RPS Historical Group, Kingston College
We have now had our second run through of the re-enactment using guillotine shutters in front of the lens. We now have plenty of material for the presentation on the retro-invention process for the Muybridge Symposium in November.
The polo pony no longer spooks at the noise of the shutters, the pony shows clearly in the negative as do its legs and hooves and we have some great shots not only of trotting horses but also of string and bicycle wheels under various states of tension.The guillotine shutter gives a speed of 1/500th of a second.
Using only four cameras, the line of shutters actuated by string was quite spectacular r. it should be even more so with twelve.
Everyone is invited to the full scale re-enactment at Ham Polo Club at 13.30 on Saturday 2 October.
Parties of students will be particularly welcome.
People may also wish to note the APIS programme on www.hands-on-pictures.com
Terry King FRPS
RPS Historical Group (Chairman)
Moderated Discussion Group
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1. An excellent thing is as rare as it is difficult.(Spinoza)
2. A man's reach should be beyond his grasp or what's a heaven for.(Browning)
3. Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora.(Occam's razor or 'Keep it simple!').
4. Nullius in Verba (Horace), 'Take no man's word for it' (motto of the Royal Society).
5. If ignorance is bliss, why are not more people happy ? (anon)