RPM Discussion
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- RE: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error. Why?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatalerror.Why?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatalerror.Why?
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- libtool: unrecognized option `--tag=CC'
- From: "Stewart Walker" <swalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error.Why?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Files list in package
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error.Why?
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files list in package
- From: Sandra Carney <scarney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files list in package
- From: Tom Maddox <tmaddox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files list in package
- From: Sandra Carney <scarney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Files list in package
- From: Tom Maddox <tmaddox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error. Why?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error. Why?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error. Why?
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error. Why?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error. Why?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Files in build root but not in the file list now a fatal error. Why?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Packages building across diferent RPM versions
- From: Israel Fdez Cabrera <israel@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: "Nookala, Satish" <Satish.Nookala@xxxxxxxxxx>
- So, what _is_ the right thing to do?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Berkeley 4.2.52 DB requires Tcl version 8.4 or better
- From: "Stewart Walker" <swalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM without Berkeley db
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Replacing Config Files
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Replacing Config Files
- From: "Piela, Ben" <ben.piela@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Install sequencing
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Install sequencing
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Install sequencing
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Replacing Config Files
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Install sequencing
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Install sequencing
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: Replacing Config Files
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Install sequencing
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Replacing Config Files
- From: "Piela, Ben" <ben.piela@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Install sequencing
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Install sequencing
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: Install sequencing
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Install sequencing
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Install sequencing
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: Install sequencing
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Install sequencing
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: Reciprocal functionality for rpm -V
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Redhat 9 kickstart fails final step (bootloader)
- From: <ddembrow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: subpackage syntax changed post 4.1?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Reciprocal functionality for rpm -V
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Reciprocal functionality for rpm -V
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: question about solaris postinstall script?
- From: "Piela, Ben" <ben.piela@xxxxxxx>
- Reciprocal functionality for rpm -V
- From: Aaron Bostick <abostick@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: db3 error ...
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: question about solaris postinstall script?
- From: "Manjula Ramachandra (mramacha)" <mramacha@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about solaris postinstall script?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- db3 error ...
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: question about solaris postinstall script?
- From: "Manjula Ramachandra (mramacha)" <mramacha@xxxxxxxxx>
- question about solaris postinstall script?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: "AliN" <eli_nez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question about rpmbuild --macros syntax
- From: "Zen Sorcerer" <zen_sorcerer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Conditional dependancies
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Conditional dependancies
- From: Rob van der Heij <rob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Conditional dependancies
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Conditional dependancies
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Conditional dependancies
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Conditional dependancies
- From: Rob van der Heij <rob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Conditional dependancies
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Conditional dependancies
- From: Rob van der Heij <rob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to select a particular instance of an installed rpm?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: User Installable Software FHS
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: User Installable Software FHS
- From: Harri Haataja <harri.haataja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: User Installable Software FHS
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: User Installable Software FHS
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: User Installable Software FHS
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: User Installable Software FHS
- From: John Newbigin <jn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- User Installable Software FHS
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: subpackage syntax changed post 4.1?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: subpackage syntax changed post 4.1?
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: subpackage syntax changed post 4.1?
- From: Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: subpackage syntax changed post 4.1?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: subpackage syntax changed post 4.1?
- From: Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- subpackage syntax changed post 4.1?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rh-rpm] building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rh-rpm] building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: James_Martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: rh-rpm] building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: James_Martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: rh-rpm] building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rh-rpm] building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rh-rpm] building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: James_Martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- RE: building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: Aaron Bennett <aaron.bennett@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: rh-rpm] building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: R P Herrold <herrold@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- building an rpm into a virtual filesystem
- From: James_Martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: cross compiling rpm for mips..
- From: AMAL RANJITH <ranjith_666@xxxxxxxxx>
- cross compiling rpm for mips..
