Linux usage as it relates to the blind and visually impaired community
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- Re: A serial port conundrum, (continued)
- Debian Accessibility Mailing List,
Mario Lang
- Starting with Linux,
Frank Welte
- module compilation dying,
- More on Braille Computer,
John J. Boyer
- Another Possibility for a Braille Computer,
John J. Boyer
- financial software for linux,
Jason Fayre
- Problems receiving list messages,
Frank Welte
- lynx images,
- Linux at work with screen readers,
Simon Wong
- IRC,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- irc,
Jude DaShiell
- gnopernicus on redhat8 help please...,
Tatus Maximus
- Goofy Man Pages in Redhat 8.0,
John J. Boyer
- usb keychain drives,
A. R. Vener
- Text to Html Utility,
John J. Boyer
- Still problems with BrlTTY,
- Fw: Microsoft warns of open source threat,
David Poehlman
- linux version too:Fw: [UACCESS-L] New Chat Application IncludesAccessibility Features for Users of Screen Readers and Screen Magnifiers,
David Poehlman
- Fragmented speech with speakup and apollo,
Bue Vester-Andersen
- Installing festival,
Bue Vester-Andersen
- eflite in Debian with improved quality,
Mario Lang
- Full Screen Magnification for X Windows,
Kieran OSullivan
- Re: Ethernet over USB issues,
Arent Kits van Heijningen[106016.3614]
- Attn: Raman,
Luke Davis
- Re: debian install help please,
Rudolf Weeber
- Info about linux editor,
- Info about mandrake linux,
- hi request,
praveen reddy
- StarOffice and enabling technologies,
Lars Ballieu Christensen
- problems with emacspeak-16.0 and ViaVoice on redhat 8.0,
Shaun Oliver
- troubleshooting sound,
michael malver
- some may find this of interest:,
David Poehlman
- Unpack Tool for Mac or Linux and Bookshare News,
David Poehlman
- Linux console chat programs?,
Barbara J Wagreich
- [debian] Accepted kernel-image-speakup-i386 2.4.20-1 (i386 sourceall),
Mario Lang
- income tax time again!!!,
Cheryl Homiak
- US tax forms,
Mike Gorse
- Please don't send 'cc:' copies to blinux-list.,
Hans Zoebelein
- soundcard help,
michael malver
- DOS box in Linux,
Weber Walter M
- Error when starting a shell in emacspeak,
Mike Keithley
- Debian Talking Install?,
Luke Davis
- Info about brltty on the mandrake distribution,
- Some questions,
Odd Martin Baanrud
- What is Linux 3,
Weber Walter M
- success in compiling direct connect for linux,
- Checking memory Size,
John J. Boyer
- wtf?,
David Csercsics
- accessable direct connect file sharing,
- accessable direct connect software,
- Little English page of SuSE-Blinux,
Christian Schoepplein
- talking emacspeak,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Keyboard commands: copy&paste,
- The Linux Installation Process is More Accessible than I Thought.,
Martin McCormick
- Keyboardsniffer for kernel 2.4.x,
Christian Schoepplein
- SuSE and Screen Reader,
Barry Murdoch
- Playing and Recording .wav files,
Martin McCormick
Michael Weaver
- A quesiton about pdf to text conversion,
Barbara J Wagreich
Michael Weaver
- application questions,
michael malver
- upgrading my system,
michael malver
- SuSE pro and accessibility,
Barry Murdoch
- BRLTTY and Elba anyone?,
David Csercsics
- redhat installation help,
michael malver
- Fw: pdf conversion details and options,
David Poehlman
Michael Weaver
- Unix Sys Admin work,
Jason Fayre
- What does CVS mean?,
Weber Walter M
- Linux and CPU requirements,
Weber Walter M
- debian and networking,
Brent Harding
- elba help needed,
David Csercsics
- Brailloterm 80,
Patrick Luginbuehl
- Accessibility in Wine,
John J. Boyer
- knoppix brltty=type,port,table,
Klaus Ade Johnstad
- Real audio converter,
L. C. Robinson
- new release of BrlZip: V. 8.0-3 - UMSDOS mini distribution,
Osvaldo La Rosa
- recompiling my kernel,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Gnopernicus,
- Choosing a linux distribution,
Barry Murdoch
- proper was Who is selling notebooks and desktops with linux with,
Jim Stevenson
- Starting Users at Boot-up,
Sacha Chua
- Gnome screen reader,
- Who is selling notebooks and desktops with linux with,
Jim Stevenson
- OT: license plate,
A. R. Vener
- Proselytizing,
Karl Dahlke
- Newbie,
Barry Murdoch
Web-Braille via Links?,
Lee Maschmeyer
