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- RE: Unnecessary Measures?, (continued)
- only one copy for me please, Herschel Mair
- Another delayed set of postcards,
Am Appleton
- RE: [SPAM] RE: [SPAM] re: What do you think?,
- RE: [SPAM] re: What do you think?,
- RE: OT bees was very unpleasant here,
- My postcards are on the way!,
Herschel Mair
- 7th World Pinhole Photography Day (WPPD7),
Guy Glorieux
- RE: [SPAM] Lock & Lock,
- RE: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] data projector lamps,
- PF exhibit updated 4/28/07,
- Postcards - you have a choice,
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, Sherie Anne Taylor
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, Marilyn Dalrymple
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, Bob
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, Pini Vollach
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, Guy Glorieux
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, Greg Stempel
- RE: Postcards - you have a choice, Paul Weyn
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, MichaelHughes7A
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, MichaelHughes7A
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, MichaelHughes7A
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, MichaelHughes7A
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, MichaelHughes7A
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, MichaelHughes7A
- Re: Postcards - you have a choice, MichaelHughes7A
- re: paper sizes, etc, Bob
- RE: [SPAM] Was - Nikon Proud, lookaround360
- RE: [SPAM] data projector lamps,
- Re: Was - Nikon Proud, rebeka
- Re: Nikon Proud? Yes.,
- slide copier for "paper weight",
- RE: [SPAM] Nikon Proud?, lookaround360
- Nikon Proud?,
Darin Heinz
- RE: [SPAM] Re: very unpleasant here, lookaround360
- RE: [SPAM] Re: Not to pour gas on fire, but..., lookaround360
- RE: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Not to pour gas on fire, but...,
- very unpleasant here,
- RE: [SPAM] Not to pour gas on fire, but...,
- Not to pour gas on fire, but...,
Alberto Tirado
- Re: First arrival! - potential gridlock,
- Rescued from anamnesia & oblivion: worlds first digital infrared camera, Willem-Jan Markerink
- First arrival!,
- RE: [SPAM] Re: I'm a winner!, lookaround360
- 7 days to World Pinhole Day 2007, Guy Glorieux
- I'm a winner!,
Herschel Mair
- Re: I'm a winner!, lea murphy
- Re: I'm a winner!, ADavidhazy
- RE: I'm a winner!, rmh
- Re: I'm a winner!, Bob
- Re: I'm a winner!, Marilyn Dalrymple
- Re: I'm a winner!, Guy Glorieux
- Re: I'm a winner!, Pini Vollach
- Re: I'm a winner!, Peeter Vissak
- RE: I'm a winner!, Chris
- Re: I'm a winner!, kombizz
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: I'm a winner!, Herschel Mair
- Re: I'm a winner!, Herschel Mair
- PF members exhibit on 21-04-07, ADavidhazy
- First photograph for weekend update received, ADavidhazy
- Re: Help identify this lens,
Herschel Mair
- Teaching op for someone, ADavidhazy
- RE: PHOTOFORUM digest 4420, Radu Stern
- Googling Phoyo journalism . was Re: Truth in Photo Journalism, lookaround360
- photoblog update,
- I am a liar and a fraud. I have shot for advertising,
Herschel Mair
- 4th issue finally out -- come and get it,
- Re: [SPAM] Re: Truth in Photo Journalism was Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Truth ..., MichaelHughes7A
- RE: PHOTOFORUM digest 4419, Radu Stern
- RE: [SPAM] Interesting (?) Web Site, lookaround360
- Interesting (?) Web Site,
- RE: [SPAM] Re: Truth in Photo Journalism was Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Truth in Phoyo Journalism (?) SPAM SPAM SPAM,
- RE: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] RE: [SPAM] Re: Truth in Phoyo Journalism (?), lookaround360
- Truth in photojournalism,
Angela Turnpaugh
- RE: [SPAM] RE: [SPAM] Re: Truth in Phoyo Journalism (?),
- Re: RE "photo McGyver" thread etc. Computational photog. Science News, MichaelHughes7A
- Copyright registration question from a digital newbie,
Chris Telesca
- [no subject], kodiakimages
- Comments on the Comments,
Cap'n Jimmy
