JD you may find it but you will also find it to be an inferior product on the whole. Card stock is pretty sturdy stuff but printers that may use ink jet or other system may have a short run, but they just don't hold up too well for actually mailing them. The CMYK printing works better for actual postcards and are pretty rugged and will look decent once they get to the destination. Most of the card stocks that are used for RGB printing are a little to tender. Les -----Original Message----- >From: mohadib <mohadib@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Sent: Apr 12, 2007 2:00 AM >To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Subject: RGB printing > >Hello, > Is it possible to get professional RGB printing not on photopaper? >Like on a postcard? Im googling for such a service , but I'm only >finding CMYK printing. > > >Thanks, >jd >