Re: postcard project update...opinions needed

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Emily L. Ferguson wrote:

Scan every one! Why don't we just send you the files for uploading to the web?

There is a good reason for scanning after delivery. The postcards may exhibit signs that they "traveled the world" so to speak. This evidence would not be available in a pristine copy of the card's image side. These postal markings are what lends an added element of "charm" to the exchange.

BTW, it has been my experience that cards do get lost in the mail for one reason or another. Missaddressed, censored, fall out of the delivery van, are appropriated by collage artists, etc. etc.

So, I'd "vote" in favor of having the cards received by one person scaned and if some are missing then but someone else on the list has received them then have that person (who'd have to volunteer) scan their card and send the digital version on to the person putting them on the web.

BTW, to make 38 - 40 physical cards is not going to be cheap. Mailing them will add a chunk to the cost. Maybe in US terms the cost is reasonable but I suspect that cards beng mailed from certain other parts of the world may place a pretty significant burden on the authors. This is just an observation. ;)

We could make a booklet out of this, eh?


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