Tim Corio wrote:
The article describes the change made to the photo as the removal of
"the legs of someone standing in the background". This would not appear
to affect the journalistic content of the image. I assume that burning
and dodging of photos have been used for decades to give more weight to
details that would otherwise not appear important in the final print.
The Wall Street Journal until recently used line drawings almost
exclusivly for its images. The line art would be far more suseptable to
substantial manipulation than a photo. On the other hand, it would be
more clear to the reader that the line art carries the weight of the
artist's biases.
Are there guidelines to help a photographer know what manipulations of a
photograph are acceptable?
Tim Corio
While removal of "the legs......" may be ethical, the adding a hockey
puck and basketball certainly isn't.
I had not considered your comment about the artist's biases. A good
My views on the subject are: - While an "artist" may be able to produce
an image that is biased toward his/her beliefs, PJs are supposed to be
unbiased unless directed to by the editor. Then the photos would be
biased to the editor and not the PJ unless he/she was specifically give
the assignment because they were in agreement.
A while back a Photo Editor from the Plain Dealer gave a talk at the
local camera club. When someone asked about photo journalistic photos
being gone over with Photoshop she said that Photographs, digital or
film based, that get printed are as taken with no manipulation. If they
are manipulated they are photo images rather than photographs.
An example she gave was one of the PJs that she edited had a close up
shot of a military pilot taken at the annual air show in Cleveland. The
pilot's visor had a good image that was the reflection of the PJ. When
the PJ said he could remove the relected image with Photoshop she told
hime that he was going to go back to the air show and retake the photo
and make sure the reflection wasn't there.
I'm guessing that guidelines would be the directions given by the photo
editor and the publisher.
( O O )
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