RPM Discussion
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- RPM 4.20.1 released!, Michal Domonkos
- mark package as automatically installed,
Felix Rubio
- Is there any way to mark a package as automatically installed, using RPM?, Felix Rubio
- RPM 4.20.0 released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.20.0 RC2 released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.20.0 RC1 released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.20.0 ALPHA2 released!, Michal Domonkos
- Check for build file modifications after %check, Manthey, Norbert
- RPM 4.20.0 ALPHA released!, Michal Domonkos
- Guiding co-dependent RPM packages to swap nicely,
Miro Hrončok
- Macro for a binary package's documentation directory name?, Tim Landscheidt
- RPM released!, Michal Domonkos
- Order of dependencies, Felix Rubio
- Dynamic provides and requires dependency,
Sam Varshavchik
- RPM 4.19.1 released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.18.2 released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.19.0 released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.19.0 RC1 released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.19.0 BETA released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.19.0 ALPHA2 released!, Michal Domonkos
- RPM 4.19.0 ALPHA released!, Michal Domonkos
- directory conflicts between packages,
Tim Mooney
- Two (possibly related) issue w/ 4.18.x rpmbuild,
Michael Peters
- RPM 4.18.1 released!,
Michal Domonkos
- Setting armv8hnl, scott . andrews
- Memoizing macro values,
Florian Weimer
- Help RPM database content direct reading and decoding,
Andrei Nikonov
- RPM released!, Michal Domonkos
- signing a variable list of packages,
Tim Mooney
- RPM 4.17.1 released!, Michal Domonkos
- How to disable AutoReqProv on shebangs for a specific script file ?,
Jason Vas Dias
- best spec macro language reference ? help needed ..., Jason Vas Dias
- New RPM community venue, Panu Matilainen
- rpmbuild: `! true` does not fail %install, but `false` does, `! true` fails other sections, Miro Hrončok
- Re: Preventing .build-id file conflicts between pypy3.7-libs-7.3.7-1.fc34.x86_64 and pypy3.8-libs-7.3.7-1.fc34.x86_64, Miro Hrončok
- Optional %files support - (A or B or C),
Graham Leggett
rpm-4.17.0, Scott Andrews
RPM 4.17.0 released!,
Panu Matilainen
rpm -qf directory, Maxim Yanchenko
How to properly escape weird characters in paths to have a valid filelist?,
Miro Hrončok
Question: how to get information from pgpDig?, Женя Таишев
RPM- macro %configure issue, Scott Andrews
Re: [Rpm-announce] RPM released!, Scott Andrews
rpm 4.16.1,
Scott Andrews
Listing files twice and %lang behavior,
Miro Hrončok
rpmsign with a non-default-keyring didn't work, Daniel Spannbauer
Error compiling RPM package(rpm version: 4.16.0),
QinGui Liang
RPM 4.16.0 sqlite backend database,
Scott Andrews
%readme and %artifact,
Miroslav Suchý
Iosif Menshikov
Scott Andrews
RPM version 4.14.3,
Scott Andrews
File ownership in %install,
Frank Steiner
setting root in python script,
Miroslav Suchý
Question: the way to check if "load" macro is built-in in a spec file,
Jun Aruga
RPM API: parseSpec and macroContext,
Matwey V. Kornilov
Question about rpm log for 5.4.14,
zhang j
popt future?, Paul Eggleton
Is package metadata stored in DB signed or not?,
Dmitry Mikhirev
What is the status and USP of the Lua rex extension?,
Tim Landscheidt
Re: What is the status and USP of the Lua rex extension?, Panu Matilainen
Possible to run a script before dependency check in rpm ?, Ayappan P2
Backwards compatibility of the RPM format,
Avi Kivity
conventions for delivering a chrooted environment via an RPM?,
Brian Reichert
exclude the provides and requires together,
d tbsky
macro expansion problems,
Adrian Reber
Advice for handling very large files in rpm,
How to generate GNU make dependency file for a SPEC file automatically?, Francesco
who define a variable,
RPM auto relocate directory, Fred BRACHOT
Re:Rpm-list Digest, Vol 317, Issue 3, 张志明
Centos7 rpm problem,
rpmbuild - how to not print commands in spec file,
Tech Support
Piping find output to an rpm macro,
nicolas . mailhot
support for arbitrary_tags, Ashish Parasrampuria (ashp)
Perl dependency error,
"rpm -qf ..." and "rpm -V ..." with Python API,
Ian Pilcher
support for manual file dependencies ?,
Jason Vas Dias
