There is poorly maintained stuff under Linux, of course, You don't always find the doc easily, some manpages lacks examples Yesterday a blind guy asked me if there were scheduler usable in the console, there doesn't seem to be any and so on... The global view is just that if there is not something you need, with time (and some motivation?) you can do it, and distribute it to other... But I don't think you'll find group of young people working freely for blind projects under windows like Rémi and I are on brlspeak. It's the type of things you'll only see in open source related domains. The package description under debian seems to say that it should be used with caution and that it only supports some hardware, are you sure it fits your video card? seb _____________________________________________________________________ Envie de discuter en "live" avec vos amis ? Télécharger MSN Messenger la 1ère messagerie instantanée de France _______________________________________________ Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx