I missed the first go around, so please count me in. It seems like the collection will turn out somewhat like the book project but with postmarks. Sounds like fun! Shyrell lea murphy said: > I'd be more than willing to start this up again if anyone wants to play. > > I am quite a lot busier now than I was when we did it the first time but > I'd be willing to organize the addresses on a web page then those who are > interested could go there, copy the addresses and be > responsible to get postcards out. > > There would be a deadline by which everyone would need to respond in order > to be a participant. > > Everyone would need to submit to me there addresses. > > We would determine e a 'ship date' and that would be the date the cards > were put in the mail...none before that date. > > in order to be elegible to participate in any future postcardings (this > could be an awesome continuing project), you would have to be certain to > participate in any you agree to do (translation...if you say you're going > to do a mailing you have to do it or you can't > participate in the next one). > > Any takers? > > Let's kick it around. PLEASE don't make it too complicated or I'm not > going to be able to organize it...too busy right now. > > Lea > (who loves to receive real, live mail that doesn't have a window in the > envelope!) > > > > lea murphy > www.leamurphy.com > www.whinydogpress.com > blog: web.mac.com/leamurphy