Hello, I work for Sun Microsystems. It is not compliant yet, but it should be soon. >*********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** > >On 2/4/2003 at 5:00 PM Lars Ballieu Christensen wrote: >Hi all > >I’m trying to find out whether StarOffice for Windows and Linux will work >with enabling technologies such as JAWS or ZoomText. > >Also, does anyone know whether StarOffice complies with the Section 508 >requirements for accessibility? > >Thanks a lot in advance. > >Lars Ballieu Christensen >-- > >Dr Lars Ballieu Christensen >Consultant, Sensus ApS >European Accessibility Consultants >Tel: +45 48 22 10 03 – GSM: +45 40 32 68 23 >Mail: lbc@sensus.dk – URL: www.sensus.dk