John , that Tiquit eighty-three is yet another manifestation of what is called an Ultrapersonal/Ultraportable PC Systems of this type are rapidly becoming common in generic business and consumer environments now that thanks to compatible low-power high- performance architectures the "486 glass ceiling " has been broken and small-footprint highly integrated systems van be build at very low cost The "83" is in fact build from off-the-shelf components and can be offered for around the same RRP as a mid-range to high-end PocketPC device There are now also availabe minute desktop systems build around the same hardware , have a look at and Linux and *BSD runs fine on these things likewise MS-NT 4.0 up to SP6NT 5.0 SP3 and NT 5.1 SP1 will be slow however on the 300 MHz Geode chip that most of these little fellows use ( Banias and Crusoe are options but then it will no longer be low-cost ...:-( ) This type of product has gone mainstream in S.E. Asia because there was an enormous market for very small relatively high-performance systems that can be used in industrial , office and home environments You won't use this as your main gaming/multimedia/CAD/whatever rig but for most normal tasks this is perfectly adequate k _______________________________________________