Without an integrated shutter built into the lens, it probably isn't a
large-format lens. I'm thinking binoculars. Anyway, there are certainly ways
to get it to fit your 35-mm camera; creativity helps.
Even with the (presumed) reduced sharpness, it would be a fun lens to work
with. A photographer I know uses uncoated and otherwise unsharp lenses to
recreate WWII-era photographs, with absolutely believable results... Good
thing she's not a photojournalist?
Tim, rig something together, even if it involves black foam-core, glue, and
rubber bands, and shoot like mad. Get a good feel for how the lens functions
and adjust your shooting style accordingly. If you can't make technically
perfect images, make "fine-art".
Darin Heinz
Melbourne, Florida USA
See my photographs online at http://www.photo.net/photos/DarinHeinz/