hello, I'm playing around a bit with the Python bindings for RPM. I made a small script which only pulls from the database what a package requires, nothing fancy. But, unlike for example 'rpm -qR <package-name>' I get some extra output. <code> #!/usr/bin/python import os, sys, rpm def readRpmHeader(ts, filename): fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDONLY) h = ts.hdrFromFdno(fd) os.close(fd) return h rpm.addMacro("_dbpath", "/usr/lib/rpmdb/i386-redhat-linux/redhat") redhatts = rpm.TransactionSet() redhatts.openDB() mi = redhatts.dbMatch('name', sys.argv[1]) for h in mi: print "%s-%s-%s" % (h['name'], h['version'], h['release']) print h.dsFromHeader('requirename') </code> If I run this script, called rpmquery.py, for example like this: $ ./rpmquery.py rpm I get as output lines like this: R textutils It prepends this `R ', which `rpm -qR' does not. I've done some digging in the RPM source, but I can't find where it gets prepended. To be honest, I find it a bit annoying that this kind of formatting is already done for me by the software. I don't think this `R ' is actually present in the RPM database itself (please correct me if I'm wrong). Is there a workaround for this, apart from stripping the first two characters? And where exactly in the source is this stuff prepended (if that is the case)? thanks in advance, armijn -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- armijn@xxxxxxxx | http://www.uulug.nl/ | UULug: Utrecht Linux Users Group --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ Rpm-list mailing list Rpm-list@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rpm-list