me to jump into a thread is basically the same thing that drives you to reply like you do....I am as entitled to my opinion of what goes on on the list as you are...I merely voiced my opinion, lending my agreement to those who had previously posted they had had enough already, I attacked no one...this list is supposed to be a forum for the free exchange of ideas....which includes the right to assess when enough is enough's cracks like yours that I think materially deters the free exchange of ideas on this list.....for all the newbies and lurkers out there who are reluctant to post for fear of retaliation, your opinions are as valuable and valued as anyone elses...don't let stuff like this prevent you from joining in....
Jim Baja Oregon __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I want to sing like birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think -Rumi