- From: Ram Prakash R <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm redirector wrapper
- From: Chuck Vose <vosechu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm redirector wrapper
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm redirector wrapper
- From: Chuck Vose <vosechu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building for different platforms
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Adding init.d scripts to RPM
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding init.d scripts to RPM
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Building for different platforms
- From: "Laughlin, Joseph V" <Joseph.V.Laughlin@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding init.d scripts to RPM
- From: Alexander Dalloz <alexander.dalloz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Adding init.d scripts to RPM
- From: "Laughlin, Joseph V" <Joseph.V.Laughlin@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Is it really a problem or not??
- From: "Guolin Cheng" <guolin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: basic macro definitions
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- basic macro definitions
- From: "Piela, Ben" <ben.piela@xxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM relocation problem
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM relocation problem
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM relocation problem
- From: "McClung, John M, ALABS" <jmmcclung@xxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM relocation problem
- From: "McClung, John M, ALABS" <jmmcclung@xxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM relocation problem
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM relocation problem
- From: "McClung, John M, ALABS" <jmmcclung@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: Ram Prakash R <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to define /lib/modules/`uname -r` in a spec file?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Building debuginfo packages and stripping side-effects
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: How to define /lib/modules/`uname -r` in a spec file?
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: Ram Prakash R <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to define /lib/modules/`uname -r` in a spec file?
- From: Alexander Dalloz <alexander.dalloz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to define /lib/modules/`uname -r` in a spec file?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to define /lib/modules/`uname -r` in a spec file?
- From: "Cameron, Thomas" <Thomas.Cameron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm build error???
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm generic OS install
- From: "McClung, John M, ALABS" <jmmcclung@xxxxxxx>
- rpm build error???
- From: Israel Fdez Cabrera <israel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Which program options are included with RPM build
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Which program options are included with RPM build
- From: Dean Scott <dean1005@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: Reznic Valery <Valery.Reznic@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: Reznic Valery <Valery.Reznic@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Newbe question
- From: Israel Fdez Cabrera <israel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: Reznic Valery <Valery.Reznic@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Dependency on /bin/sh
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- --justdb, --excludedocs, and modifying FILESTATES
- From: "Bill Rugolsky Jr." <brugolsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM built on Alpha and installed on Linux
- From: "McClung, John M, ALABS" <jmmcclung@xxxxxxx>
- Re: meta data within RPM
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM built on Alpha and installed on Linux
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- RPM built on Alpha and installed on Linux
- From: "McClung, John M, ALABS" <jmmcclung@xxxxxxx>
- meta data within RPM
- From: "Piela, Ben" <ben.piela@xxxxxxx>
- RAM requirements...
- From: Ram Prakash R <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm -ivh successfull but install through C - API fails
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm -ivh successfull but install through C - API fails
- From: Ram Prakash R <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm -ivh successfull but install through C - API fails
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm -ivh successfull but install through C - API fails
- From: Ram Prakash R <ramp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to select a particular instance of an installed rpm?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I'm sorry to bother... but... how can I get unsubscribed from this list?
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I'm sorry to bother... but... how can I get unsubscribed from this list?
- From: Edmundo Antoranz <eantoranz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to select a particular instance of an installed rpm?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having an rpm automatically uninstall a different rpm
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to select a particular instance of an installed rpm?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having an rpm automatically uninstall a different rpm
- From: Robert Lehr <bozzio@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- generating a complete package install sequence
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: Having an rpm automatically uninstall a different rpm
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Having an rpm automatically uninstall a different rpm
- From: "Keegan, Gordon" <Gordon.Keegan@xxxxxxx>
- Re: How to select a particular instance of an installed rpm?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- different architecture for kernel and application packages
- From: "Guolin Cheng" <guolin@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to select a particular instance of an installed rpm?
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pedantic question about RPM file format
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pedantic question about RPM file format
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %* macro adds leading space.
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Making an RPM from hard links
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Making an RPM from hard links
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Making an RPM from hard links
- From: Andre Majorel <amajorel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- %* macro adds leading space.
