BRLTTY 3.1 is now available at: When there, click on "Download", and then click on "Current Release". You may download it either as a compressed tar ball (.tar.gz) or as an rpm. The most important changes in this version of BRLTTY are as follows: The brltty binary has moved from /sbin to /bin. After installing this version of BRLTTY, please ensure that whichever scripts and/or configuration files you use to invoke the brltty binary are modified appropriately. BRLTTY can now be built with gcc 3. BRLTTY's build procedure now uses autoconf, which means that the configure script in its top-level directory must be run before doing the make. Rather than modifying the top-level make file, customizations must now be made by passing build options to the configure script. For example: cd /pth/to/brltty-3.1 ./configure --with-braille-driver=handytech --with-braille-device=/dev/ttyS1 make For a complete list of available build options, do: ./configure --help Note the various --disable-... build options. Each allows a component of BRLTTY to be excluded from the build. This feature allows a smaller, albeit less functional, binary to be built, and is a tool which can be used when trying to fit BRLTTY onto a full boot disk. BRLTTY can now be built for the Solaris operating system (from Sun Microsystems). It'll be on the next accessibility companion CD for Solaris 9 scheduled for release early in 2003. This achievement marks BRLTTY's first forray into the non-Linux community. An experimental two-way interaction with gpm (see the --enable-gpm build option) has been added. This allows the mouse to drag the braille window (enabling a sighted observer to easily position it), and, conversely, also allows the mouse pointer to follow motions of the braille window (enabling a sighted observer to see exactly where the braille user is reading). Otehr changes to BRLTTY in this version include: * More intuitive braille window placement when sliding window is off. * A braille table for Vietnamese has been added. * Attribute viewing and underlining now work with contracted braille. * Using the ViaVoice speech driver no longer hangs BRLTTY. * Screen fonts containing 512 characters are now supported. * The describe character command now shows the correct colour names. * More key bindings have been added for the Braille Star. * The closed source Alva parallel port library has been removed. * The Vario-HT driver has been renamed to VarioHT (dash removed). g As usual, check the ChangeLog (in the Documents subdirectory) for more details. -- Dave Mielke | 2213 Fox Crescent | I believe that the Bible is the Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario | Word of God. Please contact me EMail: | Canada K2A 1H7 | if you're concerned about Hell. _______________________________________________