Hi Marilyn,
At 22:30 -0700 8/4/04, Marilyn wrote:
However, some members are adamant about changing the name of the gallery. The gallery is now and has been called the Cedar Centre Gallery for at least 45 years and is part of four 70 year old buildings that are a historic complex in the downtown area of our city.
To confuse things further, the gallery is owned by Antelope Valley Allied Arts Association. I'm one of the board members of the Antelope Valley Allied Arts Association who feels changing a name that is historically important, and confusing people further by changing that name (even now people call and ask, "Is this Antelope Valley Allied Arts Association or the Cedar Centre Gallery or what?") is not a good move. I also think name recognition has some value.
This has the ring of some board
members trying to make a name for themselves (pun intended) and/or
justifying their existence. I've sat on a few boards in my life and
this is an all too common scenario. Unless they have some very good
justification for the name change, I think the name that generations
have know should stand. There is a Zen principle which advocates
*minding one's own business*. It refers to not attempting to change
someone to fit your conception of who you think they should be.
Instead, it advocates accepting people for who they are. I think the
same principle can be applied to an institution. FWIW.
Baja Oregon
One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes,
but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothin' can beat
-Edward Abbey