Not much photoshopping here. Just a little crop, and the new higlight/ shadow filter. Inside it was quite dark, and I used flash to fill the guy. I used 24 mm. lens with 35 mm. film so I was quite close. I liked the way his left arm was spread towards the goods, and his posture. Anyway thanks for the review.. Veli Izzet > > > Veli Izzet - The Boss > > Looks like a well kept ferry, even if the woodwork is > actually formica. If the peddler is going to be the subject > I think I would have gotten in closer and had him move his > wares into a position that revealed something more > proprietary - like on the bench in front of him with his hand > spread out on top of them. Did you do any variations? The > light is very nicely handled there - no flare on the windows > and doorwarys and no green from the fluorescents. Good > Photoshop work there.