Hello. First, the spelling is Linux. Second, yes it is very possible to
install Red Hat 8.0, Debian 2.2 and 3.0, and Slackware with speech. It can
be done with Braille also but I have no details on that. You might be best
off to look at zipspeak, which is a small 42 mb version of Slcakware which
fits on a DOS partition. I am not sure if this is safe for NTFS or
FAT32. Eventually, you will probably want to get a separate drive for
Linux because it does not always read NTFS partitions and could cause
problems. You could also try loopspk which is just a few files. The
entire OS is in one big file, known as a loop device.
All of the above are available at http://www.linux-speakup.org/. You will
find other information there as well. You should consider joining the
Speakup mailing list. Check to make sure that Speakup works with your
synthesizer since it is limited in what it supports.