Here is the list of participants I have to date. IF YOU"RE NOT ON THIS LIST, I DON'T HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO PARTICIPATE. Please send me another email telling me you want to play. EVEN if you already sent me one cuz baby if you aren't on here it didn't come through. We are at 32 participants and I would expect a couple more still to sign up by Friday. As of right now we have 1 vote to split into groups with 2 people saying they don't care. We have 11 votes to do a complete mailing to all with the same 2 people saying they don't care. So...unless something drastic happens in the next couple of days we will be sending postcards to everyone on the list. Howard Leigh Lea Murphy Jason Davis Marilyn Dalrymple Mark Lent Shyrell Melara Bob Sull Rebeka Rodriguez Pini Vollach Jeff Saxman (10) Morley Roberts Guy Glorieux Am Appleton Michael Hughes Herschel Mair Martha Johnson Angi Turnpaugh Andrew Davidhazy Cathy and Darin Heinz Gregory david Stempel (20) Stephen Ylvisaker Jeff McSweeney David Smith Hans Klemmer Peeter Vissak Bob Talbot Robert G. Earnest Emily Ferguson Sherrie Taylor Deen Hameed (30) Rene M. Hales Paul Weyn Go take some pictures, make post cards, send something to the gallery, do a gallery review, clean your closet, wash your car, help a child tie her shoe, feed the homeless, throw a stick for a dog, pick up trash in your neighborhood. For crying out loud just DO SOMETHING! Lea lea murphy blog: |