The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated APR 07 2007. Authors with work now on display at: include: Allan Rosen-Ducat - Desert Sky That desert does look a bit wet those clouds contain thousands of tons of water. My web page shows a design that will enable desert dwellers to extract the water. There is more than one design. They are both based on Islamic designs in the 11th century. Karl Shah-Jenner - Nice flower. Laurenz Bobke - Breaking Sun Common as dirt, I used to do those, then ran out of film. Trevor Cunningham - faces Very twisted. Don Roberts - Petroglyphs When you see these ancient arts you admire them but it is sad that they are all dead. The pictures are probably of dead relatives of those who drew them so it is doubly sad and we go to think of our own individual deaths, I have had my friends killed in front of me, and the saddest event was a phone call with pictures from the restaurant where some of my friends in my photography class were on a tour visit while on a compulsory trip to America from NESCOT where we were all students. I was supposed be there on 9/11 and Kelly rang up to ask where I was... she stuck the picture phone to the wall, it was awful. Towards the end they all hugged and kissed and joined hands, I think a fire marshal was there, I just hope they all were led through the fire hanging on to each others shoulders. Kelly left immediately down the high speed lift before impact and saw the disaster on the ferry. I just can stop feeling ill. I knew, they planned it in my office, Moslem students, but the Brit's must have known, the curly black haired pilot took a shot at me and damaged my chair just before he left for America, I got done for damaging a chair - was is a screwdriver", "no a bullet", "who fired it, where's the gun?" I did there passport snaps so I know. No one took any notice. Emily L. Ferguson - Wealth gone mad My nutty friend had, before her sudden fate, a flat packed with boxes of diamonds $5M, crowns $2M each, pearls, all sorts of sparkling brick-a-brak like you get in jumble sales except it was allegedly $10 M worth. It was all piled up on the table like the junk it was. She used to say "now that is worth $1m" and so forth, a bit like sally who showed me a gong - oh dad picked that up in Burma, it must be worth 10,000 ... She showed me a cardboard box full of these diamonds and said who much is that one worth? What is it for? It is worth $50,000, so if I sell it I'll have $50,000 and no diamond, then I have to buy something, oh a lotus sport, I don't want one, they are only stones that cost ten human lives each, so I buried them some where sort of sprinkled them randomly. She told me to clean the flat while she got some more junk, so I tipped the lot in about five bin bags and put them down the rubbish shoot, I kept one purple crown as a flower pot and put daffodils in it in her memory. I then got the junk man to take all the regency furniture and chuck it as it was old. And got some men to make a nice flat I left the solid gold bathroom and then covered the windows with plastic sheet (blue) and then an opal sheet to hide Mayfair outside. It got nice and quiet. The horrible fancy pendant lights I replaced with a hanging false ceiling with north light fluorescent tubes with a blue sheet between the opal false ceiling and the array of lights. Then I put four gold paintings - it is a thin (1/8") sheet of gold (2' by 4') with etchings and jewels let into it to make a painting on the walls. No TV, but communicator pc was planned. The heating was by convectors on the wall instead of the built in heating system as it was easier to control. She might like it when she returns. (She is a star ship engineer) Guy Glorieux - Leviathan The less of those the better. Kambizz Kashani - Norooz - Eid-e Shoma Mubarak Another culture: It is sort of different. Christopher Strevens - Feet I had reports of nukes nearby, Basingstoke civil servant hq, London airport, nw London, central London, Odiham air base, Aldermaston nuke factory, Wethersfield nuke factory, heard missiles screech over head twice, heard heavy explosions in the distance twice. It is quite here but I have another nasty headache after another attack on my head I was quietly dozing in church on good Friday at the time I think it was the vicar. The petrol supply and motorways are next. Pini Vollach - Barcelona Nice place Barcelona.