- Reuters PS guidelines.,
- Re: Truth in Photo Journalism (?), Emily L. Ferguson
- add him to the list,
lea murphy
- RE "photo McGyver" thread etc., lookaround360
- RE: [SPAM] Re: Truth in Phoyo Journalism (?),
- Truth in Phoyo Journalism (?),
- Re: Large/medium format lenses on 35mm,
- PF Exhibit updated 04-14-07,
- some of my work..., mlent
- RE: [SPAM] Re: photo kit ad placement,
- RE: [SPAM] Re: Calling all photo MacGyvers, lookaround360
- photo kit ad placement,
- RE: [SPAM] Calling all photo MacGyvers, lookaround360
- Re: Calling all photo MacGyvers,
- Re: 38 or 39? was Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, MichaelHughes7A
- Re: postcard update...labels, MichaelHughes7A
- QUERY PhotoForum,
Robert Hall
- Workshop in San Antonio, Texas, Robert Hall
- Giant Slide?,
- Anyone visit the PF gallery this week?,
- RE: [SPAM] Re: RGB printing,
- RGB printing,
- Instructions for UNSUBSCRIBING from PhotoForm, ADavidhazy
- new document help in PSCS2,
lea murphy
- well, it actually was only one letter and one number!,
- postcard project. USE THESE,
lea murphy
- And in a flash he is off....................., rebphoto
- Teaching opportunities at School of Photographic Arts and Sciences/RIT, ADavidhazy
- Medium Format IR films, wpettit
- postcard update...mail date, addresses, lea murphy
- Postcard Printing,
- Gymnast Leak,
Elson T. Elizaga
- epson dye ink,
lea murphy
- and we're off...postcard update,
lea murphy
- April 30, Herschel Mair
- damstratt impacts? not on topic sorry but of interest we seem to be under attack by et!, Chris
- digital postcards, an explaination,
lea murphy
- postcard project update...opinions needed,
lea murphy
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, Am Appleton
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, Sherrie Taylor
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, Emily L. Ferguson
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, Bob
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, Pini Vollach
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, Hans Klemmer
- RE: postcard project update...opinions needed, rmh
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, Shyrell Melara
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, mlent
- Re: postcard project update...opinions needed, MichaelHughes7A
- Colour Processing and Grain,
- Lightzone, Don Roberts
- Kodak HIE, the end of an era?,
Willem-Jan Markerink
- teaching positions in Oman, Herschel Mair
- PF exhibit update APR 07, '07,
- My new favorite website,
Robert Earnest
- 18% gray item,
- deadline day!, lea murphy
- tomorrow is the deadline!, lea murphy
- Re: weather grump?, DSmall9917
- Digitization Conference Deadline Extended: School for Scanning - It's not just about scanning any more! May 1-3, Minneapolis, Julie Carlson NEDCC
- postcard update...list of participants,
lea murphy
- weigh in on breaking into smaller groups,
Angela Turnpaugh
- Re: Weigh in on breaking down into smaller groups, Herschel Mair
- Re: current postcard count,
Darin Heinz
- digital percentage, Herschel Mair
- Non-Adobe DNG Converter?,
Kostas Papakotas
- My Artistic Cipher . . . .., kombizz
- Re: Ancestral photos, but off topic., wpettit
- RE: [SPAM] Ancestral photos, lookaround360
- Ancestral photos,
Philip Wayner
- A silly question,
David Smith
- postcard exchange update,
lea murphy
- RE Printers, Bob
- Re: Mark Lent, Marilyn, Shyrell now Ancestral photos, MichaelHughes7A
- postcard rules, lea murphy
- Mark Lent, Marilyn, Shyrell,
lea murphy
- Re: Mark Lent, Marilyn, Shyrell, Pini Vollach
- Re: Mark Lent, Marilyn, Shyrell, Shyrell Melara
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Mark Lent, Marilyn, Shyrell, MichaelHughes7A
- Re: Mark Lent, Marilyn, Shyrell, wpettit
- re-doing the postcard project, Angela Turnpaugh
- postcards again, addresses...,
lea murphy
- postcards again?,
lea murphy
- Rev. Sidney Flack's email & Website, wpettit
- RE: [SPAM] Re: Printers, lookaround360
- RE: [SPAM] Printers, lookaround360
- Re: Printers now Students work,
- Printers,
- Returning Members,
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