As I have explained in another mail some months ago to this list, links has a configuration setting to enable it to use the normal cursor for menus and links. Enable that setting under Setup -> Terminal Options -> Block cursor. Uncheck the checkbox, and be done with it. Afterwards, you can disable attribute underlining altogether. Jois <> writes: > I have a Vario 40 Braille display and as screen reader I got Brltty > 3.2, right now. But I encounter problems with Links ( L I N K S). > The problems are the menus: even if I turn on attributes pressing the > letter U on the display's keyboard, the 7 and 8 blinking points, do > not appear in the highlighted options only, as it did in brltty 3.0, > but they appear on every point I am looking at, while navigating with > the navigation keys. And this prevents me from following all what the > screen is showing, I mean, where the cursor is going (it is only in > applications' menus, not in text editors). > What is the problem? Should I configure something? The system is not > well-configured yet, my colleague did not have time to set my audio > card up, he'll do it in another moment as I am a newbie in Linux. > Should the tracking cursor help? I tried once, but I suppose it didn't help. > Dave Mielke or Mario Lang, I think you can give me an answer. > PS: i am using windows right now, I have not the mailer under Linux, yet. > PPS: Someone using Irssi, are there some keyboard commands to pass > through windows? I mean: if I have a channel and another channel, or a > channel and a query... with Mirc, on Windows 98/XP, I am using the > ctrl+f6 combination or alt+1 alt+2 alt+3 to pass through different > channels or queries. But Irssi, how does it work? > bye and thanks > Jois > > _______________________________________________ > > > > -- CYa, Mario | Debian Developer <URL:> | Get my public key via finger | 1024D/7FC1A0854909BCCDBE6C102DDFFC022A6B113E44 _______________________________________________