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: "AliN" <eli_nez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can I force owner/group of source files in src.rpm?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: "AliN" <eli_nez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: "AliN" <eli_nez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: Chris Jones <cjones@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: "AliN" <eli_nez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Internal Lua support on RPM
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Internal Lua support on RPM
- From: Tomasz Kłoczko <kloczek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- A.Mani : Rpm-Python problem
- From: "A.Mani" <a_mani_sc_gs@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpm as installer
- From: Chris Jones <cjones@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Using rpm as installer
- From: "AliN" <eli_nez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Python API: TRIGGERTYPE unsupported type
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Python API: TRIGGERTYPE unsupported type
- From: Bob Drzyzgula <redhat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Python API: TRIGGERTYPE unsupported type
- From: Bob Drzyzgula <redhat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Python API: TRIGGERTYPE unsupported type
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Python API: TRIGGERTYPE unsupported type
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Python API: TRIGGERTYPE unsupported type
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Python API: TRIGGERTYPE unsupported type
- From: Bob Drzyzgula <redhat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: FC1 noisy rpm problem of "checking unpackaged file..."
- From: "Guolin Cheng" <guolin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: Jim Knoble <jmknoble@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Internal Lua support on RPM
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Internal Lua support on RPM
- From: Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Internal Lua support on RPM
- From: Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- chkconfig and init scripts (RH/Fedora specific)
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Internal Lua support on RPM
- From: Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Internal Lua support on RPM
- From: Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Internal Lua support on RPM
- From: Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Install scripts & updating user data...
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpmbuild --rebuild --target=mips-linux-gnu ./x.src.rpm
- From: Chris Jones <cjones@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Install scripts & updating user data...
- From: Travis Hamrick <travis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm 4.2 seg-fault with rpm -i '--define _install_langs C' ...
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- RE: signing packages
- From: "Erik LaBianca" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: build question ?
- From: Leonard den Ottolander <leonard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- build question ?
- From: Rhys Pride <rhp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm package not removing cleanly?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: rebuilding kernel RPMs
- From: "Sherman, Yuval" <yuval.sherman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rebuilding kernel RPMs
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- RE: rebuilding kernel RPMs
- From: "Sherman, Yuval" <yuval.sherman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rebuilding kernel RPMs
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- rebuilding kernel RPMs
- From: "Sherman, Yuval" <yuval.sherman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Multiple DB search path
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Multiple DB search path
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help, how to build perl modules by means of rpm
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- how to repackaging python within your own software?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FC1 noisy rpm problem of "checking unpackaged file..."
- From: Link Dupont <link@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help, how to build perl modules by means of rpm
- From: Alexander Dalloz <alexander.dalloz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- FC1 noisy rpm problem of "checking unpackaged file..."
- From: "Guolin Cheng" <guolin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Help, how to build perl modules by means of rpm
- From: "Guolin Cheng" <guolin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Multiple DB search path
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Multiple DB search path
- From: John VanSciver <jjvansc@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: signing packages
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- BUG? rpmbuild: perl "use lib" and "require"
- From: David Kewley <kewley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: signing packages
- From: "Erik LaBianca" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: signing packages
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: signing packages
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: signing packages
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: %post rpm --import
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how exactly does one use "--macros"?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %post rpm --import
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: signing packages
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %post rpm --import
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild -bb failure
- From: Paul Heinlein <heinlein@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpmbuild -bb failure
- From: Pikovsky Bella-BBP006 <Bella.Pikovsky@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: signing packages
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- how exactly does one use "--macros"?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Installing multiple packages + failed pre-scripts
- From: johannes.grumboeck@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: signing packages
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question about rpmbuild --macros syntax
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %post rpm --import
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- %post rpm --import
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- signing packages
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: spectool-1.0.2
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spectool-1.0.2
- From: Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build dependencies
- From: sjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Build dependencies
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Build dependencies
- From: sjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Build dependencies
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Build dependencies
- From: sjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: spectool-1.0.2
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How can I use entries inside rpmmacros file in postinstall process?
