----- Original Message -----
From: "Howard" <home@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Lea, you are a lovely person for all the organisation of this!
Yes, yes, yes...!
BUT (..snip..) And then the pen leaks (..snip..) and then the ink gets on
your fingers, and on my clothes
and my wife complains about the washing...
and then the ink runs out so you get even MORE ink on your fingers and
your clothes....
Ever considered using a goose feather instead of a fountain pen?
This is the up-and-coming revolution in writing.
Feather-lite writing tool.
No more ink-cartridge leaks.
Latest dip-and-write technology.
Wide variety of inkwells to suit your environment.
Modern sharpen-the-point-as-you-go technology makes gold-point obsolete.
Pleasant squeeky sounds makes writing a joy for the ears.
What better would you want to send your mail? ... -:)