Linux usage as it relates to the blind and visually impaired community
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- Re: Oralux: braille or not?, (continued)
- One worry about installing Linux,
Michael Weaver
- linux sound,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- oralux,
Cheryl Homiak
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Oralux,
Gilles Casse
- Linux, Windows or Both,
Michael Weaver
- Oralux (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
- removing directory,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Hi,
Jaffar Sidek
- Re: Hi,
Tony Baechler
- Re: Hi,
Janina Sajka
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Hi,
Krishnakant Ramesh Mane
- Hi,
Christopher Hallsworth
- braille voyager support,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Playing MP3 Files,
Martin McCormick
- brltty with the braille lite,
Thomas Stivers
- New user?,
Guy Abandon.
- Centrino CPU,
Have Dog Will Travel
- ac97,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- installing zinf,
- Rtf to text,
Cheryl Homiak
- Sending mail with Gnus,
Michael Pozhidaev
- flite 1.2 release and eflite 0.36 on slackware 9_0,
jude dashiell
- speakup vs yasr?,
Jim Stevenson
- want linux on laptop,
Jim Stevenson
- linux download,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- bsd-games on Red Hat,
Lorenzo Prince
- I want to contact o'reilly editions,
Jean Frontin
- serial in my boots,
Brian Tew
- accessing my linux box when recompiling my kernel,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Re: accessing my linux box when recompiling my kernel,
postfix MTA not listed as system service RH9,
Lorenzo Prince
email problem solved!,
Lorenzo Prince
Email problems,
Lorenzo Prince
BRLTTY & Tieman braille voyager,
Odd Martin Baanrud
RE: exploring expect (fwd),
Cheryl Homiak
tr, cut, newbie stuff,
libcdaudio on slackware,
jude dashiell
cdcd 0.65 and slackware,
jude dashiell
exploring expect,
Cheryl Homiak
Website building,
Simon Waters
[Lugor-discuss] linux-R.I.P or sick?,
RedHat 9 installation surprises,
Tobias Vinteus
Our Free Operating $y$tem,
Lee Maschmeyer
Editing Control Characters, Linefeeds, Etc.,
John J. Boyer
- Re: Editing Control Characters, Linefeeds, Etc.,
Lee Maschmeyer
- Re: Editing Control Characters, Linefeeds, Etc.,
Lee Maschmeyer
- Access to TECH Books Online,
Debbie Pomerance
- Re: Access to TECH Books Online,
Darrell Shandrow
- Re: Access to TECH Books Online,
Debbie Pomerance
- Re: Access to TECH Books Online,
Darrell Shandrow
- Re: Access to TECH Books Online,
Debbie Pomerance
- Re: Access to TECH Books Online,
Darrell Shandrow
- Re: Access to TECH Books Online,
Janina Sajka
- RE: Access to TECH Books Online,
Pratik Patel
- RE: Access to TECH Books Online,
Debbie Pomerance
- RE: Access to TECH Books Online,
Travis Roth
- RE: Access to TECH Books Online,
Fredrik Larsson
- RE: Access to TECH Books Online,
Mike Keithley
- RE: Access to TECH Books Online,
Fredrik Larsson
- Re: Access to TECH Books Online,
Debbie Pomerance
- Re: Access to TECH Books Online,
Janina Sajka
- Re: Editing Control Characters, Linefeeds, Etc.,
jude dashiell
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Editing Control Characters, Linefeeds, Etc.,
Karl Dahlke
Not visiting X at boot revisited: especially for debian users,
Cheryl Homiak
Regstrering at Yahoo with Lynx.,
Cleaning Up a Website,
John J. Boyer
Red Hat and my hostname,
Lorenzo Prince
Re: DECtalk Express. Consider Triple Talk Usb,
Cj Sampson
gnopernicus on redhat 8.0,
Brent Harding
DECtalk Express still available?,
Mario Lang
msn registration,
Cheryl Homiak
RE: machine with Linux on flash card,
Christopher Brannon
Not starting X at boot,
Cheryl Homiak
msn messenger with linux?,
Cheryl Homiak
Samba and blind related.,
installing rh9 via telnet,
dave m mehler
install-sendmail-6.0 script,
jude dashiell
On : Linux Distributions for the Vision Impaired?,
Hans Zoebelein
backing up my system,
Michael Weaver
audio player,
Lorenzo Prince
Embroiled in mbrola: got past that step,
Cheryl Homiak
Embroiled in mbrola: help with installation!!!,
Cheryl Homiak
Zinf is silent! Why?,
Lorenzo Prince
OS and HD format advice,
Have Dog Will Travel
BRLTTY and Links - tables,
Lorenzo Prince
need help with yasr patch,
jude dashiell
yasr on /dev/ttyS1: is that a problem?,
Cheryl Homiak
Java Compiler-Interpreter,
John J. Boyer
commandline or network based mp3 player,
viavoice suggestion, not for the undaring,
VI and yasr,
Krishnakant Ramesh Mane
16k flite voices,
Lorenzo Prince
viavoice on rh9,
jude dashiell
Information for Mutt users,
Urgent, can some one help?,
Krishnakant Ramesh Mane
A question for brltty developers,
Links Browser and google,
Announcing Emacspeak-18.0 GoodDog (fwd),
Hans Zoebelein
Odd Martin Baanrud
yasr related problem,
Krishnakant Ramesh Mane
Lee's Impeccable Guide to Consoles,
Lee Maschmeyer
Diagnosing ABT320 Braille Terminal,
John J. Boyer
problem installing viavoice,
Latest info,
Krishnakant Ramesh Mane
festival --server not speaking in RH9,
Lorenzo Prince
Alva ABT320 Braille Terminal with Gnopernicus,
John J. Boyer
Nate Golnik
Visual web sites,
Karl Dahlke
Wuestions for Blind Linux Webmasters,
John J. Boyer
Fw: where did viavoice go?,
Beth Wright
BRLTTY & Alva Satellite series,
Where to get IBM ViaVoice,
Luke Yelavich
Michael Pozhidaev,
Sébastien FRANÇOIS
BRLTTY 3.2 and Tieman Braille Voiager,
Odd Martin Baanrud
something interesting about text mode,
Sergey Fleytin
Redhat!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!,
Lorenzo Prince
flite voices,
Lorenzo Prince
OT: webradios,
testing please ignore,
Shaun Oliver
realplayer: library not found,
zinf test failed,
jude dashiell
linux freeamp appears gone,
jude dashiell
installing realplayer,
Osvaldo La Rosa
telnet installation of Redhat,
Lorenzo Prince
Install Slackware via network with BRLTTY,
Odd Martin Baanrud
Reading web braille boks online,
Lee Maschmeyer
Emaxspeak, any comments on this?,
Guy Abandon.