- From: barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: spectool-1.0.2
- From: sjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: spectool-1.0.2
- From: José Pedro Oliveira <jpo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spectool-1.0.2
- From: sjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: spectool-1.0.2
- From: José Pedro Oliveira <jpo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- spectool-1.0.2
- From: Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Remove Package with dependencies
- From: "Radius" <radius@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Question about rpmbuild --macros syntax
- From: barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: RPM2: which version?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spectool-1.0.1
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spectool-1.0.1
- From: Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with a RPM Build
- From: Richard Kurth <rkurth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- V3 DSA signature: BAD key
- From: "Luis Alberto Coronado M." <beto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependencies are there
- From: sjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Dependencies are there
- From: Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM2: which version?
- From: José Pedro Oliveira <jpo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- syntax on .rpmrc file?
- From: barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Dependencies are there
- From: sjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Dependencies are there
- From: Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- e: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Dependencies are there
- From: sjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can i build/output .rpm package to directory other than /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory?
- From: barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- generating the file list during rpmbuild
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to enter values during the rpm -i and use them in the postinstall process
- From: Nigel Metheringham <Nigel.Metheringham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to enter values during the rpm -i and use them in the postinstall process
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to "rembuild --rebuild" a source rpm in the current directory?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how can i override the macros file list with rpm or rpmbuild?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: postinstall script question
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How can i enter value during rpm -i and use them during the postinstall process?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: postinstall script question
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: postinstall script question
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- postinstall script question
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- %configure macro in .spec file.
- From: Adam Luchjenbroers <Adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- spectool-1.0.1
- From: Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mail about spectool accidentally deleted
- From: José Pedro Oliveira <jpo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Mail about spectool accidentally deleted
- From: Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How can I change some values within the spec file during rpmbuild?
- From: barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Scripts for generating rpm's
- From: José Pedro Oliveira <jpo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't I do "rpm --root ... -i ..." as regular user?
- From: Sergei Mikhailov <sergei@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't I do "rpm --root ... -i ..." as regular user?
- From: John Newbigin <jn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM question
- From: Tran Charles A Civ OC-ALC/MASWT <charles.tran@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm 4.3 on FC1: Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE environments
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm 4.3 on FC1: Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE environments
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm 4.3 on FC1: Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE environments
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Why can't I do "rpm --root ... -i ..." as regular user?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what constitutes an install "conflict"?
- From: Adam Spiers <adam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- pthread library on redhat linux 9.0
- From: "Wilson Jacob" <wilsonjacob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Scripts for generating rpm's
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spectool v1.0 was: Let us please all stop the whining
- From: Dag Wieers <dag@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Scripts for generating rpm's
- From: Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Scripts for generating rpm's
- From: "David O'Dell" <daveo_perl@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM error
- From: "Lukasz D." <ldspm@xxxxx>
- spectool v1.0 was: Let us please all stop the whining
- From: Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM error
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM error
- From: "Luke D." <ldspm@xxxxx>
- Re: RPM error
- From: Mike Zupan <mzupan@xxxxxxxx>
- RPM error
- From: "Luke D." <ldspm@xxxxx>
- exclude folder/files from verification ?
- From: <Jurgen.Klasen@xxxxxxxxx>
- The origin of _initrddir
- From: Matthias Saou <thias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Upgrade package with different name
- From: Bart Whiteley <bwhiteley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Upgrade package with different name
- Re: rpm in ant
- From: Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx>
- Re: looking for command
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm -e allocates > 2GBytes then fails
- From: Andy Green <fedora@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm-4.2.1 behaving strange...
