From: "Paul Weyn" : It doesn't make sense : to me that Apple would be on the bottom of eco friendliness and PC's on the : top, you'd think if anything it would be the other way around. My concept of : a Mac user is a very young, hi-tech savvy, cool new generation, tree hugging : hippy type; whereas the PC user is the blue suited IBM conservative. More on what is a PC / Mac ? Here is some idea of just where mac users outside of the box might be coming from: uber-geeks building (from PC bits) a 'Mac' that runs OSX natively using a 'PC' CPU now are these PC geeks building a Mac for fun, or mac users building a mac to their own specs? who knows. More.. A mac largely is known to be something that runs Apples OS the new McPC's can run more than just an apple OS, they can run Windows - does that mean they're still a Mac? A PC, is it still tainted because it *could* run Windoze (like macs now can!) ? what of the PC's that run any of the uncountable number of operating systems (including Mac OSX) that are NOT windows? Apple is just another computer maker (who's CEO happens to earn more than TWICE the money of ANY other CEO in the world) have a peek here to get the goss on the $$ behind the man f_highest_paid_ceos.html or here if the above link wraps we're going to have to face it soon, Apple is a megacorp like any other with a money hungry attitude and their friendly windswept and exotic look is a marketting ploy designed to target a certain group. It also seems to be failing as some recent studies have found the youth target goup are quite unimpressed with the macs and the average Mac buyer is a newcomer to computers who finds the whole PC experience cnfusing. Not surprising Macs like Amigas (vastly superior in their dav to anythign else available for imaging) were purpose built, non compromised machines. Suns (remember them?) were purpose built too and designed for serious number crnching.. The PC we know today evolved from the OLD IBM whos philosophy was to build a modular machine which could be customised to any task. Want 2 processors? no probs. Want 64 processors - easy! The whole dual processor debate is laughable when single PC's can run any number of CPU's! I recall a family member contracting to NASA from the University he worked at, they ran a fortune in Sun computers the one day they realised that a $5000 over the counter PC ran faster, easier and with more flexibility than their $30,000 Sun machines.. didn't take them long to swap to PC's then ;) I find this paralleling the Digital Camera revolution. Once Nikon/Canon/Pentax/Minolta* was THE camera to have (take your pic depending on what part of the world you liked in and how heavily you were subject to marketting) Now its an electronics makers game and the electronics guys are winning the race for the 'superior' product and the camera makers are falling behind as they are necessarily at the mercy of the guys who make the electronics. Apples are made of PC parts. Nikons are made of Sony parts.. Is the Nikon a Sony? Is the Apple a PC? k