Cheryl Homiak <> writes: > Thank you, Dave, for having the courage to comment on this joke. I know it has [ much nonsense snippet ] > subject is probably really offtopic as far as linux is concerned, but totally on > topic for one's day-to-day life and eternal destiny. If a couple of people on That doesn't make it any more on-topic. > this list can state clearly that they don't believe in God or that they think > such issues are not for the 21st century, then i can also declare that there > most certainly is a God and that salvation comes only through his Son, Jesus [ and a lot of even more nonsense snippet ] OK, now that we all know that you're getting your life-engery from beliefing in a superstition, could you please stop it, its boring, and doesn't help anyone. -- CYa, Mario | Debian Developer <URL:> | Get my public key via finger | 1024D/7FC1A0854909BCCDBE6C102DDFFC022A6B113E44