- From: "Dmitry S. Makovey" <dmitry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm in ant
- From: "Baz" <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fseek failed: Invalid argument
- From: Steve Feehan <sfeehan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- looking for command
- From: Brad Wyman <tildar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining Num of packages in db
- From: David Farning <dfarning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining Num of packages in db
- From: David Farning <dfarning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining Num of packages in db
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm2cpio successfully unpacking corrupt rpm file?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Finding out what rpms a build command will create (again)?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm2cpio successfully unpacking corrupt rpm file?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining Num of packages in db
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Determining Num of packages in db
- From: David Farning <dfarning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmGetArchInfo() failure
- From: David Farning <dfarning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmGetArchInfo() failure
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpmGetArchInfo() failure
- From: David Farning <dfarning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query all dependent packages
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building of RPM 4.3
- From: "Jim Gifford" <maillist@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building of RPM 4.3
- From: "Jim Gifford" <maillist@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query all dependent packages
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query all dependent packages
- From: "Keith G. Robertson-Turner" <redhat-forums@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Disabling implicit compressing in infodir
- From: Torsten Bronger <bronger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query all dependent packages
- From: Steve Feehan <sfeehan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Query all dependent packages
- From: Sergei Mikhailov <sergei@xxxxxxx>
- Re: patch submission
- From: Robert Lehr <bozzio@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: rpm build with static rpm libs (only)
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Suppress info about packages that have no %files?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: patch submission
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Tips & Tricks: The RPM Packager Manager [RPM] -- Revisited
- From: Matthias Saou <thias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm build with static rpm libs (only)
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- patch submission
- From: Robert Lehr <bozzio@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what constitutes an install "conflict"?
- From: Eli Carter <eli.carter@xxxxxxxx>
- Building of RPM 4.3
- From: "Jim Gifford" <maillist@xxxxxxxxx>
- what constitutes an install "conflict"?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using $1 to test for updates
- From: Jim Knoble <jmknoble@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using $1 to test for updates
- From: David Walluck <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- using $1 to test for updates
- From: Christoph Doerbeck a242369 <cdoerbec@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need rpm for des [OFFTOPIC]
- From: Jim Knoble <jmknoble@xxxxxxxxx>
- Need rpm for des
- From: David E Lopez <llopez2@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: is this valid?
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- is this valid?
- From: "Gene C." <czar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fine grained control of the %doc macro?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I did a no no....
- From: Troy Dawson <dawson@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: {Spam?} Servlet legacy-dispatcher
- From: Dennis Gregorovic <dgregor@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I did a no no....
- From: Scot Mc Pherson <scot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fine grained control of the %doc macro?
- From: Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@xxxxxx>
- Re: {Spam?} Servlet legacy-dispatcher
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Servlet legacy-dispatcher
- From: "dhanya unni" <dhanyapunni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm database issues (sorry about the last subject)
- From: "Ralf S. Engelschall" <rse+rpm-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm database issues (sorry about the last subject)
- From: Emanuel <nunbot@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mailman results for Rpm-list
- From: Emanuel <nunbot@xxxxxxxxx>
- I did a no no....
- From: "Emmanuel Papirakis" <sk_buff@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Eli Carter <eli.carter@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Still getting severe hangs ;-(
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- unsubscribe list
- From: chandan <cdc200024@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: header (hdr) files
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a question
- From: "Gene C." <czar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a question
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Matt Pounsett <matt.pounsett@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Nicolas Mailhot <Nicolas.Mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Possible to use internal binary
- From: Thomas Jones <thomas.jones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Linux device number bug report
- From: "Zhou Wei" <zhouwei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Matt Pounsett <matt.pounsett@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Overriding automatic dependancies
- From: Matt Pounsett <matt.pounsett@xxxxxxx>
- a question
- From: "Gene C." <czar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %config(missingok) filename
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- %config(missingok) filename
- From: Prakash_Nara@xxxxxxxx
- Re: header (hdr) files
- From: "Rudy Metzger" <rudy.metzger@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: header (hdr) files
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- header (hdr) files
- From: "Rudy Metzger" <rudy.metzger@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does the Nosource directive work?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does the Nosource directive work?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) error
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does the Nosource directive work?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does the Nosource directive work?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: does the Nosource directive work?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) error
- From: Mike Zupan <mzupan@xxxxxxxx>
- rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) error
- From: Charlie.Altman@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Problems installing MySQL from the RH9 CDs
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems installing MySQL from the RH9 CDs
- From: Tres Seaver <tseaver@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems installing MySQL from the RH9 CDs
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems installing MySQL from the RH9 CDs
- From: Aaron Bennett <aaron.bennett@xxxxxxxx>
- Problems installing MySQL from the RH9 CDs
- From: Jordi Blanch Carles <jordi_blanch@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: "H. Peter Anvin" <hpa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does the Nosource directive work?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- error in Red Hat RPM Guide
- From: Aaron Bennett <aaron.bennett@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help, rpm database problems.
