Hello All,
Guy - your 7th World Pinhole Photography Day project is fascinating. I wish
I'd participated, but I let the day go by without getting out my pinhole
camera. Shame on me {:-<
The photographs contributed are very interesting with all sorts of different
subjects, perspectives and ideas. There is one self-portrait I find
intriguing (Andy). I do like the cyanotype-like look of the portrait.
I like Allan's pinhole, also. I guess it is the movement of the limbs that
took place during the exposure that give it a Lensbaby-like appearance. The
exposure and colors are right on. Nice work, Allan.
Although I didn't get a pinhole photo ready in time this year, I'm getting
my pinhole camera out and practicing today, so your project did cause some
action on this end.
You are everything you choose to be. You are as unlimited as the endless
Shad Helmstetter