Debian and Speakup,
Lorenzo Prince
<Possible follow-ups>
debian and speakup,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
16-bit eflite speech,
Michael Pozhidaev
Uninstalling svgalib,
Lee Maschmeyer
Speakup and problem installing,
Jacek Zadrożny
Key Echo In Emacspeak,
Kieran OSullivan
mounting an iso image,
Karl Dahlke
reiserfs filesystem performance?,
Mike Keithley
global questions,
William Windels
efspeak project,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
Lee Maschmeyer
debian ssh client??,
Jack and Seetbriar
New speakup tar ball released,
Kenny Hitt
redhat 9 and speakup,
Jason Fayre
Lee Maschmeyer
software synthesizer,
Lynx Question,
Gary Wynn
Screen Magnification - help,
Debbie Pomerance
How do I use FreeTTS with Yasr?,
Kenny Hitt
brltty and tiemann voyager,
Segbert, Dietmar
festival and german speech,
Segbert, Dietmar
Re: reformated version available (was: Fwd: CSUN trip report (fwd),
L. C. Robinson
Re: editing the bash command line,
Brian Tew
setting prompt in bash,
Fwd: CSUN trip report,
Thomas Stivers
Pine questions,
Odd Martin Baanrud
Fetchmail help,
Odd Martin Baanrud
Help with Pine,
Odd Martin Baanrud
Choosing an email client,
Lee Maschmeyer
Mail problems,
Odd Martin Baanrud
brltty and Lilo,
brltty and tieman voyager,
Dietmar Segbert
brltty website,
Jason Fayre
Re: textmode not going away and mime security (was: Re: .mailcap and mutt,
Martin McCormick
X with braille display,
Odd Martin Baanrud
pdf trouble,
Christopher Brannon
New Slackware version,
Odd Martin Baanrud
Undeleting files on an ms-dos partition,
Mike Keithley
html inside email,
Karl Dahlke
Windows Emulation? Possible? A waste of time? what do you think.,
David Csercsics
Brltty in Slackware 9.0,
Odd Martin Baanrud
.mailcap and mutt,
Lee Maschmeyer
ext2 v ext3 ?,
Mike Keithley
Installing Slackware 8.1 without help,
Odd Martin Baanrud
Need your help with Linux.,
Anders Holmberg
Gnopernicus and redhat 8.0,
Bue Vester-Andersen
Linux accessibility.,
Anders Holmberg
David Sachs
redhat accessibility,
Emacspeak problem.,
Dave Mielke
Booting From Windows to Linux wit5h no Feedback,
John J. Boyer
brltty and Braillevoyager,
Fredrik Larsson
Nokia 8210 & Gnokii,
Setting Up a New Machine,
John J. Boyer
using partition magic for duel boot,
Michael Gorman
Has anyone used Gnopernicus,
Kieran OSullivan
contraction table,
Jois -
SCSI modules,
Robert Bebee
Setting Display to UTF-8,
Lee Maschmeyer
Setting Display to UTF8,
John J. Boyer
6.2 to 8.0 => compile errors with STL,
Henrik Jensen
Installing DECtalk software on Debian : a little howto,
File-sharing console client,
Jois -
[gui-talk] Press Release: O'Reilly Computer Books Internationally Available on,
Lloyd G. Rasmussen
Re: Blinux-list digest, Vol 1 #1055 - 6 msgs,
Kieran OSullivan
talking rescue CD roms,
Karl Dahlke
Guy Abandon.
Thankyou for the info and advice,
Simon Wong
brltty and usb,
Sébastien FRANÇOIS
A serial port conundrum,
Nikhil Nair
Debian Accessibility Mailing List,
Mario Lang
Starting with Linux,
Frank Welte
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