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does the Nosource directive work?
- From: Aaron Bennett <aaron.bennett@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help, rpm database problems.
- From: Brad Wyman <tildar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help, rpm database problems.
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help, rpm database problems.
- From: Brad Wyman <tildar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing files in chroot.
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing files in chroot.
- From: richard offer <roffer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Missing files in chroot.
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: "Steve Connell" <connell@xxxxxx>
- Re: Help, rpm database problems.
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Help, rpm database problems.
- From: Brad Wyman <tildar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- does the Nosource directive work?
- From: Aaron Bennett <aaron.bennett@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Documentation for RPM Python library
- From: "Dean Wilson" <dean.wilson3@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: Chris Ricker <kaboom@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Shrinking Packages file
- From: "Bill Rugolsky Jr." <brugolsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: Bernd Petrovitsch <bernd@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Documentation for RPM Python library
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: specifying complicated version dependencies
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Logical OR in requires?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Shrinking Packages file
- From: Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- specifying complicated version dependencies
- From: "Christian Goetze" <cg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Documentation for RPM Python library
- From: Sergei Mikhailov <sergei@xxxxxxx>
- Missing files in chroot.
- From: richard offer <roffer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: Perry Hutchison <phutchis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- End User License Agreement Using RPM?
- From: "Steve Connell" <connell@xxxxxx>
- Re: how to change dependencies?
- From: Carlos Villegas <villegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm 4.1-1.06 segfaulting after glibc upgrade
- Re: /usr/lib or /usr/libexec?
- From: Carlos Villegas <villegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: custom kernel rpm version / release question
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- custom kernel rpm version / release question
- From: Aaron Bennett <aaron.bennett@xxxxxxxx>
- rpm 4.1-1.06 segfaulting after glibc upgrade
- RE: hello
- From: "tookers 2k2" <tookerson2k2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- hello
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: Adam Spiers <adam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to change dependencies?
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: RHFC1 rpmdb corruption
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segmentation Fault
- From: "Kevork" <rxlm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s problem
- From: Paupe Martial <martial.paupe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: strange RPM error
- From: Alexander Dalloz <alexander.dalloz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segmentation Fault
- From: Alexander Dalloz <alexander.dalloz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Linux device number bug report
- From: Matthias Saou <thias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: strange RPM error
- From: Michael Honeyfield <mhoneyfield@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: strange RPM error
- From: "Keith G. Robertson-Turner" <redhat-forums@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Linux device number bug report
- From: "Zhou Wei" <zhouwei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segmentation Fault
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- strange RPM error
- From: Michael Honeyfield <mhoneyfield@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segmentation Fault
- From: "Kevork" <rxlm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segmentation Fault
- From: Alexander Dalloz <alexander.dalloz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segmentation Fault
- From: "Kevork" <rxlm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segmentation Fault
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Segmentation Fault
- From: "Kevork" <rxlm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating RPMs using binary deltas (demo 2)
- From: M A Young <m.a.young@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RHFC1 rpmdb corruption
- From: Dag Wieers <dag@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating RPMs using binary deltas (demo 2)
- From: Leonard den Ottolander <leonard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating RPMs using binary deltas (demo 2)
- From: M A Young <m.a.young@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating RPMs using binary deltas (demo 2)
- From: Leonard den Ottolander <leonard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to change dependencies?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to change dependencies?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to change dependencies?
- From: Perry Hutchison <phutchis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to change dependencies?
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: how to change dependencies?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Shrinking Packages file
- From: Derek Chen-Becker <derek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to change dependencies?
- From: Chris Adams <cmadams@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to change dependencies?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Updating RPMs using binary deltas (demo 2)
- From: M A Young <m.a.young@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to change dependencies?
