>As I understand it, the term troll means someone who seizes on any >opportunity to vent a lot of hot gas, mostly venomous. Well, that's exactly >what I'm seeing here lately. Non-thinkers and non-writers and I suspect >non-photographers spewing out rubbish in great quantities. Check the mirror. Jim Let's think hard on this and not snap back ... Mmmm .... the thread to date had contirbutions from Bob T, Jim and Jeff. "Non-thinkers" "non-writers" "non-photographers" OK, I guess if that's based on our gallery submissions John is entitled to his opinion. "spewing out rubbish in great quantities" That's a bit emotive, but again it's a matter of opinion. Personally, the thing I've seen here recently (Thanks Trevor!) which really really bugs me more than any troll is someone who jumps into an argument they have absolutely no interest in to diss. it and the participants. Try that in a bar sometime: methinks you would end up with a sore nose. Personally I saw no argument, more a continuing discussion.The fact something has been said before, or repeated ad nauseam does not make it either right or closed (thinks, Mr Blair exactly where are those WMD). Today's digital vs film is not the same as last year's the technology has moved on in one case and availability is declining in the other. So John, I won't insult you by declaring your opinions as "rubbish": But I'm completely at a loss to remember which postings come under the heading "mostly venomous" Bob -- Whatever you Wanadoo: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/time/ This email has been checked for most known viruses - find out more at: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/help/id/7098.htm