Thanks for clearing it up. Belinda -----Original Message----- >From: lookaround360@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Sent: Apr 30, 2007 8:22 AM >To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Subject: RE: [SPAM] RE: [SPAM] re: What do you think? > > > >Belinda, > >Just to clarify and not stir up old business regarding nature of art, so-called "straight" photographs, etc. What I call a "photo looking" image is one that looks like a picture made by a camera but wasn't and could be a CGI model like Don's glassware reference. It would also include photo collages. It wouldn’t be a photo realistic painting or drawing. By craft I mean a worker’s sophisticated process refinement to achieve either art or not. In the case of "straight" photography such as with film, that craft is mature and well understood. That is not to say that a high level of craft always results in art or work that lacks craft refinement isn’t art. > >I prefer to go the straight photography route for most of my work. I’m perfecting my skills at digital print making, hoping for a high level of craft. > >AZ > > Build a 120/35mm Lookaround! >The Lookaround Book. >Now an E-book. > > > > > > >-------- Original Message -------- >Subject: [SPAM] RE: [SPAM] re: What do you think? >From: Belinda Peters <picasso@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Date: Sun, April 29, 2007 3:29 pm >To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students ><photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > >-----Original Message----->From: lookaround360@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Sent: Apr 29, 2007 2:12 PM>To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students<photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>Subject: RE: [SPAM] re: What do you think?>>> >We see thousands of photographic or photo-optical based images of onetype or another every day - somebody counted once. With just therelatively small bit of abstract graphical information in an imageour mind apparently does a quick sort as to its meanings. > >The odds are in favor of all images being message. Advertising isthe art of keeping all the elements of an image on message.Journalism is only slightly different. Would a publisher want imagesthat distracted from or contradicted the story? We shouldn't be looking for truth or facts exactly but how the image,as presented, compares to what we know or feel. The above is precisely what I like about the non-objective image(image not based on the world of commonly perceived reality) . Itrequires I "know/ing or feel/ing" in response to the act of experiencing the image. For me, as a viewer, I have to work/see ina different way what is before me.> >I don't think most people assume that a photo-looking image is atraditional photo. I'm sorry, can you explain the above a little more. (From myperspective, most people who view a "photo-looking" image see theimage caught (by camera) to be a photo/graphy, i.e. not a painting,drawing). .The "realistic" photo illustration is a popular and familiar form. Yes, it is. Using a commonly perceived reality as a basis forcommunication, usually makes the communication easier.Those of us that do un-altered photos very self-consciouslyadvertise our craft.I see "craft" as function, "art" as non-function. The place wherethese two areas meet is like an area of confusion as far a labelinggoes. From what I have seen of your work, I see art, not craft.Are you are using "craft" to mean a "pure" form of photography?Note: I don't want to restate what has already been discussed, so if Igo there, please let me know. I was off list for a while (about amonth) while moving. Thank you for your reply.Belinda >AZ>>Build a 120/35mm Lookaround!>The Lookaround Book.>Now an E-book.>>>>>>>-------- Original Message -------->Subject: [SPAM] re: What do you think?>From: Belinda Peters <picasso@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>Date: Sun, April 29, 2007 11:26 am>To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students><photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>>de-lurking for the moment:My view:An illusion is an image, is aphotograph, is a painting, is a drawing,etc.Can truth be attributedto a two-dimensional illusion?The referenced image (acomputer-generated illusion) doesn'tcomplicate my view.Maybephoto-journalism has become as "historical" as some of thephototechnologies that brought it about (just as paintingbecame"historical" when the camera became popular).Truth in labelingis concept, that for me, is relative. I find thatmost people can'teven label a print (etching, lithograph, seriograph,etc.) correctly.I don't think that labeling is gonna help much. Myobservation hasbeen that people want to believe and need to believewhat they see.Asthey say, my two-cents worth. Hope it is found to be relevant.Thanksfor the link. This is a good topic.Belinda (long-term lurker)On Apr29, 2007, at 9:29 AM, Don Roberts wrote:In light of some of therecent posts regarding truth in photographyand how altered photosshould be labeled, I post the following URL foryou consideration andcomment: isa Wikipedia page and is safe to view. How does this sort ofthingcomplicate the entire photo issue? Or does it impact it all?I'd liketo hear views.Don