- From: Marten Lehmann <lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: "buildroot?" or "buildroot^M^M"
- From: Bart Whiteley <bwhiteley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: "buildroot?" or "buildroot^M^M"
- From: <martin.dm.hull@xxxxxx>
- Re: "buildroot?" or "buildroot^M^M"
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: "buildroot?" or "buildroot^M^M"
- From: Bart Whiteley <bwhiteley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM Build errors - files not found, but they exist
- From: <martin.dm.hull@xxxxxx>
- "buildroot?" or "buildroot^M^M"
- From: <martin.dm.hull@xxxxxx>
- Re: RPM deltaing tool
- From: Leonard den Ottolander <leonard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm, pthreads, and XScale
- From: Mark Hatle <fray@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: buildreq and arch
- From: "Gene C." <czar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: buildreq and arch
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: buildreq and arch
- From: "Gene C." <czar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM deltaing tool
- From: M A Young <m.a.young@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM build errors
- From: <martin.dm.hull@xxxxxx>
- Re: buildreq and arch
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM build errors
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM build errors
- From: <martin.dm.hull@xxxxxx>
- Re: Fourth argument for %defattr
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fourth argument for %defattr
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PreReq and Requires
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM deltaing tool
- From: Leonard den Ottolander <leonard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PreReq and Requires
- From: Leonard den Ottolander <leonard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM build errors
- From: <martin.dm.hull@xxxxxx>
- Strip shared objects?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Errors with rpmbuild
- From: Tadatmya Vaishnav <tavaishnav@xxxxxxxxx>
- buildreq and arch
- From: "Gene C." <czar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mail Delivery System
- From: chandan <cdc200024@xxxxxxxxx>
- RPM deltaing tool
- From: M A Young <m.a.young@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM application programming question
- From: Edmundo Antoranz <eantoranz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: Adam Spiers <adam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fine grained control of the %doc macro?
- From: "Keith G. Robertson-Turner" <redhat-forums@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Autorollback patch question...
- From: Adam Spiers <adam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to handle requires/provides with DSOs are in non-standard locations?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: /usr/lib or /usr/libexec?
- From: Reznic Valery <Valery.Reznic@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RHEL3 rpmdb corruption
- From: Dag Wieers <dag@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Cross Compiling
- From: Michael T McCabe <mccabemt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: per file dependency check
- From: Paul Nasrat <pauln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- per file dependency check
- From: Paul Lew <paullew@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to handle requires/provides with DSOs are in non-standard locations?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: /usr/lib or /usr/libexec?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to handle requires/provides with DSOs are in non-standard locations?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: /usr/lib or /usr/libexec?
- From: Scot Mc Pherson <scot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- /usr/lib or /usr/libexec?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: version checking problem in rpm build; bad b/c j2sdk version has underscore?
- From: Hugo van der Kooij <hvdkooij@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- version checking problem in rpm build; bad b/c j2sdk version has underscore?
- From: Paul Johnson <pauljohn@xxxxxx>
- Re: Quick question, sure it is a FAQ, need a pointer/clue on how to handle
- From: Jim Knoble <jmknoble@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: more stylesheet fun
- From: Paul Heinlein <heinlein@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: more stylesheet fun
- From: Daniel Veillard <veillard@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Quick question, sure it is a FAQ, need a pointer/clue on how to handle
- From: Joe Landman <landman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Autorollback patch question...
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- more stylesheet fun
- From: Paul Heinlein <heinlein@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dynamic dependency check
- From: Scot Mc Pherson <scot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: dynamic dependency check
- From: Reznic Valery <Valery.Reznic@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dynamic dependency check
- From: Dhanvi K <dhanvik@xxxxxxx>
- RE: dynamic dependency check
- From: Reznic Valery <Valery.Reznic@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dynamic dependency check
- From: Dhanvi K <dhanvik@xxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM 4.0.4 on AIX 5.1?
- From: "Shortland, Anthony" <Anthony.Shortland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM 4.0.4 on AIX 5.1?
- From: Scot Mc Pherson <scot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RPM 4.0.4 on AIX 5.1?