RPM appends Transaction ID to package name, sudhakar mnsr
ho to check package dependencies,
Julius Milan
create rpm spec file for httpd webcontents, Kaushal Shriyan
How to define package 'provides',
Tech Support
How does --rebuilddb work when the db is completely unreadable?,
John Walker
Help required for usage of rpmsign, Manish Honap
How set the prefix when install a rpm using python.,
Jorge Cisneros
Validating macros, Orion Poplawski
how to run rpmtest,
Chuck Tuffli
Verify RPM database, Daniel Spannbauer
Why doesn't -Va return results, when -qa -> -Vv do?,
Jason McCallister
rpm spec file prevent macros from expanding,
Domen Vrankar
rpmdeps: find requires for scripts with env shebang,
Stephano Cetola
Provides-Statement in Spec,
Daniel Spannbauer
Managing GPG keys in RPM?,
RPM database is inconsistent when a running instance of zypper was interrupted,
single RPM for all distros?,
Heyman, Jerrold
handling of symlinks to symlinks in spec file,
Domen Vrankar
pass "%global" definitions to mock?,
Matthias Leopold
Is there a way to turn off %pretrans?,
error: Failed dependencies,
david kerns
What is the function of 'Requires(pre)' in spec file?,
Zhang Freeman
Meta question on the lists,
otheus uibk
script exit codes,
Heyman, Jerrold
conflicts when file changed from 32bit to 64bit,
Paul Becker
Any way to remove an installed package from the RPM database?,
Jon Danniken
AIX rpmbuild on large package,
Michael Cronenworth
SELinux labels for files in package,
Evgeniy Gurko
rpmlint treat warnings as errors,
Cristian Falcas
%preun clarification,
Heyman, Jerrold
[Q] Specified Provides version in rpm spec file,
Fan Yang
Timing problem with '%buildsubdir',
Andreas Scherer
use %pre section of .rpm file to check if this package is already installed,
Dmytro Shyshchenko
Automatically generating needed requires for julia,
Orion Poplawski
Getting realocated dir in the postinstall (or other) scriptlets ?,
cups 2.1.2, Thierry Vignaud
Macro for path to system-preset?,
Borislav Trifonov
Heads up: Changes to %setup macro, Florian Festi
rpmbuild %config: "file listed twice",
Borislav Trifonov
rpmbuild -t? tarball options,
Schwarz, Konrad
rpmbuild compiler output during %build on RHEL 7,
Tim Mooney
Allowing files to be overwritten by different packages,
Fabricio Cannini
when does rpm update the "last installed/updated" time?, Bond Masuda
Problem with parameterized macro when an option contains '--',
Tadej Janež
rpm upgrade/freshen a glob of RPMs,
Paul Becker
RPM install/update creates files and then disappears?,
Bond Masuda
Redirect %patch output,
Andreas Scherer
Re: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 272, Issue 1, Liqin Wang
Install GCC 4.9.2 on AIX as non -privilege user,
Liqin Wang
Per-subpackage BuildArch, Sergey Kubushyn
MD5 BAD Expected : extended by two extra zeros,
Divya Vyas
"Requires" range,
RPM-4.13 in F23,
Florian Festi
automatic packaging of _docdir?,
Miroslav Suchý
Access to %description, Orion Poplawski
Generate %package from a macro,
Orion Poplawski
error: Failed dependencies:,
Diogo Leal
rpm signing and verfiy with self signed certificate,
Divya Vyas
How do I modify a .spec file,
mario chiari
how to exclude some files of Automatic Dependency detection ?,
Martin Koller
rpmbuild --eval of lua macros,
Josh Boyer
RPM 4.13.0-alpha released, Florian Festi
Dependency generator hooks and extending default requires/provides,
Sandro Mani
Missing dependencies after building with RPM 4.11.1,
Michael Rudd
Why is the "Bad owner/group" error necessary?,
Jay Hendren
Strange behaviour of rpm command on error in %pre section of a rpm pakage,
Viktor Shitkovskiy
Building rpm packages with support for 64 and 32 bit libraries,
David Dembrow
File glob not working in suse 11.3/rpm, Fabricio Cannini
Defining macro name as the value of another macro,
Fabricio Cannini
RPM repository moved to GitHub, Florian Festi
Upgrading to newer RPM,
Daugherty, Briac
news gtk+ widgets (=> update doc (gtk3.doc?)),
Thierry Vignaud
commit hide password part from mga#11136, Thierry Vignaud
Programmatically force release,
Pierre-Gildas MILLON
Requires and ignore specific version,
Cristian Falcas
Verifying integrity of rpmdb entries, Erinn Looney-Triggs
Re: rpmbuild harmless error message - update, David Dembrow
Creating RPM on AIX,
rpmbuild harmless error message,
David . Dembrow