OT: Porting Software from Windows 98 to Linux/Gnome,
John J. Boyer
Fw: New List,
David Poehlman
Installing Debian 3.0R1,
Dudás Imre
elba os.,
Jack and Seetbriar
SV: problems and questions,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
Fw: Alternative Browsers / Test Software,
David Poehlman
Universal Serial Bus RS232 Ports,
Martin McCormick
Reading Linux file systems on Windows,
Lee Maschmeyer
Andi Snow-Weaver/Austin/IBM is out of the office.,
Andi Snow-Weaver
japanese firms to use linux in electronic gear,
errors while building tclx8.3.5,
B. Alan Mattison
Cyrus Habib question,
Ms. Nan L. Hawthorne
USB Vieo cam or microphone,
Owned by Guide Dog
Emacspeak and TCLX,
B. Alan Mattison
installing RedHat Linux 8.0 from images,
B. Alan Mattison
Brltty and Baum Vario,
Rudolf Weeber
Swapping hard drives,
Weber Walter M
RH8 , PHP and MySQL,
usb to serial converter,
Jason Fayre
Mbrola vs. dectalk,
Easy network configuration in Red Hat.,
Darrell Shandrow
Dectalk engine under Linux?,
[OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
Kieran OSullivan
- Re: [OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
Ari Moisio
- Re: [OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
- Re: [OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
Osvaldo La Rosa
- Re: [OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
Lee Maschmeyer
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: [OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
rick watson
- Re: [OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
Kieran OSullivan
- Re: [OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
- Re: [OT] Blinux dd command to copy key disks,
Osvaldo La Rosa
- portable speech enabled linux system,
A. R. Vener
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Nicolas Pitre
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Sacha Chua
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Mario Lang
- RE: portable speech enabled linux system,
Nektarios Mallas
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Sacha Chua
- RE: portable speech enabled linux system,
Nektarios Mallas
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Mario Lang
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Mario Lang
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Sacha Chua
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Roger Butenuth
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
- Re: portable speech enabled linux system,
Janina Sajka
First working Alpha version of debian-installer with brltty support,
Mario Lang
Strange extended ASCII characters in Red Hat setup screens?,
Darrell Shandrow
OT: Blind Student Wins Rhodes Scholarship,
Janina Sajka
wireless networking:,
David Poehlman
Woody installation,
Rudolf Weeber
Michael Weaver
Michael Weaver
Problem with brltty,
Barbara J Wagreich
Usinc Schwans site with links the chain,
Cheryl Homiak
Re: charset problems in RH8 (Was: linux distribution for beginners(fwd),
L. C. Robinson
TCL in SuSE,
B. Alan Mattison
Where does slackware fit,
Weber Walter M
questions about slackware,
Weber Walter M
Linux disbributions for beginners,
Weber Walter M
Need mouse help,
Mike Keithley
Re: alva support,
David Poehlman
Andreas Jusek
lilo and beep again,
Festival Speech Synthesizer in Spanish,
Martin McCormick
major issue,
Emacspeak-17.0 (HappyDog) Unleashed! (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
linux distribution for beginners,
Michael Weaver
a little confused: festival and emacspeak,
Cheryl Homiak
braillelite 18 vs. braillelite 40 (fwd),
Cheryl Homiak
The festival synthesizer.,
Anders Holmberg
imcom jabber client setup help?,
Dave Hunt
Braille Proofreader Job Available,
John J. Boyer
XLS Files,
Luke Davis
Questions About Upgrading to RH8.0,
John J. Boyer
Will what I have work with gnopernicus?,
Installing Linux with Speakup Scheduled at CSUN,
Janina Sajka
BRLTTY 3.1 is now available.,
Dave Mielke
Modem programs in red Hat Linux version 8?,
Barbara J Wagreich
Michael Weaver
Re: a synth question.],
Janina Sajka
speakup synth keywords.],
Janina Sajka
speakup synth keywords.,
Carin Headrick
a synth question.,
Carin Headrick
BRLTTY 3.1 with ts module fails ?,
Mario Lang
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