- From: "Shortland, Anthony" <Anthony.Shortland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dynamic dependency check
- From: Scot Mc Pherson <scot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: new metadata format for repositories
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: new metadata format for repositories
- From: Matthias Saou <thias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- new metadata format for repositories
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dynamic dependency check
- From: Dhanvi K <dhanvik@xxxxxxx>
- Re: question
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- question
- From: mara ailiez sy <ailiez@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do i force upgrade a installed package through the C API?
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxx>
- How do i force upgrade a installed package through the C API?
- From: "Ram Prakash. R" <ramp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ignore already-installed packages when multiple RPMs are passed
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using Epoch to nuke Obsoletes?
- From: Theo Van Dinter <felicity@xxxxxxxxx>
- Linux device number bug report
- From: "Zhou Wei" <zhouwei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Error: Bad owner/group" while rebuilding src rpm
- From: Eli Carter <eli.carter@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ignore already-installed packages when multiple RPMs are passed
- From: Eli Carter <eli.carter@xxxxxxxx>
- rpm, pthreads, and XScale
- From: Eli Carter <eli.carter@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question about uninstalling rpms
- From: Nicolas Mailhot <Nicolas.Mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ignore already-installed packages when multiple RPMs are passed
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question about uninstalling rpms
- From: Eli Carter <eli.carter@xxxxxxxx>
- Question about uninstalling rpms
- From: Donna Appleget <donna@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How does rpm4.2 deal with multilingual information?
- From: "Adams Liu" <liu_adams@xxxxxxxx>
- FW: .c files as Sources in the header
- From: "Smitha Narayanaswamy (smithan)" <smithan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: formatting output in rpm-python?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- formatting output in rpm-python?
- From: Armijn Hemel <armijn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: Andre Costa <acosta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: R P Herrold <herrold@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: Andre Costa <acosta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: Andre Costa <acosta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: Jeff Johnson <jbj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Are __db.00[123] lock files or not?
- From: Andre Costa <acosta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Error: Bad owner/group" while rebuilding src rpm
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Error: Bad owner/group" while rebuilding src rpm
- From: Eli Carter <eli.carter@xxxxxxxx>
- "Error: Bad owner/group" while rebuilding src rpm
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Linux device number bug report
- From: "Zhou Wei" <zhouwei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Documentation about how to create a patch rpm package
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Documentation about how to create a patch rpm package
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Documentation about how to create a patch rpm package
- From: Klaus Schrod <kschrod@xxxxxx>
- Re: qestions about rpm localization and license display
- From: Nicolas Mailhot <Nicolas.Mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: qestions about rpm localization and license display
- From: Dries Verachtert <dries@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: qestions about rpm localization and license display
- From: Joey Shen <joey.shen@xxxxxxx>
- Re: qestions about rpm localization and license display
- From: Nicolas Mailhot <Nicolas.Mailhot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- qestions about rpm localization and license display
- From: Joey Shen <joey.shen@xxxxxxx>
- What parts of the SPEC files does a rpm -F run through ?
- From: "Henning Markussen" <hem@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What tools to use for multipackage download and install?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What tools to use for multipackage download and install?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What tools to use for multipackage download and install?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does rpm support patching a binary rpm package?
- From: Rui Miguel Seabra <rms@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: whoops, never mind, i was just being dense
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- whoops, never mind, i was just being dense
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to create an isolated root filesystem/rpm DB?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does rpm support patching a binary rpm package?
- From: Tom Diehl <tdiehl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does rpm support patching a binary rpm package?
- From: James Olin Oden <joden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does rpm support patching a binary rpm package?
- From: Lamar Owen <lamar.owen@xxxxxxxx>
- Does rpm support patching a binary rpm package?
- From: Prakash_Nara@xxxxxxxx
- Re: rpm ARM (XScale) problems
- From: Eli Carter <eli.carter@xxxxxxxx>
- %_localstatedir and the FHS version 2.2
- From: Michael Honeyfield <mhoneyfield@xxxxxxxxxx>
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