Compare source package (src.rpm) with its binary version, Kevin McKinney
Reading file list from .spec files in Python,
Pavel Fedin
usage of defattr,
Domen Vrankar
Debugging selectmodule.so,
Vikram Hosakote (vhosakot)
Python binding doc strings, Florian Festi
curl packaging under different location prefix,
%pre scripts with a non-zero exit status.,
Do dependencies specified in .rpm file?,
Ali AlipourR
RPM support for semantic versioning,
Andreas Maier
Expanding RPM macros,
Peter Lemenkov
Installing a source rpm with Python API,
[rpm] Correct way of writing spec file when packaging symlinks,
Domen Vrankar
Possible to check version of package in %pre/%prerun -> -> changes outcome of install ?,
Morgan Cox
Control-C in middle of a post installation script., doc
Can I make an rpm abort installation in a %post script?,
Dylan Martin
rpm rebuild gives different result,
Distributing a partially-compatible variant package?,
Craig Ringer
correct null epoch value behavior for Conflicts: expressions ?,
Jason Vas Dias
rpmbuild, environment modules and zsh,
Fabricio Cannini
rpm -q --specfile ( --provides | --conflicts ) bug,
Jason Vas Dias
meaning of 'Provides: X' '>' or '>=' %evr ?,
Jason Vas Dias
After using --repackage, I get DSA signature: BAD,
Kai Lanz
fts.c has no business to #define reserved identifiers,
Krzysztof Żelechowski
Ticket#88 still not fixed, Krzysztof Żelechowski
Is it possible to replace RPM scripts for an installed package in-place?, Daniel John FitzGerald
Best practices for multi-distribution RPMs?,
Daniel John FitzGerald
[PATCH] Detect arm armv6hl, armv7hl and armv7hnl machines,
Lubomir Rintel
Is there a proper way how to get byte range of header?, Tomas Mlcoch
read rpm database with Java, Peter Penzov
Build SUID binaries,
Trịnh Thành
RPM installation on a non en_US.UTF-8 machine.,
Identifying a particular build,
Tim T.
What causes an installation of an rpm of a service to be in an enabled state (for systemd) ?,
Kevin Wilson
rpm spec good practices,
Martín Marqués
How would I specify in the spec file where to install the RPM to?,
Kyle Crumpton (kcrumpto)
RPM files md5sum,
Dragos Diaconescu
Problems with signatures on CentOS5,
Martín Marqués
Versioning issue,
Marc Young
rpm setting group ids in installing a package, Seshwar Sehra
Risk of using rpm parser?,
Miroslav Suchý
Heads up: Weak and rich dependencies in RPM, Florian Festi
How to fix 'file / from install conflicts with...' errors,
Fulko Hew
Isolating a chronic rpmdb corruption problem.,
Tristan Smith
Building rpm on mac...,
Kevin Ingwersen
Handling name change of RPM,
Sarang Radke
[PATCH] List files along with their languages, Łukasz Stelmach
How SHA1 in signature header is calculated?,
Max Lapshin
RE: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 212, Issue 9,
Stefan Koebeli
Install a file in different locations depending on environment,
Eran Ben Natan
How to parse an RPM file name?,
Tom Limoncelli
Martin Koller
Compiling RPM-5.1.9 with external Berkley,
bishwajit goswami
Get the command in the rpm spec,
Zheng, Wendy
Segfault in librpm, Erwan Velu
rpm update on multilib system ignores duplicate package name with different arch on command line,
Jason Henderson
Failed to write file: invalid section entry size, dadembro
rpmbuild turnoff pedantic behavour with buildroot folder.,
rpmdb compatibility,
bishwajit goswami
Calling a parameterized macro from another one,
Bob Bell
rpmbuild how to handle "%" in filenames.,
%config(noreplace) *AND* %verify directives for the same file,
Anders Wegge Keller
Help debug install failure, Jimmy Dorff
script vs script-let,
Re: Q: fedora-review, fonts and %_font_pkg, Nicolas Mailhot
Installing rpm module for (non-system) Python, Ran Mozes
Default Behavior of rpmbuild for stripping,
Jegathesan Durairaj
[PATCH 1/2] Update support to installplatform and rpmrc for ppc64le,
Tony Breeds
YUM groupinstall question,
Eran Ben Natan
Passing parameters from %prep to %build,
Eran Ben Natan
RPM 4.10.2 verify not showing changes of %config(noreplace) files, Joschi Brauchle
4.8.1 -> upgrade woes,
Dash Four
YUM upgrade partially installed, Eran Ben Natan
Can anyone tell me about the following products,
James R Maxwell
Configuration file .rpmsave,
Eran Ben Natan
Directory structure and version conflicts,
Fabricio Cannini
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